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|guildname=The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors
|guildname=The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors
|guildhall=Tower of the Order, Street of Bells, [[Castle Ward of Waterdeep|Castle Ward]]
|guildhall=Tower of the Order, Street of Bells, [[Castle Ward of Waterdeep|Castle Ward]]
|master=Bowgentra Summertaen, Lady Master of the Order
|master='''Bowgentra Summertaen''', Lady Master of the Order
|contact=Jonnus Torgorn, Speaker for the Order, Tower of the Order
|contact='''Jonnus Torgorn''', Speaker for the Order, Tower of the Order
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==Notable Members==
==Notable Members==
{| align="none" border="0" style="background: white"
{| align="none" border="0" style="background: white"
| [[Image:xxx.jpg|left|150px]] || '''xxx'''<br>''Lady Master of the Order''<br>xxx
| [[Image:Bowgentra-summertaen.jpg|left|150px]] || '''Bowgentra Summertaen'''<br>''Lady Master of the Order (Rank 10)''<br>xxx
|- style="background: gainsboro"
|- style="background: gainsboro"
|[[Image:xxx.jpg|center|150px]] || '''Jonnus Torgorn'''<br>''Speaker for the Order (Rank 8)''<br>xxx
|[[Image:xxx.jpg|center|150px]] || '''xxx'''<br>''Arcane Watchlord of the Waterdeep Watch''<br>xxx
|[[Image:xxx.jpg|center|150px]] || '''xxx'''<br>''Arcane Watchlord of the Waterdeep Watch''<br>xxx

Revision as of 15:09, 22 January 2019

The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors
Tower of the Order, Street of Bells, Castle Ward
Guild Master
Bowgentra Summertaen, Lady Master of the Order
Primary Contact
Jonnus Torgorn, Speaker for the Order, Tower of the Order
Other Guild Members
Membership: 513
Dark purple cloaks, with a white human hand, fingers together and uppermost, on the left shoulder.
Entry Dues: 35 gp and majority vote of the members • Annual Dues: 7 gp/month
Goods & Services
Scrolls: prices vary
Spells Cast: prices vary
Minor Magic Items: prices vary
• Fire Guard: 5 gp per night
Spell Guard: 10 gp per day
Member Shops
Faction Details
Common Descriptors: {{{descriptors}}}
Primary Classes: {{{classes}}}
Alignments: {{{alignments}}}
Faction Ranks

Where once this guild was a haven for less-powerful wizards seeking to influence more powerful peers to be judicious and cautious in the wielding of their power, the Watchful Order is now the central established authority for wizardly power in Waterdeep, full stop. All wizards and sorcerers are required to establish membership with the guild if they intend to call Waterdeep home, and only guild members are exempt from rules against the use of magic outside of private residences. In return, however, the Watchful Order has a responsibility to protect Waterdeep from magical dangers and threats, aiding by various degrees the Lords, the Guilds, the Watch, and the Guard however they are called upon to do so.

  • The membership gains great benefits through the Order: Members can readily communicate with fellow members to arrange training and buy magical information with assurances that they are not dealing with charlatans (the Order will expel and publicly vilify members who practice deceit on fellow members).
  • Members can readily purchase rare material components (such components are not cheap, but the time necessary to procure them personally is saved) from the golem-guarded cellars of the Tower of the Order. Member and nonmember adventurers can make fairly good money by selling materials to the Order, but they won't buy overpriced or overstocked substances.
  • Once the Watchful Order became well established in the City of Splendors, they began selling minor magical items and scrolls (of a single spell each) to their members. A member of the Order may, of course, resell a scroll or item purchased from the Order to a nonmember (usually for a 75% markup). This resale is rarely done, since the Order will stop selling items to a member who does it too often. The Order makes these items and scrolls available to its members.
  • Members short of cash can earn ready money by serving as fire guards, spell guards, or firefighters (see "Guard Duty" below).

Guard Duty

  • A fire guard is hired for a building (often only when it con- tains valuables, although DMs should note that many nobles consider themselves valuable, night and day, as long as their money holds out) for 5 gold pieces/night. The guild keeps 1 gold piece of the fee, and gives the guarding member 4 gold pieces. Such duty consists of loading up with affect normal fires, cone of cold, conjure water elemental, and similar spells and standing watch, with a guardian pigeon. If the pigeon is released, it will fly back to the Tower, and firefighting mages will come quickly, sometimes by aerial steed (the Lady Master has a Pegasus, who will carry one other with her, so long as Mhair is mounted too).
  • Firefighting mages, of whom the Order retains four to six a night, are paid 9 gold pieces each by the Order directly. If summoned by a fire guard, they cost the building owner nothing. If they arrive to fight an unguarded building, the city will pay the Order a fee of 10 gold pieces per building if the owner cannot be found, is deceased, or is unwilling to pay. Otherwise, owners are charged 10 gold pieces per fire-fighting mage.
  • A spell guard costs 10 gold pieces per day (of which the Order gets 1 gold piece, and the guard 9 gold pieces), and the duty is simply accompanying a merchant, noble, or other paranoid individual through a day of living, partying, or working, to detect and counter spells cast at him or her (obviously, detect magic and dispel magic are needed here).

Notable Members

Bowgentra Summertaen
Lady Master of the Order (Rank 10)
Jonnus Torgorn
Speaker for the Order (Rank 8)
Arcane Watchlord of the Waterdeep Watch

Spells of the Order

Spells Cast

Spell Cost
identify 20 gp
arcane lock 40 gp
continual flame 40 gp
dispel magic 90 gp
glyph of warding 90 gp
remove curse 90 gp
Mordenkainen's private sanctum 210 gp

Spell Scrolls for Sale

Cantrips: control flames (35 gp, EEPC), light (35 gp), mending (25 gp), prestidigitation (25 gp)
First Level: comprehend languages (60 gp), detect magic (50 gp), identify (65 gp), protection from good and evil (65 gp), shield (55 gp)
Second Level: arcane lock (180 gp), darkvision (175 gp), knock (180 gp), locate object (175 gp), reveal magic (180 gp, see below), wound bind (170 gp, see below)
Third Level: dispel magic (325 gp), glyph of warding (350 gp), remove curse (300 gp), tongues (325 gp), water breathing (350 gp)
Fourth Level: arcane eye (950 gp)

Magic Items for Sale

Common: broom of evercleaning (100 gp) • stamp of the messenger, silver (150 gp)
Uncommon: dagger of homing (650 gp) • stamp of the messenger, gold (500 gp)

The Order created the following spells, and offers them for sale.

Reveal Magic

2nd-level divination (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You can make the hidden auras of magical spells and items visible to all, rather than personally viewing them with detect magic. When cast, the spell reveals all magic within a 20 foot radius as radiance, and you may move around an area while the spell is active, as it remains centered on you. The magic does not differentiate between different intensities or types of magic when used thus.

Anyone may choose to study a source of magic within the revealed area in order to learn more about it. This requires an Intelligence (Arcana) check, DC 14, with success revealing a rough idea of the intensity of the magic (as determined by spell level or magical item rarity), and the primary color of the studied radiance revealing to what school of magic that effect belongs.

Like detect magic, this spell is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the area affected by the spell increases by 10 feet in radius per spell level above 2nd.

Wound Bind

2nd-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You can cause wounds to stop bleeding and being knitting immediately, drawing on the body's own natural vitality to do so. The target you touch with this spell may immediately spend one hit die as a Reaction, rolling it and adding his Constitution bonus to the result, gaining that many hit points.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the target may spend one additional hit die for every spell level above 2nd.

Magic Items of the Order

The Order created the following magic items, and offers them for sale.

Broom of Evercleaning

Wondrous item, common
This pedestrian magic item is in great demand, and thus far only the only source of them is the Order. They are magical cleaning tools - when a command word is spoken, the broom animates and vigorously cleans a 10 foot radius circle around its starting point, leaving a small pile to be collected later. This process takes only two minutes for the entire twenty foot diameter circle. The magic in the broom lasts for one year, and it eventually crumbles into its own swept pile of dust.

Dagger of Homing

Weapon, uncommon
These appear to be daggers of average heft, balanced for throwing. They all come with a leather sheath with a metal mouth, and the engraved designs on the weapon's hilt flow down to the mouth of the sheathe - when it is sheathed, it is difficult to tell where weapon ends and sheathe begins. When the dagger is separated from its sheathe for more than a heartbeat or two, it immediately teleports back into its sheathe unless it is actively being held by the one who bears the sheathe. The bearer may also choose to delay this teleportation by up to one minute. The dagger has no magical bonuses to hit or damage otherwise, however.

Stamp of the Messenger

Wondrous item, common (silver) or uncommon (gold)
These stamps are made to order only, as they must incorporate the heraldry of the purchaser in question, and the Watchful Order is careful to work with the other Guilds and the Herald of Waterdeep to ensure that only legitimate persons are given stamps of official heraldry. There are two of these stamps: the more common silver, and the uncommon gold.

Silver stamps are well-crafted wax stamps, with silver handle. When applied to a document, edges of an envelope or edge of a rolled scroll and the command word is spoken, it immediately creates a blob of silvery wax, imprints it with the sigil on the stamp, and then rapidly dries, sealing it perfectly.

Golden stamps have one additional feature - the circle which surrounds the heraldry has wings incorporated into its design. When a second command word is spoken, and the name of the intended recipient (who must be known to the user and within two miles by crow), the wings pull themselves free of the surrounding wax and begin to flap with the speed of a dragonfly's wings, flying away (flying speed of 60, at a height of about ten feet off the ground), heading directly to the one so named. If that person is not a viable target (they are too far away, for instance), the wings simply do not move at all.

Historical Eras