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Character Record

CG Elven (scindo) Sorcerer, 3rd Level

  • Ability Scores: Strength 13 (+1), Dexterity 15 (+2), Constitution 13 (+1), Intelligence 16 (+3), Wisdom 15 (+2), Charisma 17 (+3)


Current Bonus: +2

  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma
  • Skills: Arcana, Insight, Perception, Search
  • Tools: Mounts (land), Navigator's tools, Gaming set
  • Weapons: Quarterstaffs, gaggers, darts, slings, light crossbows, longbow, shortbow, long sword, short sword
  • Armor: None

Traits & Languages

  • Traits: Wanderer, Arcane Recovery
    • Wanderer: You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.
    • Arcane Recovery: Once per day during a short rest, you can regain some magical energy. You choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is less than or equal to half your level (round up), and none of the slots can be 6th lvl or higher.
  • Languages: Threxantran, Misantil, ??, ??, ??


  • Hit Points: 19, Hit Dice: 3d6
  • Initiative: +2, Speed: 30 ft
  • Armor Class: # (Armor: # + Dex Mod: 2)


  • TYPE: Bonus: +#, Damage & Effects: xx, Weight: xx


Hawk, name currently unknown

  • Ability Scores: Strength 2 (–4), Dexterity 12(+1), Constitution 6 (–2), Intelligence 2 (–4), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 2 (–4)
  • Hit Points: 10 (+2 for each of your levels beyond 3rd)
  • Armor Class: 12
  • Speed: 5 ft. ground, 30 ft. fly

Your familiar acts independently, but always obeys your commands. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. A familiar cannot make attacks. Within 100 ft. of your familiar, you can communicate with it telepathically. As an action, you can see and hear through your familiar's senses until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses the familiar has. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses. Within 100 ft. of your familiar, you can have it deliver a spell on your turn that requires touching a creature. The familiar touches the creature on your behalf, provided nothing is preventing it from taking actions. If the spell requires an attack roll, you use your attack modifier for the roll. If your familiar drops to 0 HP, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. Your familiar can't reappear until you recall it by performing a minor ritual during a short rest.


  • Maximum # of Prepared Spells:
  • Spells per Day:
  • Magic Ability: Charisma
  • Saving Throw DC Total: 11

Prepared Spells



  • Carried: # gp, #sp, #cp, gems
  • Stored: #gp, #sp, #cp, gems


  • Carried: x
  • Stored: x


TYPE (Xgp/month).


Other Important Individuals

  • XXX: x

Projects, Goals and/or Downtime

  • x

Experience Points

Earned: #xp

  • Session DATE: #xp