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(New page: * '''The Mayor''', he was once Koril the Baker, but it is a Ree tradition that he simple be called "The Mayor" once voted into the position for the remainder of his days. The Mayor is a l...)
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Revision as of 01:44, 8 January 2013

  • The Mayor, he was once Koril the Baker, but it is a Ree tradition that he simple be called "The Mayor" once voted into the position for the remainder of his days. The Mayor is a large man, full of smiles & enthusiastic speeches. His love for food & fine luxuries is well known. The Mayor's power struggle with his direct adversary, The Mayor's Daughter (no relation) and her thieves guild is an often highlighted activity in the community. The Mayor controls the town's watch and guardians. The Mayor rarely descends from his mansion, preferring to stay far away from commoners - the closest he ever gets being from his balcony over the Plaza where he gives speeches. He is always announced by a young page boy with a bell, of which he employs half a dozen, that also tend to all his other needs (exactly what needs is often speculated by town gossips).
  • The Wizard, the current Wizard of Ree has only held his position for a year now. His predecessor had only been in office for two years before he fell prey to one of his demonic conjurations, which had dragged him screaming into a portal before it had closed. The Wizard before him had held the position for nearly a century before his body and magic could simply no longer sustain him and he died. The current Wizard was known as Ben before assuming his new title. He had been an Apprentice since he was only seven years old (he is now 52). He was known to be brilliant & dedicated to the study of magic, but not very kind & never sought out human contact unless it was in pursuit of the study of magic.
    Raised by his godparents, Anders and Penny, Ben (who's given name was Seileben) was brought to Ree when Anders and his wife had retired from their adventuring career. As he grew older it was apparent that he was neither of their child, and rumors made their rounds regarding his elf-like features. Ben left Ree and traveled for some years. When he returned he became a recluse. Once he was accepted as an Apprentice of the Wizard, he pretty much vanished from public view entirely. His godparents have always refused to discuss the tale of his origin, always stating simply, "He was a blessing from the gods, old and new."
    Beneath the Wizard are the Apprentices, a number of wizards who study & reside in Ree. Beneath them are the Hopefuls who have come to study in the tower. Those worthy are raised to Apprentice and begin learning magic, others may become recognized by the Wizard as sages or scholars.
  • Apprentice Marilyn, representative from the Atheneum sent to meet with the Mayor regarding a problem affecting the town. Marilyn is a pleasant & plump woman who's age is indeterminable. She is one to quietly listen to everything, observe her surroundings & then appraise the situation in a soft voice. She is very fond of children & always carries sweets to give to them.
  • Apprentice Thessa, the first and only dwarf to have been fully raised to Apprentice in the past century (most dwarves never rise above Hopeful, though many receive education to become recognized by the Wizard as Sages or Scholars). Thessa specializes in genealogy & Ree history as well as conjuration with an emphasis on elementals. Thessa is far more friendly and outgoing than most Apprentices and can be frequently found at a dwarven tavern called the Iron Clad Dandy in the District.
  • Andaro Halfwraith of House of Amneshai, Sorlandira's brother, a famous and highly esteemed knight of the Order of the Nine Stars and in recent years, a close personal friend of Cir, the Prince of Sedas. Andaro has become instrumental in routing out the elven rebels that follow the fallen Princess Yaris in hopes of reuniting Sedas and the Order once again under the rightful rule of Prince Cir until his beloved father, the Cleric King Unsur of Sedas returns to health. He is often away from Sedas on both official and unofficial missions, both of a personal nature and on behalf of his Prince. He claims that everything he does is for the love he bears for his sister and his Prince. Andaro had passed through Ree some time ago. He spent some time with the Wizard and Apprentice Thessa researching at the Atheneum, and then hired several locals to attend him on a voyage south to Al-Lorin. He returned with only two other survivors and quickly left with the caravan that was visiting. Upon his return to Sedas Andaro was recognized as a hero of Sedas and raised up and given command of the knights. He was also given the title "Halfwraith" as a portion of his body had been infected by a necrotic rotting that resulted in his right arm, torso and face as animated skeletal remains animated and surrounded by writhing negative energy. This was what his trip to Al-Lorin and the capture and transport of one of the Black Anchors had cost him. It was observed by his peers that Andaro had become cold and determined after the trip south. He no longer smiled, no longer seemed to find any joy in the world. Even the Prince seemed wary around his old friend and adviser. Eventually the wraith aspect became dominant and Andaro sought to inflict this state upon the world. He continued forth with the plan for the Nefarious Device, lying about it's true purpose to infect the Lance and thus transform all of creation into a world of undead that would be beholden to him. He saw it as visionary; no more suffering, no more want, greed, no more vice. The companions of Ree infiltrated Gir where the device had been set up and confronted Andaro. He and Sorlandira both perished, but were reincarnated by the Primordial Night as two newborn babes, which the companions swept away back to Ree.
  • The Witch Naru, representative from the Witches sent to meet with the Mayor regarding a problem affecting the town. Naru is a young witch, her parents are the local cobblers in Ree. She is delighted with the wild & does not care to spend time in the town. Her impatient & impetuous nature had angered her superiors who had decided the best punishment would be to assign her to help and advise the Mayor with the town's problems for a time. While she would rather neglect this duty, she knows that the only way she'll ever escape it is to do her best - still she always seems to be bored with whatever mundane town issue that arises. Unlike most of the witches who openly display their dislike or disapproval of Barron's presence in Ree, Naru has always watched him closely when present and treated him with a strange courtesy. Naru had sacrificed her life in getting the Black Anchor away from Ree and back to Al-Lorin, but unfortunately found herself trapped within the barrier created by the Black Anchors having succumbed too much to the necrotic warping effect of the Anchor. Before she lost herself to the wraith she wandered the city and found the location of the infamous artifact that was the source of the destruction of Al-Lorin. Before her death she managed to issue forth a dreaming to find Barron and inform him of what she had discovered.