The Cities of the Sea Kings

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The Cities of the Sea Kings

Legend says that the first of the Sea Kings came from across the ocean, their ships bright in the rising sun. As time has passed, some cities have risen and some have fallen, but there have always been the Sea Kings at the eastern edge of the Known World, it seems.

  • Dawnkeep: The River City.Sacred to Pelor, where the mouth of the Great River empties into the Sunrise Deeps. Lots of agriculture around it, growing amaranth grain, and where grain-barges from the Five Rivers Dale come to sell their food wares.
  • Everwatch: City of the Great Lighthouse. known for its scholars, sacred to Ioun, home of the Oracle of Ioun.
  • Fortune’s Keep: City of Merchants. sacred to Avandra, major trading center.
  • Thunderfast: City of Swords. sacred to Kord, home of lots of naval vessels and known for its marines
  • Whitewave: City of Wine. whose patron goddess is Sehanine. Holds full moon festivals every month, with a carnivalé like atmosphere. Place for honeymoons for those who can afford it. It is also the provider for the majority of the lumber that comes to the Cities of the Sea Kings.

Other Locales


  • Black Isle: funereal isle sacred to the Raven Queen, now abandoned and destroyed by the undead, a place of shadows and carrion birds
  • Dragon Isles: ancestral home of the dragonborn, where they now live in small settlements, fearful of nearing the old ruined cities that dot their isles.
  • Roselight Isle: where Namarís Yltánah appears at dawn on solstices and equinoxes, disappearing at sunset. Sacred to Corellon.