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(New page: =='''After We Defeated Andaro and Returned the Heart of Hunger to Nir:'''== The Drudge and most the kobolds vanish from the upper halls of Nir. The surviving Chosen begin to emerge. The...)
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Revision as of 01:10, 8 January 2013

After We Defeated Andaro and Returned the Heart of Hunger to Nir:

The Drudge and most the kobolds vanish from the upper halls of Nir. The surviving Chosen begin to emerge. They will seek out the party to present gifts of thanks; salvaged works of art, obsidian trinkets, jewelry & gems, precious bars of metal, old family suits of armor or weapons, etc - non-magical as the Drudge Sorcerers had long ago looted the magic of Nir for themselves or to feed to the Hunger (you can sell your portion for about 200gp).
Lila is officially recognized as the Mayor and Zazaz is honored and given the title Ambassador of Nir and Representative of the Chosen. Lila plans to erect a memorial for the many people who died in the attack on Ree. The memorial will also include a statue of the Witch Naru and Sorlandira.

Frederik is rebuilding Aidan’s home and shop. He received a very generous no-interest loan from the wealthy merchant who you had returned the betrothal ring of their late heir that you had found in the Archives.
Old Anders oldest son and his wife cannot have children of their own; they are going to adopt Eina (cat-girl) and raise her as a daughter if the party is amiable to the idea.

Old Anders also gives Bran a detailed account on the best route to the centaur controlled lands to the southeast and some tips on how to interact with them and their culture. Enkul, who had chosen to become guardian of his niece (name on notepad) was a member of the Shatiki tribe. They are nomadic, so he is unable to give a specific location of where they would be.

Ebenezer has been summoned back to Obsidian in the North. Ashtir has always wanted to see the North and plans on traveling with him. Ebenezer is leaving his shop in the capable hands of young Brook, who has also revealed her true form to the Reefolk and no longer wears the disguise. Ashtir will return to stand by Aidan’s side when he is ready to retake his throne.

The hobbit refugees relocate to the halls just within the South Gate, where the Strong Clan is spreading out. They plan to begin to cultivate the fertile land just outside the gate and build a new home for themselves. A small handful of hobbits and some Reefolk who had lost their homes in the attack volunteer to relocate to Atola and begin new lives as pioneers amongst the strange Kuth population who are already moving into the abandoned town.

The Maintainer tribes have started making contact with other survivors and are finding discarded Factotum slaves left behind by the Drudge. Much of the know how and skills of Maintainers has been lost as some of the tribes have been wiped out entirely. Brave volunteers from the Docks tribe have stepped forward to be Repurposed, knowing the risk and what they will be losing. Zazaz and Skitik are performing the repurposing ceremony, discarding the Nirish mask and giving the volunteers their old names, seeking to forever discard the instinctual adoration for the Nir in the process. This process is allowing the Chosen to start to reclaim a variety of functions within Nir.

A small handful of non-Chosen, led by Ned and Yikbak, have willingly remained behind and are helping. Many of them, having to soul-task, are taking on a variety of duties, including reconstruction, clean-up and fulfilling the roles that the Drudge had been designed for. They are working with the Ree engineers and other Chosen to develop new ways to keep the sewers and ductworks running smoothly without the Drudge upkeep.

Darkfolk and rock trolls seem to be a common problem, one that has gotten worse with the absence of the powerful Drudge. The Strong Clan have started patrols within Nir to fight the invaders back and protect the residents.
You receive word that the Princess, who had moved her forces out of the now blighted southern Sedas forests before the blight struck, having received and acted on Sorlandira’s warning, has been pronounced Queen of Sedas and that she and her forces have taken up residence in the elven city of Jilaris. Knights and volunteers are tending to the many dead of Rhys and are sending ships with the dead into the West. They have not decided what to do with the city itself. Most seem intent on abandoning the great city, seeing it as a grand memorial to the dead. The poison knights are being rounded up and trialed for their crimes.

Word reaches them that the High Commander and his adviser, Innes had survived the chaos in Principal City. Having not trusted the elves, they had remained outside the city when the Nefarious Machine had been activated. Now he is summoning the militia together and massing his scattered troops. For what is not yet known.

A lizardfolk messenger, Taproot’s son, arrives in Ree with a message from House Nolan. Danu had successfully united Nolan and Etris under his claim and four of the larger orc clans have signed a treaty and formed an alliance. He has raised it to the board of Hana lords that the southern portion of his family lands be recognized as the first ever orcish nation. The orcs of course continue to argue over what it will be called and more importantly what creature will obviously be best to represent their people as national heraldry. Danu has sent messages to the Queen in Sedas, the gnolls and dwarves in Carthegon (dwarven city well beyond the gate city of Olmon) to discuss an alliance. Events and forces are in motion. It will not be so long before it is time for Aidan to return and lead those who are loyal to him with an alliance of nations to retake his rightful throne.

Kanith, as expected, chooses to remain neutral. A number of clergy, mostly paladins and inquisitors have relocated and established temporary bases of operations in Hana where they seek to lend their aid to the cause of fighting against the danger that Gir has become. Some of the Kanith enclaves, such as the Hill, have thrown their support in with the growing alliance as well. Most surprising is that the Church of Corinth has publicly announced their support of Imperial Prince Aidan of the House of Crows. The rat priests have not taken an active role in...well much of anything, much less politics in well over two centuries.

Toba, being only a psychic echo lingering in some of the psionic crystal machines in Nir had spent too much of his energy to be as active as he had been. He bids Barron farewell and then fades, the only traces of him living on in only memory and within the reliquary Barron carries.

About a week after the Heart was restored to Nir, the Girish airship arrived over Ree. Having been warned ahead of time that it wasn't another invasion, the people of Ree stood and watched in awe as it approached and its people disembarked upon the roof of the Twin Dawn. Within two days, IT was known by every citizen of Ree that an Emperor had been living in secrecy amongst them. All of Aiden's old girlfriends, and all of those who had never been suddenly became interested in catching his eye. Many Reefolk have started calling him, "my lord", "your grace", "your highness", "sir", "my king" - each not sure exactly what they're supposed to call him now. When informed to just call him Aiden, some do, some agree by saying "yes my lord", etc.

Sir Felwin Mallard seems largely ornamental. While amiable, he says very little, but will answer questions if asked. He seems to take his role as honor guard very seriously, and seems to have a great deal of pride in his appearance and position. His icy blue eyes tend to burn holes through people who he feels are being disrespectful to Aiden, thus more and more Reefolk have started using titles (mostly wrong) to address him. Old Anders will not let him inside the house, making him "honor guard" the front door. He obviously dislikes this and seems to want to stab the old man with his spear each time they meet.

Some of the Reefolk have approached Barron and ask him about technology. They have always been told by the witches and by other priests of the gods that it should be abhorred, that it will bring about the end of days. But...they live and rely upon the technology of Nir. Ebenezer, Bran and Brook (who has become quite the spectacle - she's regretting having "come out of the rat hole") use technology. So...is it bad?

Grumpy Witches

More and more of the Reefolk are turning to the gods. The “Little Brothers” as the young ex-ruffians are calling themselves have set up pews in the shrine. Several of them and Tam “Ratman” have approached Barron, seeking to be taught the ways of the pantheon clerics so that they may one day make the pilgrimage to The Lance to be accepted.

The growing faith of the gods is causing growing strife between the witches and Reefolk. The Witch Eddagru has taken to lurking around the entrance to the dwarven district, taking note of those who are attending the godly meetings and "just being creepy" at everyone. Other witches have began to refuse their normal services to those who give credence to Barron and his gods. And several Reefolk, mostly amongst the godsfolk, make claims that they’ve been hexed by an angry witch (typically not true).

One angry witch was heard yelling at some people outside the District, "This is our land and has been for longer than this place has been called Ree. You and your gods are not welcome here. You should take heed, before nature chooses to see you as an aggressor and takes action."

The Witch Naru and the Curse of Al-Lorin

Naru manages to break into one of Barron’s Pete-dreams. He’s at a sports bar with friends enjoying wings & beer while watching football on a massive screen. The Witch Naru enters the bar and looks around. She spots him and walks over to join them. She greedily stuffs her face with several of his wings and downs his beer in one long draw.

"It may be dream stuff, but it feels like it’s been ages since I last ate. Barron, I’ve intruded into your....very unusual dream to tell you what I have learned. My fate is sealed, I am gone - or who I was is, leaving some *thing* in my place. But I sent forth this dreaming to find you before I had lost too much of myself to the wraith. I have found the location of the artifact. I will show you."

She reaches across the table and touches your forehead; images flood your mind, streets, buildings, walls, interiors and a series of underground complexes. You open your eyes and you are awake. You know exactly where within Al-Lorin the corrupted artifact lies. And with this knowledge you could lift the curse that has afflicted the once great port city and free the thousands of tormented souls to pass on to the gods.