Wod Conceptual Spirits

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Bodun Rogatha

The Ineffable • The First & Last • The Ur-Spirits
Not all spirits are spirits of “things.” Conceptual spirits have existed as long as mankind has walked the earth, and some, such as pain and silence, much longer. Even more difficult to label and quantify than spirits of material objects, most Uratha have settled for grouping conceptuals into several large choirs, each with many descants associated with them. This seems to work well for some spirits, but others defy classification by even the most adept.

Conceptuals are often the spirits most likely to slip through the Gauntlet and invade the physical world. For one, conceptuals are even farther from understanding material existence than are nature spirits or artificial-spirits. A rat-spirit may not truly understand what it’s like to have a body of flesh, bone and hair, but it has some instinctive understanding of a living rat’s drives and concerns. A fear-spirit, on the other hand, knows nothing of the flesh. At best, it can know what the body feels like when the brain fills with fear, but still it may find curiosity a harsh master. In addition, conceptuals are surprisingly common because so many of them are universal. A bird spirit will not appear where there are no birds, and a truck-spirit won’t be found in a section of wilderness that hasn’t seen tire tracks — but pain and death are present wherever there are living animals. As a result, conceptuals, particularly spirits of negative emotion, are far more common intruders into the physical realm than the werewolves would like.

Spirit Dealings