Religion and Spirituality of Korhash

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Since the founding of Korhash, the desert city has been open and accepting to the worship of all of the Children of Light; until 50 years ago. As part of Shian-Kurah's take over he stormed the Hall of the Gods, destroying any and all signs of worship of the Children of Light; converting the huge temple to the worship of a single diety--his patron deity Ethraeas--the God of Death; the first Child of Darkness to be worshiped in the city. Though the worship of other gods isn't forbidden, Ethraeism has become the state-religion and those in power uphold the ideals of the religion, on a public level at the very least. The High-Priests and High-Priestesses of the Temple of Ethraeus hold nearly absolute power under Shian-Kurah's obsession with death. The Sacred Brothers , triplet High-Priests raised by Shian-Kurah himself lead the practice of Ethraeism in the city.