New York Vampires
The Speaker
The Speaker is an ancient vampire, originally a Dutch scholar with a talent for languages. He was Embraced by a Venture warlord and deployed as an emissary and sometime-spy. In the 1500s, while working with John Dee, he encountered magi for the first time, thorough their writings. He became fascinated with Atlantean and other purported languages of power. In time, his researche dallowed him to tap into some of that power, creating the Discipline of Vox, and founding for himself the Vocatis bloodline.
The Speaker, whose name is long lost, is a master of nearly every language known to humans. He is certainly a master of every European, Asian, Middle Eastern and North American language known to have existed, and several that were born, used and died out with little or no recording he has mastered a variety of hand languages as well, plus some other unique methods of communication, such as the Maori facial gesture language.
The Speaker is old now, and should be in the depths of torpor right now. However, a year ago, he felt the approach of an entity of great power and hunger. In his slumber, he interpreted this as an other vampire of great age and, with difficulty, roused himself from his slumber in order to defend his domain. It turned out to be nothing of the sort, but shortly thereafter, the mages of New York disappeared.
Now, he remains half-in and half-out of his slumber, interested in what is happening. He has not made his reasons for remaining awake clear to any – his childer, the Lords of New York, are more than a little nervous by the development to say the least.
The Speaker is ancient and withered, more of a parchment-skinned mummy than a man. He is pushed about in a wheelchair by a ghoul with Down’s Syndrome, shaven bald. Beside him walks a little boy, some seven years of age or so, also bald, who holds tightly to the Speaker’s hand. The Speaker mentally speaks into the boy’s psyche, and the boy speaks on his behalf, couching his speech in a slightly British accent, in the Royal “We.”
The Children of the Speaker
The Speaker’s children, the Five Lords, are the rulers of New York’s vampire population. Carefully chosen and groomed to join each of the covenants, the Five each rule one of the Boroughs. Though they are not all the masters of their respective Covenants, their power within them is tremendous.
A gypsy woman, part of the Circle of the Crone in Queens.
- Virtue: Charity Faith Fortitude Hope Justice Prudence Temperance; Vice: Envy Gluttony Greed Lust Pride Sloth Wrath; Concept: X
- Clan: X; Covenant: X; Bloodline: X
- Attributes
- Mental: Intelligence X, Wits X, Resolve X
- Physical: Strength X, Dexterity X, Stamina X
- Social: Presence X, Manipulation X, Composure X
- Abilities
- Mental: Academics X, Computer X, Crafts X, Investigation X, Medicine X, Occult X, Politics X, Science X
- Physical: Athletics X, Brawl X, Drive X, Firearms X, Larceny X, Stealth X, Survival X, Weaponry X
- Social: Animal Ken X, Empathy X, Expression X, Intimidation X, Persuasion X, Socialize X, Streetwise X, Subterfuge X
- Merits
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- WoD: Armory: EOD (••••), Technophile (• — ••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Anti-Psi (•••••), Doubting Thomas (•), Lucid Dreamer (•), Psychic Resistance (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Territorial Familiarity (• — •••)
- Tome of the Watchtowers: Higher Calling (••), Feral Mien (•••), Friend of Beasts (• or ••)
- Guardians of the Veil: Trained Memory (•)
- Magical Traditions: Magical Tradition (••), Lu (• — •••••), Astral Adept (•••), Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (••••), Entheogen Synesthesia (•), Trip Sitter (•••)
- Sanctum and Sigil: Geomancer (•)
- Free Council: Area of Expertise (••), Crafter's Sense (••), Informative (•• or ••••), Interdisciplinary Specialty (•), Make Do (• — •••), Rational Explanation (••••), Scientist's Sense (•••), Vision (• — •••••)
- Physical: Ambidextrous (••••), Brawling Dodge (•), Direction Sense (•), Disarm (••), Fast Reflexes (• — ••), Fighting Finesse (••), Fighting Style: Boxing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Kung-Fu (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Two Weapons (• — ••••), Fleet of Foot (• — •••), Fresh Start (•), Giant (••••), Gunslinger (•••), Iron Stamina (• — •••), Iron Stomach (••), Natural Immunity (•), Quick Draw (•), Quick Healer (••••), Strong Back (•), Strong Lungs (•••), Stunt Driver (•••), Toxin Resistance (••), Weaponry Dodge (•)
- WoD: Armory: Fighting Style: Archery (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Chain Weapons (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Combat Marksmanship (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Fencing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Filipino Martial Arts (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Sniping (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Spetsnaz Knife Fighting (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Staff Fighting (• — •••)
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Fighting Style: Police Tactics (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Demolisher (• — ••)
- Social: Allies [Area] (• — •••••), Barfly (•), Contacts [Areas] (• — •••••), Fame (• — •••), Inspiring (••••), Mentor (• — •••••), Resources (• — •••••), Retainer (• — •••••), Status [Area] (• — •••••), Striking Looks (•• or ••••);
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Sworn Officer (• — ••••)
- WoD: Skinchangers: Animal Affinity (• — •••), Predator's Bearing (••), Socially Small (••), Den/Hideout (•••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Believers (• — •••••), Ghost Ally (••• — •••••), Hypnotic Voice (••••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Anonymity (•• — ••••), Fetish (• — •••), Watched (• — •••••)
- Strange Alchemies: Fighting Style: Brute Force (• — ••••), Parkour (• — •••••)
- Kindred: Haven (• — •••••), Herd (• — •••••), Status [Covenant] (• — •••••)
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- Blood Potency: X (Vitae/Turn: X); Disciplines: Animalism X, Auspex X, Celerity X, Coils of the Dragon X, Cruac X, Dominate X, Majesty X, Nightmare X, Obfuscate X, Protean X, Resilience X, Theban Sorcery X, Vigor X
- Rituals: Cruac — X; Theban Sorcery — X
- Health [Size + Stamina], Willpower [Resolve + Composure], Humanity X ([Derangements])
- Size [5], Speed [Strength + Dexterity + 5], Defense [Lowest of Dexterity and Wits], Initiative [Dexterity + Composure]
- Weapons: Weapon (Stats)
- Armor: X (equipment/source)
- Flaws: X
Prudence Mathers
A young Puritan girl, Prudence is the mistress of the Invictus in New York, though she rules in terms of what her “father” would or would not like. She holds the power of the Invictus of Manhattan.
- Virtue: Charity Faith Fortitude Hope Justice Prudence Temperance; Vice: Envy Gluttony Greed Lust Pride Sloth Wrath; Concept: X
- Clan: X; Covenant: X; Bloodline: X
- Attributes
- Mental: Intelligence X, Wits X, Resolve X
- Physical: Strength X, Dexterity X, Stamina X
- Social: Presence X, Manipulation X, Composure X
- Abilities
- Mental: Academics X, Computer X, Crafts X, Investigation X, Medicine X, Occult X, Politics X, Science X
- Physical: Athletics X, Brawl X, Drive X, Firearms X, Larceny X, Stealth X, Survival X, Weaponry X
- Social: Animal Ken X, Empathy X, Expression X, Intimidation X, Persuasion X, Socialize X, Streetwise X, Subterfuge X
- Merits
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- WoD: Armory: EOD (••••), Technophile (• — ••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Anti-Psi (•••••), Doubting Thomas (•), Lucid Dreamer (•), Psychic Resistance (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Territorial Familiarity (• — •••)
- Tome of the Watchtowers: Higher Calling (••), Feral Mien (•••), Friend of Beasts (• or ••)
- Guardians of the Veil: Trained Memory (•)
- Magical Traditions: Magical Tradition (••), Lu (• — •••••), Astral Adept (•••), Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (••••), Entheogen Synesthesia (•), Trip Sitter (•••)
- Sanctum and Sigil: Geomancer (•)
- Free Council: Area of Expertise (••), Crafter's Sense (••), Informative (•• or ••••), Interdisciplinary Specialty (•), Make Do (• — •••), Rational Explanation (••••), Scientist's Sense (•••), Vision (• — •••••)
- Physical: Ambidextrous (••••), Brawling Dodge (•), Direction Sense (•), Disarm (••), Fast Reflexes (• — ••), Fighting Finesse (••), Fighting Style: Boxing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Kung-Fu (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Two Weapons (• — ••••), Fleet of Foot (• — •••), Fresh Start (•), Giant (••••), Gunslinger (•••), Iron Stamina (• — •••), Iron Stomach (••), Natural Immunity (•), Quick Draw (•), Quick Healer (••••), Strong Back (•), Strong Lungs (•••), Stunt Driver (•••), Toxin Resistance (••), Weaponry Dodge (•)
- WoD: Armory: Fighting Style: Archery (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Chain Weapons (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Combat Marksmanship (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Fencing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Filipino Martial Arts (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Sniping (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Spetsnaz Knife Fighting (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Staff Fighting (• — •••)
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Fighting Style: Police Tactics (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Demolisher (• — ••)
- Social: Allies [Area] (• — •••••), Barfly (•), Contacts [Areas] (• — •••••), Fame (• — •••), Inspiring (••••), Mentor (• — •••••), Resources (• — •••••), Retainer (• — •••••), Status [Area] (• — •••••), Striking Looks (•• or ••••);
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Sworn Officer (• — ••••)
- WoD: Skinchangers: Animal Affinity (• — •••), Predator's Bearing (••), Socially Small (••), Den/Hideout (•••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Believers (• — •••••), Ghost Ally (••• — •••••), Hypnotic Voice (••••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Anonymity (•• — ••••), Fetish (• — •••), Watched (• — •••••)
- Strange Alchemies: Fighting Style: Brute Force (• — ••••), Parkour (• — •••••)
- Kindred: Haven (• — •••••), Herd (• — •••••), Status [Covenant] (• — •••••)
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- Blood Potency: X (Vitae/Turn: X); Disciplines: Animalism X, Auspex X, Celerity X, Coils of the Dragon X, Cruac X, Dominate X, Majesty X, Nightmare X, Obfuscate X, Protean X, Resilience X, Theban Sorcery X, Vigor X
- Rituals: Cruac — X; Theban Sorcery — X
- Health [Size + Stamina], Willpower [Resolve + Composure], Humanity X ([Derangements])
- Size [5], Speed [Strength + Dexterity + 5], Defense [Lowest of Dexterity and Wits], Initiative [Dexterity + Composure]
- Weapons: Weapon (Stats)
- Armor: X (equipment/source)
- Flaws: X
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A former Sicilian abbot, Pietus is part of the Lancea Sanctum in Brooklyn.
- Virtue: Charity Faith Fortitude Hope Justice Prudence Temperance; Vice: Envy Gluttony Greed Lust Pride Sloth Wrath; Concept: X
- Clan: X; Covenant: X; Bloodline: X
- Attributes
- Mental: Intelligence X, Wits X, Resolve X
- Physical: Strength X, Dexterity X, Stamina X
- Social: Presence X, Manipulation X, Composure X
- Abilities
- Mental: Academics X, Computer X, Crafts X, Investigation X, Medicine X, Occult X, Politics X, Science X
- Physical: Athletics X, Brawl X, Drive X, Firearms X, Larceny X, Stealth X, Survival X, Weaponry X
- Social: Animal Ken X, Empathy X, Expression X, Intimidation X, Persuasion X, Socialize X, Streetwise X, Subterfuge X
- Merits
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- WoD: Armory: EOD (••••), Technophile (• — ••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Anti-Psi (•••••), Doubting Thomas (•), Lucid Dreamer (•), Psychic Resistance (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Territorial Familiarity (• — •••)
- Tome of the Watchtowers: Higher Calling (••), Feral Mien (•••), Friend of Beasts (• or ••)
- Guardians of the Veil: Trained Memory (•)
- Magical Traditions: Magical Tradition (••), Lu (• — •••••), Astral Adept (•••), Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (••••), Entheogen Synesthesia (•), Trip Sitter (•••)
- Sanctum and Sigil: Geomancer (•)
- Free Council: Area of Expertise (••), Crafter's Sense (••), Informative (•• or ••••), Interdisciplinary Specialty (•), Make Do (• — •••), Rational Explanation (••••), Scientist's Sense (•••), Vision (• — •••••)
- Physical: Ambidextrous (••••), Brawling Dodge (•), Direction Sense (•), Disarm (••), Fast Reflexes (• — ••), Fighting Finesse (••), Fighting Style: Boxing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Kung-Fu (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Two Weapons (• — ••••), Fleet of Foot (• — •••), Fresh Start (•), Giant (••••), Gunslinger (•••), Iron Stamina (• — •••), Iron Stomach (••), Natural Immunity (•), Quick Draw (•), Quick Healer (••••), Strong Back (•), Strong Lungs (•••), Stunt Driver (•••), Toxin Resistance (••), Weaponry Dodge (•)
- WoD: Armory: Fighting Style: Archery (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Chain Weapons (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Combat Marksmanship (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Fencing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Filipino Martial Arts (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Sniping (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Spetsnaz Knife Fighting (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Staff Fighting (• — •••)
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Fighting Style: Police Tactics (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Demolisher (• — ••)
- Social: Allies [Area] (• — •••••), Barfly (•), Contacts [Areas] (• — •••••), Fame (• — •••), Inspiring (••••), Mentor (• — •••••), Resources (• — •••••), Retainer (• — •••••), Status [Area] (• — •••••), Striking Looks (•• or ••••);
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Sworn Officer (• — ••••)
- WoD: Skinchangers: Animal Affinity (• — •••), Predator's Bearing (••), Socially Small (••), Den/Hideout (•••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Believers (• — •••••), Ghost Ally (••• — •••••), Hypnotic Voice (••••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Anonymity (•• — ••••), Fetish (• — •••), Watched (• — •••••)
- Strange Alchemies: Fighting Style: Brute Force (• — ••••), Parkour (• — •••••)
- Kindred: Haven (• — •••••), Herd (• — •••••), Status [Covenant] (• — •••••)
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- Blood Potency: X (Vitae/Turn: X); Disciplines: Animalism X, Auspex X, Celerity X, Coils of the Dragon X, Cruac X, Dominate X, Majesty X, Nightmare X, Obfuscate X, Protean X, Resilience X, Theban Sorcery X, Vigor X
- Rituals: Cruac — X; Theban Sorcery — X
- Health [Size + Stamina], Willpower [Resolve + Composure], Humanity X ([Derangements])
- Size [5], Speed [Strength + Dexterity + 5], Defense [Lowest of Dexterity and Wits], Initiative [Dexterity + Composure]
- Weapons: Weapon (Stats)
- Armor: X (equipment/source)
- Flaws: X
The White Lady
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Also called the Lady of Chalk, the White Lady is an albino who dominates the Ordo Dracul in Staten Island.
- Virtue: Charity Faith Fortitude Hope Justice Prudence Temperance; Vice: Envy Gluttony Greed Lust Pride Sloth Wrath; Concept: X
- Clan: X; Covenant: X; Bloodline: X
- Attributes
- Mental: Intelligence X, Wits X, Resolve X
- Physical: Strength X, Dexterity X, Stamina X
- Social: Presence X, Manipulation X, Composure X
- Abilities
- Mental: Academics X, Computer X, Crafts X, Investigation X, Medicine X, Occult X, Politics X, Science X
- Physical: Athletics X, Brawl X, Drive X, Firearms X, Larceny X, Stealth X, Survival X, Weaponry X
- Social: Animal Ken X, Empathy X, Expression X, Intimidation X, Persuasion X, Socialize X, Streetwise X, Subterfuge X
- Merits
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- WoD: Armory: EOD (••••), Technophile (• — ••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Anti-Psi (•••••), Doubting Thomas (•), Lucid Dreamer (•), Psychic Resistance (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Territorial Familiarity (• — •••)
- Tome of the Watchtowers: Higher Calling (••), Feral Mien (•••), Friend of Beasts (• or ••)
- Guardians of the Veil: Trained Memory (•)
- Magical Traditions: Magical Tradition (••), Lu (• — •••••), Astral Adept (•••), Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (••••), Entheogen Synesthesia (•), Trip Sitter (•••)
- Sanctum and Sigil: Geomancer (•)
- Free Council: Area of Expertise (••), Crafter's Sense (••), Informative (•• or ••••), Interdisciplinary Specialty (•), Make Do (• — •••), Rational Explanation (••••), Scientist's Sense (•••), Vision (• — •••••)
- Physical: Ambidextrous (••••), Brawling Dodge (•), Direction Sense (•), Disarm (••), Fast Reflexes (• — ••), Fighting Finesse (••), Fighting Style: Boxing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Kung-Fu (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Two Weapons (• — ••••), Fleet of Foot (• — •••), Fresh Start (•), Giant (••••), Gunslinger (•••), Iron Stamina (• — •••), Iron Stomach (••), Natural Immunity (•), Quick Draw (•), Quick Healer (••••), Strong Back (•), Strong Lungs (•••), Stunt Driver (•••), Toxin Resistance (••), Weaponry Dodge (•)
- WoD: Armory: Fighting Style: Archery (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Chain Weapons (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Combat Marksmanship (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Fencing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Filipino Martial Arts (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Sniping (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Spetsnaz Knife Fighting (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Staff Fighting (• — •••)
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Fighting Style: Police Tactics (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Demolisher (• — ••)
- Social: Allies [Area] (• — •••••), Barfly (•), Contacts [Areas] (• — •••••), Fame (• — •••), Inspiring (••••), Mentor (• — •••••), Resources (• — •••••), Retainer (• — •••••), Status [Area] (• — •••••), Striking Looks (•• or ••••);
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Sworn Officer (• — ••••)
- WoD: Skinchangers: Animal Affinity (• — •••), Predator's Bearing (••), Socially Small (••), Den/Hideout (•••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Believers (• — •••••), Ghost Ally (••• — •••••), Hypnotic Voice (••••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Anonymity (•• — ••••), Fetish (• — •••), Watched (• — •••••)
- Strange Alchemies: Fighting Style: Brute Force (• — ••••), Parkour (• — •••••)
- Kindred: Haven (• — •••••), Herd (• — •••••), Status [Covenant] (• — •••••)
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- Blood Potency: X (Vitae/Turn: X); Disciplines: Animalism X, Auspex X, Celerity X, Coils of the Dragon X, Cruac X, Dominate X, Majesty X, Nightmare X, Obfuscate X, Protean X, Resilience X, Theban Sorcery X, Vigor X
- Rituals: Cruac — X; Theban Sorcery — X
- Health [Size + Stamina], Willpower [Resolve + Composure], Humanity X ([Derangements])
- Size [5], Speed [Strength + Dexterity + 5], Defense [Lowest of Dexterity and Wits], Initiative [Dexterity + Composure]
- Weapons: Weapon (Stats)
- Armor: X (equipment/source)
- Flaws: X
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The closest thing the Carthians of the Bronx have to a leader, Dominic is the proverbial black sheep, rarely agreeing with his siblings on anything, and with a band of rowdy toughs ready to back him up on anything.
- Virtue: Charity Faith Fortitude Hope Justice Prudence Temperance; Vice: Envy Gluttony Greed Lust Pride Sloth Wrath; Concept: X
- Clan: X; Covenant: X; Bloodline: X
- Attributes
- Mental: Intelligence X, Wits X, Resolve X
- Physical: Strength X, Dexterity X, Stamina X
- Social: Presence X, Manipulation X, Composure X
- Abilities
- Mental: Academics X, Computer X, Crafts X, Investigation X, Medicine X, Occult X, Politics X, Science X
- Physical: Athletics X, Brawl X, Drive X, Firearms X, Larceny X, Stealth X, Survival X, Weaponry X
- Social: Animal Ken X, Empathy X, Expression X, Intimidation X, Persuasion X, Socialize X, Streetwise X, Subterfuge X
- Merits
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- WoD: Armory: EOD (••••), Technophile (• — ••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Anti-Psi (•••••), Doubting Thomas (•), Lucid Dreamer (•), Psychic Resistance (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Territorial Familiarity (• — •••)
- Tome of the Watchtowers: Higher Calling (••), Feral Mien (•••), Friend of Beasts (• or ••)
- Guardians of the Veil: Trained Memory (•)
- Magical Traditions: Magical Tradition (••), Lu (• — •••••), Astral Adept (•••), Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (••••), Entheogen Synesthesia (•), Trip Sitter (•••)
- Sanctum and Sigil: Geomancer (•)
- Free Council: Area of Expertise (••), Crafter's Sense (••), Informative (•• or ••••), Interdisciplinary Specialty (•), Make Do (• — •••), Rational Explanation (••••), Scientist's Sense (•••), Vision (• — •••••)
- Physical: Ambidextrous (••••), Brawling Dodge (•), Direction Sense (•), Disarm (••), Fast Reflexes (• — ••), Fighting Finesse (••), Fighting Style: Boxing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Kung-Fu (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Two Weapons (• — ••••), Fleet of Foot (• — •••), Fresh Start (•), Giant (••••), Gunslinger (•••), Iron Stamina (• — •••), Iron Stomach (••), Natural Immunity (•), Quick Draw (•), Quick Healer (••••), Strong Back (•), Strong Lungs (•••), Stunt Driver (•••), Toxin Resistance (••), Weaponry Dodge (•)
- WoD: Armory: Fighting Style: Archery (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Chain Weapons (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Combat Marksmanship (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Fencing (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Filipino Martial Arts (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Sniping (• — •••••), Fighting Style: Spetsnaz Knife Fighting (• — ••••), Fighting Style: Staff Fighting (• — •••)
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Fighting Style: Police Tactics (• — •••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Demolisher (• — ••)
- Social: Allies [Area] (• — •••••), Barfly (•), Contacts [Areas] (• — •••••), Fame (• — •••), Inspiring (••••), Mentor (• — •••••), Resources (• — •••••), Retainer (• — •••••), Status [Area] (• — •••••), Striking Looks (•• or ••••);
- WoD: 13th Precinct: Sworn Officer (• — ••••)
- WoD: Skinchangers: Animal Affinity (• — •••), Predator's Bearing (••), Socially Small (••), Den/Hideout (•••)
- WoD: Second Sight: Believers (• — •••••), Ghost Ally (••• — •••••), Hypnotic Voice (••••)
- Blood of the Wolf: Anonymity (•• — ••••), Fetish (• — •••), Watched (• — •••••)
- Strange Alchemies: Fighting Style: Brute Force (• — ••••), Parkour (• — •••••)
- Kindred: Haven (• — •••••), Herd (• — •••••), Status [Covenant] (• — •••••)
- Mental: Common Sense (••••), Danger Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (•), Meditative Mind (•)
- Blood Potency: X (Vitae/Turn: X); Disciplines: Animalism X, Auspex X, Celerity X, Coils of the Dragon X, Cruac X, Dominate X, Majesty X, Nightmare X, Obfuscate X, Protean X, Resilience X, Theban Sorcery X, Vigor X
- Rituals: Cruac — X; Theban Sorcery — X
- Health [Size + Stamina], Willpower [Resolve + Composure], Humanity X ([Derangements])
- Size [5], Speed [Strength + Dexterity + 5], Defense [Lowest of Dexterity and Wits], Initiative [Dexterity + Composure]
- Weapons: Weapon (Stats)
- Armor: X (equipment/source)
- Flaws: X