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Effects: All Resistance rolls have a -4 penalty to the dice pool; all other dice pools have a -3 penalty. Expenditures of Willpower gain only one die, instead of the normal three. Take one bashing damage when taking this Tilt. For each additional day that you have this Tilt, take another bashing damage. This bashing damage cannot be healed as long as you have either the Ravenous or Starving Tilts.
Cause: Upgrading Ravenous to Starving.
End: Eating enough for a meal. Downgrade this Tilt to Ravenous.
Werewolf: Encountering food without partaking is cause for the gain of 2 Rage for the werewolf with this Tilt. Werewolves cannot downgrade this Tilt to Ravenous unless they have indulged the Wolf's Appetite. Additionally, they must consume double the normal amount of food to constitute a meal.