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|[[Image:BMOA-Ep1.jpg|[[BadMoonS1E1|Episode One: Bad Moon Rising]]|center|thumb]] || [[Image:BMOA-Ep2.jpg|[[BadMoonS1E2|Episode Two: Bonfire]]|center|thumb]]
|[[Image:BMOA-Ep1.jpg|[[BadMoonS1E1|Episode One: Bad Moon Rising]]|center|thumb]] || [[Image:BMOA-Ep2.jpg|[[BadMoonS1E2|Episode Two: Bonfire]]|center|thumb]] || [[Image:BMOA-Ep3.jpg|[[BadMoonS1E3|Episode Three: Urges]]|center|thumb]]
|[[Image:BMOA-Ep4.jpg|[[BadMoonS1E4|Episode Four: Quarry]]|center|thumb]] ||[[Image:BMOA-Ep5.jpg|[[BadMoonS1E5|Episode Five: Stalk]]|center|thumb]] ||[[Image:BMOA-Ep6.jpg|[[BadMoonS1E6|Episode Six: Unity]]|center|thumb]]
==Episode Three: Urges==
'''Sunday, Sept 28th - Wednesday, Oct 3rd'''
===Session Five: 08/20/2014===
''Sunday, Sept 28th, Continued''
* The episode opens as a disturbed Stella Jalos calls Dr. Elaine Litchfield to talk over the last 24 hours.  Because Elaine has her own agenda, she insists on coming over to see Stella rather than talk on the phone.  Once there, she impatiently listens to Stella's accounts of the bonfire attack until she gets to what she wants:  Stella's torn clothes and blood.  Fearing that this is the worst lesbian come on ever, Stella initially refuses, but Elaine sciencesplains her into at least giving her the shirt and a blood sample later.  Stella also decides to buy a smart phone, so perhaps lycanthropy comes with an increased appreciation for modern technology.  We can pray, for Warner's sake.
* Warner Pelt arrives at his loft to find Thomas Michael Craig and friends all hanging safely.  Crosses are also hanging all over the loft, but since this is a werewolf show and not a vampire one, the prank is a real groaner.  Warner is distracted anyway by his disturbing morning, but his distraction is replaced with astonishment when he learns of some smart phone arcanery called an "app" that can tells moon phases.  He resists the urge to put all nearby smart phones on trial and burn them with fire.
* Stella calls her late husband's ex-partner Devin Matthews to get the 411 the fallout from the bonfire attack.  Devin tells her that four students so far have died from injuries and a number are still hospitalized, but otherwise the police have little more details.  He's already talking wolf-provoking chemicals, so we all know where this is going, though.
* Jace Evans receives a call from Harris Clayton, last seen fleeing a wolf, at the hospital.  He has a broken leg and needs a ride back to campus.  Jace goes to get him.
* Henry Mulgrew isolates himself in his room at the ATO house, despite Reese Tavis's constant attempts to care for him throughout the day.  Look who's Johnny on the Spot now.  ATO learns that frat brother Dan Montoya is in critical condition at the hospital.
* Stella goes to the hospital to see if any of her boys are there and also learns of Dan's condition.  There, she runs into Dean of Students Tessa Edmonton, who is already busy dealing with the media fallout from the attack.  The dean warns her that the media wants to talk to Stella, Elaine, and Avery Wendley, since they were the adults in charge.  And they will get to.
* Avery calls Elaine to warn her of the same.  Naturally, he has to more to deliver to her in person, which involves spending the night.
''Monday, Oct 1st''
* Elaine awakens with a cough in the morning.  Avery notices it in the middle of brushing his teeth and pauses, hoping he picked up the right toothbrush.
* Warner wakes up in the woods again with the taste of blood in his mouth and it smeared all over his face.  He cleans up at a nearby stream and heads back to campus, but his path takes him past the bonfire site.  There, he sees a crew of Native Americans cleaning the site, among them Victor Sutherland.  Victor notices Warner before he's able to duck out of view but does nothing at Warner sneaks home.
* Elaine, Stella, and Avery are summoned to a meeting with Dean Edmonton, who tells them that two more students have died at the hospital.  She also tells them that Fox News will be on campus to shoot a feature on unsafe college parties, and the trio will need to talk to UofA's PR group to get on board with the official party line.  Elaine responds dryly that yes, of course underage drinking leads to wolf attacks.
* Jace notices Dean Edmonton has been in the media spotlight a lot lately and imagines she must be under a lot of stress, so he texts her with an offer to meet up with her later that night, which she gratefully accepts and tells him to come to her boat for some stress relief.
* Jace has his first workout session with Davis Monk.  He inquires about Ares's health and learns that the dog only required minor treatment, so he insists on giving Davis a $100 toward the vet bill, which Davis reluctantly accepts.  As they're showering in the locker room after the workout, Jace asks Davis if he brings his bayonet to every party, and with a suspicious glance at his heavy gym bag, Davis protests that of course he doesn't.  Jace also asks Davis about his tight money situation, suggesting that he knows a perfectly legal way to make some extra cash on the side.
* There is a meeting of the Gay Straight Alliance today, but Elaine is too busy to attend.  Warner and Henry show up, but the talk is dominated by the bonfire attack, which Henry endures in silence.  He has taken the time to bandage his arm where there should be a bite.  Gabe Gerhardt is also at the meeting for the first time, and he gay bashes the room to Warner.  Of course we all know that abomination was born of straights.  Warner's senses are more offended by the strong scents he keeps picking up from around the  room and even beyond.
* Stella finally returns to ATO, where she starts rallying the brothers to throw a charity event for those who have died from the attack.  Deacon Alders agrees that this is a good idea.
''Tuesday, Oct 2nd''
* ATO learns that Dan Montoya has died in the hospital
* Warner, in a rare moment alone in his loft, burns his hands on silver nitrate while developing film.  He feels rage welling up in him and struggles to control it, noticing claws starting to grow from his fingers.  He flees toward the woods, but once on their edge, he feels a sense of unwelcome emanating from them.  He manages to fight down his inner wolf, though, and returns home.
* Later, Elaine stops by to ask Warner to develop her roll of film from the bonfire party and notices Warner's burns.  He attempts to lie, but Boy Scouts don't lie, so fails.  Elaine correctly deduces that his burns resulted from silver nitrate, which causes Warner to grow increasingly angry.  Elaine attempts to hide her own suspicions, but it turns out these are two of the worst liars and most observant people around, so they both end up knowing that they're trying to deceive each other.  In the end, Warner kicks Elaine out of his loft, but she leaves her film there to be developed.  She probably should have left some heavy duty rubber gloves as well.
''Wednesday, Oct 3rd''
* Stella is getting ready for a conference call with ATO's national board, and she puts on her husband's fisherman's cross, which is unfortunately silver.  It burns her skin, causing her to fly into a rage.  As she struggles to control herself, she notices in the mirror that her eyes begin to change, and she begins to grow claws.  Several of the brothers hear her pained straggles and call through her door to find out if she's okay.  Stella manages to push down her wolf and respond that she'll be fine.
* Deacon, who is among those who heard, tells her that they have to get to the conference call, so Stella emerges from her room to join Deacon on the call.  The conference call does not go well.  The national board is not impressed by Stella's proposed charity event, and they have sent Stella a packet of all the negative coverage ATO is receiving for the bonfire party.  They're prepared to lay the blame and the responsibility for dealing with the situation at Stella's feet.  Stella again finds herself being overwhelmed with rage and begins to change in front of the webcam and Deacon.  She smashes the camera in her anger and goes on a tirade, but as her control continues to slip, she smashes through the door of the conference room and flees the house.
* During the conference call, Henry, who could smell and hear strange things from his room, emerged to track down some of the stranger ones.  He found the suddenly ever-present Reese listening at the door of the conference room.  Before Henry could question much, he caught a burned smell coming from inside of the room, which scared him enough to flee back to his room.
* Danny Marin stops by ATO in hopes of some play time with Henry, but his presence goes unacknowledged.
''Thursday, Oct 4th''
* Stella wakes up in her garden with no recollection of what happened after she fled yesterday's conference call.  She once again calls Elaine for help, who of course insists on meeting Stella in person with a syringe for drawing blood.  While waiting, Stella decides to drink herself into a stupor but discovers that Teen Wolf rules in effect, so werewolves can't get drunk.  When Elaine arrives, she finally shares her suspicions with Stella, though, that werewolves attacked the bonfire party and now Stella and Warner are werewolves themselves.  Stella demands concrete answers on how to deal with the situation, but since Elaine has none, Stella instead resolves to head into the woods to call the werewolves out.  Which she does.  Apparently both lycanthropy and insanity are communicable.
* Henry texts Jace that he isn't going to lab today and doesn't answer Jace's demands that he get his ass there.  After lab, Jace heads over to ATO to confront him.  As soon as Jace starts banging on Henry's door, Reese of course shows up to tell Jace that Henry has been barricaded in his room for most of the week.  Jace isn't having it, though, and persists until Henry finally opens his door to tell him to go away.  Jace's aggressiveness triggers Henry's rage, however, and as Henry begins to change, the confrontation devolves into a bro fight that ends with Jace sprawled in the hallway.  Henry manages to control himself long enough to help Jace to his feet and once again hide in his room.  Jace leaves but demands that Henry show up to their next lab.  Kaleb Jackson catches the whole incident on camera and uploads it to YouTube, where it quickly gains infamy.  At least Warner will never see it.
* Later that night, many people show up at a subdued Crossroads to drink their troubles away.

Latest revision as of 03:14, 29 April 2015