Jace Evans

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Jason "Jace" Evans
Jace Jacket.jpg
Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 2;
Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2;
Presence 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 3
Mental: Academics 2, Computer 2 (Internet)

Physical: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Drive 1, Larceny 2, Weaponry 1
Social: Empathy 1, Expression 1 (Acting), Intimidation 2, Persuasion 2, Socialize 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3 (Misdirection)

Mental: None

Physical: None
Social: Allies 1, Contacts 2 (Drug Culture, Internet Sex Trade), Resources 2, Striking Looks 1
Fighting: Improvised Weaponry 1
Supernatural: Pack 1

Health: 7, Willpower: 5, Size: 5, Speed: 11, Defense: 4 (Armor: None), Initiative: 6
Werewolf Traits
Harmony: {{{Harmony}}}, Primal Urge: {{{PrimalUrge}}}, Essence: {{{Essence}}} (max)
Refinements: {{{Enhancements}}}
Pack Tactics: {{{PackTactics}}}
Gifts: {{{Gifts}}}
Rites: {{{Rites}}}
Werewolf Abilities
Essence: 1E to increase Physical stat by +1 for one scene
Regeneration: 1B per turn, 1Ess to heal 1L; Lethal heals at 15min interval; +Primal Urge to all healing rolls
Senses: +Primal Urge to perception; low light, hearing sensitivity (factor of 10), scent, tracking
Feral Wolf
Triggers: {{{FeralTriggers}}}
Current Conditions
Embarrassing Secret
A secret; could turn into Notoriety if revealed.
Possible Sources: Any action that has to be kept secret for fear of ostracism.
Resolution: The character’s secret is made public, or the character does whatever is necessary to make sure it never comes to light.


Born: June 11, 1991

Jace transferred to the University of Astoria last year from DePaul University in Chicago. He had been a freshman in DePaul's Driehaus College of Business, but an interest in green industry, especially renewable energy technology, drew him to the emerging scene in Astoria. He continues to pursue a business degree but also dabbles in environmental and marine engineering.

His looks and somewhat aloof allure quickly made him a fixture in the school's party scene, and it didn't hurt that he always had money, drugs, and alcohol to share when he saw fit. It became clear to many, however, that Jace came from a background of privilege, and no one seemed to meet his standards for anything more than passing acquaintance. By the end of his first year, Jace made few friends and yet everyone knew him.

A few have noted that Jace puts much stock in his possessions, and his dorm room is filled with high end electronics and designer furniture and clothing. He intends to replace his aging silver blue Mustang with a cherry red Ducati Superbike this year. After spending the summer in Astoria to fit a few extra classes in, Jace realized that he has outgrown his dorm room, so he is also on the hunt for an off campus apartment.

Outside of classes and partying, Jace spends a lot of time at the gym honing his physique. He was on the swim team in high school and continues to hit the pool, though he no longer competes. He also boxes, but not with much dedication. Jace finds the ocean comforting, and he sometimes goes crabbing with a few other interested students and faculty members, a group organized by the Dean of Students Tessa Edmonton on her boat The Rain Maid.



  • Virtue: Generosity: Although he has had little practice in virtue, Jace finds fulfillment in giving freely to others the things he covets. He is especially drawn to those who have little of their own and come from poverty-stricken backgrounds, which he takes great pains to hide.
  • Vice: Superiority: When things really aren't going well, Jace's surest source of solace lies in affirming that he is a person deserving of a status above others. Often, he acts this out through sexual domination, choosing someone he previously rejected to now receive their much desired night. They receive instead a night of sexual humiliation, verbal abuse, and degradation so that they learn they should never have presumed they could have him in the first place.
  • Aspirations:
    • Buy a cherry red Ducati
    • Find Harris Clayton
    • Recruit more cam boys
  • Integrity: 6
  • Breaking Points:
    • Passing responsibility off to someone's detriment
    • Injuring someone who is threatening his status
    • Seeing sexual assault
    • Being held down with cologne-like odors present
    • Seeing a child in distress who is alone


  • Possessions: High end electronics including a laptop and tablet, designer everything, an aging silver blue Mustang, a silver cross pendant
  • Weapons: Looks, fists, and scorn
  • Other Notes:

Merit Details

Friends and Family


Family seems to be a sore spot. All Jace ever says when pressed is that he intends to make a name for himself, leading many to believe he may be estranged from a wealthy family of note.


Thomas Michael Craig
The Party Buddy
Jace bumped into Thomas at a party during Freshman orientation while sharing a joint. He inexplicably took a shine to Thomas, showing more than his usual amount of warmth. They run in many of the same social circles, and Jace is always certain to greet Thomas with a few party favors and kind words.
Henry Mulgrew
The Lab Partner
Henry caught Jace at the right time just before the start of term, when Jace was on ecstasy and horny enough to take some random to bed. Henry proved a good enough experience that Jace didn't regret it, but Henry's limited status means it went no further. When they became lab partners, Jace was concerned that it was going to be awkward, but Henry seems content to leave the hookup for what it was, so Jace is happy to keep things friendly. Besides, having an available jock on hand who could increase his standing at school with a championship under his belt can't hurt.
Dane Ryerman
The Dealer
Jace made it a point to find one of the best drug dealers in Astoria when he arrived in town, which led him to Dane. The man had other, longer term customers, so Jace ensured his priority by offering a little more than money in return. Some oral here and there, even the occasional overnight, keeps Jace flush with recreational substances. Of course, knowing his fellow students' scorn toward the old hippie, Jace demands discretion in their exchanges. Still, he himself has a soft spot for the man, who represents a reprieve from the constant maintenance of his image at school.
Melissa "Sissy" Thompson
The Occasional FWB
Melissa spent the better part of last year trailing Jace at parties, but he ignored her. However, after a disastrous Chemistry midterm in the spring, Jace finally gave into her advances to work out some of his frustration. She surprised him by being a far more willing participant in her own degradation than expected, and Jace has seen her several times since. She confided that her childhood nickname was Sissy, which Jace gleefully started using in their encounters, and she has adopted its use more broadly since. Sissy is the closest thing Jace has to a dating situation, but she is wise enough not to try to push any further.
Tommy Halloran
The Townie
A good-looking townie in his early twenties who frequently spends time in Jace's dorm room behind locked doors. Jace's neighbors assume his presence has something to do with drugs or sex, or possibly both.


Harris Clayton
The Study Partner
A sophomore that Jace met last year, Harris is one of the few regular visitors to Jace's dorm room, where they sequester themselves to study. Harris is a bright student, and many assume that he has helped pull Jace through some of his more advanced science classes, some even speculating the sophomore does some of Jace's work for him.

Potential Romantic Interests

Aedia Randall
The Sorority Princess
Everyone has someone they know in their heart is unobtainable, and for Jace, that's Aedia Randall. She meets all of Jace's requirements for a worthwhile relationship. The trouble is, she exceeds all of them so much that Jace would never dream of approaching her, and he's been at a loss for how to get her to notice him. Now that he has gotten her attention, he'd like to keep it, but he knows he'll have to keep his cool with her. Thinking that this is what impresses her, Jace becomes an overbearing alpha male in her presence, and his friends tend to disappear when she's around. Then again, maybe it's just the drugs that keep her interest, but whatever works. Jace is currently swooning over Aedia.
Davis Monk
The Workout Partner
Jace was attracted to Davis when he met him, but it was seeing him in action at the Bonfire party that really turned Jace on. Fortunately, things have gone pretty well, despite the fact that Jace's attempts at recruiting Davis for the business didn't work out. Jace is content now that they're fooling around outside of the gym (and sometimes in it), and he still hopes that Davis will loosen up enough to perform on camera eventually. He's certainly been okay with the few times Jace has filmed them privately, even if he did make Jace delete the files afterward. Jace finds Davis's taciturn nature and somewhat "on the down low" sexuality charming. Plus, it's convenient for him at the moment while he's focused on Aedia, so he's not looking to change anything with Davis right now.
Lena Wahlman
Barista at Kaffe
Lena is gorgeous and seems temptingly fresh and wholesome, but Jace has only seen her once since he rarely goes to Kaffe. Too many other things have been on his mind lately, so he hasn't really given her much thought beyond remembering that there's this hot girl who works there. Since Jace tends to only really be interested in women whom he thinks are too good for him, the possibility that she might be above his bad boy act intrigues him, though.
Henry Mulgrew
The Lab Partner and Hookup
This kid. The situation started off normal enough, but it just keeps getting stranger. Although he was a pretty good lay and has kept his cool about the hookup afterward, he's also obviously on steroids and weirdly reclusive. Jace likes Henry for some reason he can't quite put his finger on, and he's pretty sure he could get Henry in bed again if he tried, but he admires the fact that Henry isn't pushing for anything more. The bro down only increased that admiration. Maybe something will happen some late night after studying, who knows?



A description of your characters day to day life.

  • Downtime Condition: Hardworking. Jace is determined to succeed and industrious in his efforts, spending much of his free time tending to the needs of his website, whether that's new content, updates to the design, advertising and the like.
  • Money: Jace always has plenty of cash on hand for a college student, a never ending supply to most students' eyes.
  • Clothing & Jewelry: Jace favors skinny jeans, leather pants, Ed Hardy or plain but expensive white t-shirts, designer tank tops, tight v necks (when he bothers to wear a shirt at all), baseball caps, and sunglasses in a broader range of circumstances than necessary. It's also usually evident that he wears fashion briefs. Often, he completes his ensemble with a silver cross pendant that means nothing.
  • Communication: Text, chat, e-mail, all non-committal.
  • Food: No carbs, lots of protein and veggies
  • Housing: His dorm room (316 in Bendall Hall) is overfull of high end electronics and designer furniture and clothing. Despite its density, Jace keeps his room spotless.
  • Days: Classes and the gym, usually hitting the gym once in the morning and again in the afternoon. Jace sometimes grabs lunch with Henry at the Wet Dog Cafe after their lab together, and a few other students, among them Thomas and Sissy, randomly join them.
    • Fall 2012 Classes: BUS 301 - Prescriptive Business Analytics, ECON 303 - Financial Management, MARENG 231 - Wave and Fluid Mechanics, MGMT 301 - Organizational Behavior, PHYS 101 - Physics Fundamentals
  • Evenings: If there are any worthwhile parties at night, Jace is likely to be there. He's a regular at the Crossroads, where everyone goes to put in face time. Jace hates being interrupted while studying, so he's often sequestered in his room away from distractions for a few hours a night.


Character Experiences
Current Beats: 0
Unspent Experiences: 4
Spent Experiences: 7
Experiences Earned
• June 25th: 2 beats
• July 9th: 5 beats
• July 23rd: 4 beats
• August 6th: 7 beats
• August 20th: 4 beats
• September 3rd: 4 beats
• September 17th: 7 beats
• October 1st: 5 beats
• October 29th: 4 beats
• November 12th: 4 beats
• November 26th: 5 beats
• December 10th: 4 beats
Strength 3, Athletics 2, Pack 1