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* [[Between Book One & Book Two|HoMChronCorr2-1]]
* [[HoMChronCorr2-1|Between Book One & Book Two]]
* [[HoMChronCorr2-2|Between Story Four: The Bladeraven & Story Five: Rivergard Feast]]
* [[HoMChronCorr2-3|Between Story Five: Rivergard Feast & Interlude: The Greysteel Knight]]
=After Interlude: The Greysteel Knight=
==From Lord Fenkirk Willum, to House Graben==
To House Graben
=Between Book One & Book Two=
It is with greatest joy that I announce the wedding of my son and heir, Ser Brice Willum, to the good Lady Amara Blackwood of Raventree.
==From Lord Beric Dondarrion, to House Graben==
To the Lord of Marrowmont, Lord Emeryk Graben,<br>
I send Greetings.<br>
We have not had the opportunity to correspond yet, I fear. Your father and I, the late Lord Waltyr, were friends and compatriots of the battlefield, and he is missed. I refrained from contacting you to give time to mourn - it seemed inappropriate otherwise.
Please join us at the beginning of the second week of the eighth month to see Brice and Amara joined in the sight of the Seven in the small sept at Waxworth. From there, they shall lead a processional down the road to Sweet Heath that the smallfolk may greet and congratulate them along the way.  
In the years past, the tradition between myself and your lord father was that I sent a representative once a year or so to Marrowmont. This knight's duty was to convey my friendship as well as assess the readiness of your holding to defend the Stormlands from any dangers approaching along the Boneway.
The processional shall end in the ancient godswood on the edge of Sweet Heath where - per the customs of Lady Amara's home House - Brice and Amara shall once again speak their vows before the Old Gods kept by House Blackwood. A great feast shall follow back at Threeswords.
As you know, though I am not your liege lord, I have been named the Warden of the Dornish Marches (as your own liege is Warden of the Marchwater), and so it falls to me to ensure that the strength of the Stormlords who defend the Stormlands is sufficient to do what is required of us. Since you and I have met only briefly at your lord uncle's wedding tourney, I thought that I ought to come to Marrowmont myself to see to your defenses personally.
A celebratory tourney shall be held for our guests over the next two days, to celebrate the unions of Houses Blackwood and Willum, and to wish great joy and prosperity to Brice and Amara's marriage. Pavilion space is even now being prepared for this event, and we pray that we may count on your attendance.
I had the opportunity to meet several members of your House as well. Indeed, at the wedding feast, I quite enjoyed my opportunity to dance with both your mother and sister. I should like the opportunity to see them again - I fear I am a private man, and prefer less crowded situations for my socializing. I would ask that you commend me to their thoughts.
With joyous regards,<br>
Lord Fenkirk & Lady Aldia Willum of Threeswords
===From Lady Isalaine Graben, to Lord Fenkirk Willum===
Dear Lord Garland,
As such, I should ask permission to call upon Marrowmont, with myself and a small troop of my knights and armsmen, at some time in the next several months. I will try not to tax your hospitality unduly, and shall complete my observations quickly and go. I have been asked to King's Landing in a few months time, and feel I should leave things in order before I depart.
I am eager as well to join you for the Silver Festival and am excited to make Ser Hodmars acquaintance. Laswell is also excited to see you, he misses you very much but is doing very well here at Marrowmont. I look forward meeting  you once again.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Lady Isalaine Graben of Marrowmont<br>
Penned by the hand of Maester Tolbric
Penned by my own Hand,<br>
==From Lord Beric Dondarrion, to House Graben==
Beric Dondarrion<br>
To Lord Emeryk Graben of Marrowmont,<br>
Lord of Blackhaven<br>
I sent greetings.
Warden of the Dornish Marches<br>
===House Graben Response===
To the Lord of Blackhaven, Lord Beric Dondarrion
I send Greetings,
My son Emeryk is not able to respond to your letter as he is in the service of Lord Renly Baratheon and on his way to Kings Landing. I know that my late husband took his responsibility to defend the Boneway seriously, and I intend to continue to uphold those responsibilities to the best of my ability. I wish to continue the tradition of friendship and cooperation that has served both of our houses so well. As it is our duty to ensure that the Boneway remains open and safe for all to use.
You and your men would be welcome to call upon us here at Marrowmont.  You will find that castle is strong and it's soldiers well trained. Ser Ulwyck Mace, our Master at Arms, would welcome the chance to show you our defenses and discuss way to make the Boneway more secure.  
Both myself and my daughter Minisa would welcome the chance to see you again, as we felt the press of events at my brother's wedding tourney prevented us from having any real chance to get to know you.  
Please be aware that I shall finally be visiting Marrowmont, at the onset of the sixth month of this year. I beg forgiveness for keeping you waiting, but the advisory progression down the Boneway has taken longer than anticipated. I deeply regret any inconvenience this has cause, and beg your indulgence for a short while longer.
My family and I also intend to travel to King's Landing in the near future. If it fits within both of our plans it might benefit us to make the journey together.  
I shall be arriving with a small contingent of soldiers and household knights. We shall not tax your hospitality unduly, though I crave forgiveness for the number of them. I am not returning to Stormhaven after visiting your seat, but am instead headed directly to King's Landing to join Lord Renly's court for a handful of months there.
Penned by my own Hand,<br>
Penned by my own Hand,<br>
Lady Isalaine Graben
Beric Dondarrion<br>
Lord of Blackhaven<br>
Warden of the Dornish Marches
==From Amara Blackwood, to Brice Willum==
''Sealed Private''<br>
My dearest Brice-
On Behalf of<br>
It is done. My father and our maester have proudly announced to Raventree that the negotiations with your father have been concluded. The wedding is set for the eighth month at Threeswords, and will be done in first a sept and then a godswood (there is apparently an old godswood at the edge of Willum domain that no one really remembers all that well, though it only has an old elm for a heart-tree). I overheard father speaking of my pregnancy to the maester, as well. Any other father would have been horrified and scandalized. Not mine - apparently, he managed to actually reduce the dowry your House expects from mine, citing the impropriety of our dalliance together and the potential damage to my virtue. Infuriating man.
Emeryk Graben,<br>
Lord of Marrowmont
==From Lord Gulian Swann, to Lady Isalaine==
<div style="float: right; width: 300px; border: 1px black solid; margin: 20px; padding: 10px;">
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 125%">House Graben Response</div>
We will affectionately thank Lord Swann for informing us of the impending trip through our territory, and request that he let us know when it will happen so that a proper (and fast) escort can be arranged. All the proper regards and such will be sent back.
Lainey, <br>
I hope you are well.
I wanted to pen this quick message to you, as it involves not merely the outcome of that ugly affair instigated by that wretched hag Dimesa Velt, but also pertains to a visitor to Marrowmont.
Speaking of my growing belly, things progress apace on that front. Though I'm not showing any signs yet physically, I am definitely with child. I've been battling bouts of hideous nausea and various unsettling other maladies that no one ever warned me about when discussing the "blessing of childhood." I suspect if they told girls what they might truly expect, mankind might die out in a single generation. Suffice to say that by the time we are reunited, I shall be very glad to be over the worst of it, and with mostly fatness to look forward to.
The Citadel has requested that they be permitted to exact their own justice. Though I would like to make an example of him, the old crows at the Citadel feel he'd better serve the other maesters there as an example. They assure me that they intend to execute him, and have bidden me to keep his maester's chain to hang on the spike I'd intended for his damned head. Well, so be it.
My dreams are strange these days. The line between dreams of the green sort and the normal kind are blurrier these days - something to do with being pregnant, I suspect. My gammer says that all women come closer to dreaming true when they are pregnant, but I don't know how much credence I put into that. I suspect they are mostly fears and the strange humors that overtake women when they are gravid: my dreams are full of dragons and war, of shadows that wear the shape of men stalking the Stormlands and myriad other unpleasantries.
They're sending a knight of House Hightower to fetch him. He's apparently nearby and will be arriving by ship, but from there wishes to take the land route back to Oldtown. In his message, he says that he can get two riders back faster than he can by ship, which I believe. Of course, this means that he's going to be coming through Marrowmont, with Grance as his prisoner. He won't be staying for long, of course - probably just long enough to rest for an evening before setting out again the next day.
I even dreamt that a great giant, terrible pale and faceless, rampaged through Marrowmont. In his rage, he kicked over walls and smashed soldiers and smallfolk. It was horrible.
I thought I should inform you, though. The knight's name is Ser Garth Hightower, also called "Greysteel" for his blade and his eyes. He's the second son of Lord Leyton Hightower. I'd ask you to treat him well - as you know, the Hightowers are as rich as the Lannisters, and the only reason they aren't the Lords Paramount of the Reach is because they couldn't be bothered with it. The only reason the Tyrells rule Highgarden is because of Hightower support.
Forgive the turn this letter has taken - I intended to keep it light. I do long for the time when we can be together again. The short time I had in your arms and in your bed haunt me, in that I wish nothing more than to be back there once again. I pray the gods speed these days past, that we may be once more.
I love you and miss you already. It was wonderful to see you again, and I hope you'll visit often. Beony sends her love, to both you and to Branna.
With all my love and longing,<br>
Your Amara
I remain,<br>
===Response from Ser Brice Willum, to Amara Blackwood===
Your Loving Brother,<br>
''Sealed Private''<br>
Lord Gulian Swann,<br>
My Treasure, Amara,
Warden of the Marchwater Vale,<br>
Lord of House Swann<br>
Writ by my own damned hand, for which I beg your forgiveness. You know penmanship was never my strong suit.
News of our parents' agreement has reached here as well, and I could not have wished for better. The day that we are together again cannot come soon enough.  I'm also eager to see with my own eyes our burgeoning child, and I grieve that you can't be with me already that I might help you through these early struggles. Frankly, our Maester Tolbric's arts could likely make one almost forget the struggles of pregnancy all together, and I will be more at ease with you under his care.  There is no better attendant for our child.
==From Lord Garland Kraedmyr, to Lady Isalaine==
<div style="float: right; width: 300px; border: 1px black solid; margin: 20px; padding: 10px;">
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 125%">House Graben Response</div>
This letter will express our interest in travelling to visit house Krademyr. We will mention having guests that we have to see to, but once we know when those obligations we will contact them about a when a visit would work well for them.
To the Lady Isalaine of House Graben,<br>
It was a distinct pleasure to spend those hours at Lord Swann's tourney getting to know you and your family. If I may be so bold as to take you into my confidences, my family so often finds such gatherings to be difficult at best. Though it was less than two decades ago since the rule of the Targaryens ended, it has already become a mark of some stigma among the Houses to bear the blood of Old Valyria. To have had such good folk there as yourselves was a balm to the experience.
It's unfortunate that Lord Tytos used our little joy against my father, but I'm hopeful he will not be wroth. Money is only money, after all, but the union of our Houses holds much more promise.  I'm certain my father sees the value in that, if nothing else.  And he doesn't even know the true gifts you bring to our House.
My daughter Orya, in her discussions with your ward Brice Willum, extended to him an invitation to visit Gryphmont. As impetuous as she was, her inclination was right. We should be very delighted to host any of your House who should like to visit our domains. It seems a shame to wait until the next tourney or wedding to see such good folk again - folk whom I should very like to call friends.
Minisa has had terrifying dreams of late, as well.  Dead and wounded men laid out on funeral slabs, shrouded in gray or red. I'm told she awakens in extreme fright over them.  It pains me to say it, but we might do well to not regard these images too lightly. It could be there is real danger ahead of us. All the more reason to have you here with me.  As to my own nights, they have been blessedly undisturbed.
Again, thank you for your noble companionship in what was - I most sincerely hope - was the beginning of a fine friendship.
But enough of that.  Let us instead look to our days in the sun.  To see you again, and in my own lands, as well, will prove one of the best days of my life.
With All Regard,<br>
Ah, this does bring a matter to mind.  Lady Isalaine has appealed to my mother to help place Alysa at Highgarden.  They have decided between the two of them to make a grand trip out of it all.  After our wedding at Threeswords, we will travel with both Ladies to Highgarden, and sail from there to Oldtown.  Minisa has been courted of late by Ser Garth Hightower, and besides she believes there might be much useful knowledge to be gained in Oldtown.  After that, we are to sail back to the Vale.
Lady Dynia Kraedmyr<br>
Lady of Gryphmont
As writ by the hand of Maester Ambrosine
So, I suppose this is my way of saying, come prepared for a bit of an adventure.  I will ensure that Maester Tolbric accompanies us, that any rigors of the road will not pose any danger to your good health.  In the meantime, I pray to the Seven, and Old Gods, too, to keep you safe in their hands.
==From Lord Larrus Velt, to Lady Isalaine==
<div style="float: right; width: 300px; border: 1px black solid; margin: 20px; padding: 10px;">
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 125%">House Graben Response</div>
We will mention continued friendship to Houuse Velt, and graciously accept their apologies. We will once again extend welcome to them to visit Marromont (however care will be taken to make sure the date does not correspond to when Hightower will be coming through). We will also express our interest in fostering Marshall.  
My Lady Graben
I am sending this missive in the hopes that we might continue our conversation from Stonehelm. I do so in a spirit of trepidation, however - I know that not only are you and your House aware of the treason of my lady mother, but have folk in your House who were themselves injured by her machinations.
With All Love,<br>
In truth, it has taken me many instances of seating myself at my desk, trying to decide what I will write. My dear wife, Aldia, has asked me time and again whether or not I've written you, but still I hesitated. How to address the wrong-doing you and yours have suffered at my House's hands. Certainly, we spoke truthfully to Lord Gulian - none of us had any idea what my mother wrought. But ignorance of harm does not make one any less responsible for it.
Writ by my own hand
My daughter tells me that she and your son had many pleasant conversations, and my wife tells me you and she found good accord as well. Indeed, she speaks to me of an invitation you have extended to our House to visit Marrowmont, and the possibility of fostering our youngest son Marshall.
==From Lord Garland Kraedmyr, to Lady Isalaine Graben==
To the Lady Isalaine of House Graben,<br>
I shall be forthright: already some of our allies have taken steps to carefully distance themselves from us. Our friendship is new and still in its infancy, so I understand should you wish to retract your invitation. You have but to say it, and we shall regard it as though never issued.
The time for the Silver Festival is upon us, and with it comes a visit from your House. I would be a terrible liar if I said we weren't eager for your arrival - it has been many a year since Gryphmont has had visitors from another House.
Lord Larrus Velt of Owlkeep<br>
I am sending along my brother and sister to meet you at the borders to our lands. I believe your ward has met my sister Ashei before, at the tourney. My brother Ser Hodmar has not had the pleasure of your acquaintance, however, and is eager to make it. They will guide you back to Gryphmont. We often see heavy summer rains this time of year, and the paths through the Elibara Valley into Gryphmont proper can be treacherous.
House Velt<br>
==From Lady Adia Willum, to Lady Isalaine==
<div style="float: right; width: 300px; border: 1px black solid; margin: 20px; padding: 10px;">
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 125%">House Graben Response</div>
We thank Lady Adia for writing and exchange all of the usual pleasantries. We also say that we would very much love to send Alyssa to Highgarden as a lady in waiting. We will be sure to show the letter to her and include her regards to lady Adia's daughters.
Dearest Lady Graben,
I pray this letter finds you and your House in good spirits and good health.
Until we meet once more in person.
Let me thank you first and foremost for your generous hospitality, from beginning of our trip to end. We arrived safely in Threeswords, with great thanks for the escort of your Ironhooves and the gallant Ser Dorun. By the end of the trip, I fear my own daughters were half in love with your Hawk Knight! I am writing this having set them back bound for the Boneway once more, with our gratitude.
~Garland Kraedmyr of Gryphmont
The issue that plagued our last days in Stonehelm is of course resolved and secure. Speaking of which, we have heard from my son Elyas. He has decided to seek his fortune as a hedge knight for a short time. Though his explanation was frustratingly vague, he seems intent that he wishes to acquire his place in a lord's household through his own merit, rather than any favors his family can provide.
As scribed by the hand of Maester Ambrosine
We of course are fearful for him, but my husband has spoken favorably of his decision - I suspect that he is somewhat envious of Elyas' freedom. My husband has always been a knight first and a lord second, and I suspect the desire to win what he has in the world by his strength of arm rather than blood holds a great deal of favor and respect.
My daughters ask that I send their regards to you and to your daughter Alysa and Branna, as well. The three of them seemed to have become quite fast friends. I myself regard Alysa very fondly as well - if you should ever desire to have her spend time as a lady-in-waiting, please do let me know. I know that Renly's court provides so very little opportunity for a young lady (although it is clear your own daughter Minisa has not suffered in that regard!). I could arrange for her to find a position in Highgarden - indeed, I am sending my own girls there in the next year or two, and I know they would love to have a friend already there. Lady Olenna Tyrell provides wonderful education for nobleborn girls, and the possible matches they might make in Highgarden are second to none.
==From Lord Gulian Swann, to Lady Isalaine Graben==
Forgive me for not having written in so long.
In closing, thank you once again for your hospitality. Though certain stresses did plague this happen event, I feel that it has brought us closer together in the end.
You know I've always been a terrible correspondent. Old Bladeraven used to handle most of my letters - that miserable bastard knew me so well, he would read our letters, compose a reply and then present the reply to me at dinner to approve. The was a traitor, but damn me if he didn't make my life easier. I do like our new Maester Edelmore, though. The man's a fine healer and plays the lute as well.
Please do give Brice my love.
Which is excellent news because Beony is pregnant, by the Seven! Truth be told, neither of us expected to be parents again, Lainey - we simply assumed that we'd marry and live to be old together. Clearly the Seven had other things in mind for us. She is due at the end of the year, and has asked me to approach you about being with her during her lying-in month. She quite likes you, and I suspect she would love for Branna to be there, as well.
Deepest Regards,<br>
I've had news from Balon in King's Landing, as an aside. As expected, he is making quite a spectacle of himself. Having participated in some local tourneys around the Crownlands, his skills and knightly virtues have been noticed. I mention this not to brag, but to give you some of his news. He of course spends much of his time with Emeryk, and had some interesting news.
Lady Adia Willum of Threeswords<br>
==From Lady Ravella Smallwood, to Lady Isalaine==
<div style="float: right; width: 300px; border: 1px black solid; margin: 20px; padding: 10px;">
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 125%">House Graben Response</div>
We will open will all the usual family pleasantries. We will mention that Lord Berric Dondarrion will be visiting Marromont and that the possibility will be explored.The introduction to Lucas Blackwood would be very welcome as we are itnerested in more contact with house raventree. We will mention a planned trip to King's Landing in the future. At that time we could make a side trip into the Riverlands.
Dear Isalaine
Thank you, dearest, for your hospitality and company at Gulian's wedding. I freely admit that I'd been hungry for contact with my family for a while - it had been much, much too long. It was such a delight to meet your children. It made me sorry that you've never had the chance to meet my own. Theomar flatly refused to allow me to bring my daughter with me. Perhaps one day you might come to Acorn Hall and meet her.
It seems that Lady Aldia Velt is in King's Landing for some reason or another - Balon mentioned that they were possibly visiting family, though to the best of my knowledge Lady Aldia doesn't have any kin in the city. One thing is for certain, however. Lady Aldia's daughter, Pramia, is with her, and according to Balon she and Emeryk have taken to spending quite a lot of time together. Balon is concerned for Emeryk's virtue (bless my poor innocent knight of a son), although he does have a point. If Pramia has set her eyes on Emeryk, it is easy enough for two young people to manufacture a reason to marry in order to satisfy propriety, as I'm sure you and your late Waltyr could well attest. Reason enough to be wary, I suppose.
Now that I have discharged my duties with Joyeuse, I can't help but turn my attention to some other worthy young lady. Pity my own Carellen when my little songbird is old enough to be betrothed! Your Minisa is nothing short of a wonder, sister mine. Beautiful, clever and not at all possessed of the fearfulness that so often burdens young noble ladies. Thank the Seven than your dear Waltyr was not the typical Andal in that way.
I also hear that you'll be attending the wedding of Brice to a Blackwood girl. Lainey, if you must permit this marriage, that's fine. But I think it's foolhardy for you to go to Threeswords. That is outside of my reach, and beyond my protection. Who knows what kind of vengeance Lord Willum might feel like exacting for his son's captors? Even if he lets you go, who says he will permit his son to depart with you again? Let's face it: once Brice is back in Threeswords, he'd be a fool to let him go back with you, Lainey. In addition to his own House's defenses, he'll have just married the daughter of a powerful Riverlands House well known for the skill of their archers. I urge you to reconsider this course of action. Hells, we can hold the wedding in Helmport, if you like. Just don't go beyond the Boneway where I can't protect you, sister.
I really must step outside of any rights I may have and insist something for her: if you settle for anything less than a lord or heir for her husband, I shall come directly to Marrowmont and slap  you soundly! Moreover, with her talents, charms and potential, there is no need to see her saddled with some minor lord or another, as we were. She deserves a husband of a major House at the very least. Indeed, really she could easily serve as the lady of one of the Great Houses - though I suspect you already knew this when you sent her to Storm's End. Pity good Lord Renly hadn't the sort of attention another lord might have.
I remain,
Your Loving Brother,
Lord Gulian Swann,
Warden of the Marchwater Vale,
Lord of House Swann
You and I know the Stormlords fairly well. Most of them are unworthy of her. Of the Estermonts, I had the chance to meet and mingle with Ser Alyn, the grandson of old Lord Eldon. The young man himself is a bit plain looking, and not the cleverest - which could be to Minisa's benefit, though, as I suspect she'd had no problem pinning him neatly to her lapel. Still, he's also third in line, with his father the actual heir of Estermont at current.
By the hand of Maester Edelmore
Your only other real options are among the Marcher Lords. I hear there is a son of House Trant that they are seeking for marriage, but he's young yet, and not a first-born. Hardly worth her. House Caron is worthy, but they have no marriageable sons. This leaves House Dondarrion, of course. Now, of the major Marcher Lords, the Dondarrions do stand head-and-shoulders above the others, holding the title of Warden of the Dornish Marches among the Stormlords. Moreover, the handsome Lord Beric Dondarrion is a bachelor still. He isn't quite the gallant storytale knight one might wish him to be, but then Marcher Lords tend to have a reputation for a certain grimness. Still, he is polite and well-spoken - an excellent catch, perhaps.
==From Lady Ravella Blackwood, to Lady Isalaine Graben==
Dear Lainey-
But unless any of these leap out at you, sister-mine, you shall perhaps have to seek outside of the Stormlands. And this is where I, as your dear sister, can help. I would be very happy to arrange introductions to some of the worthy Houses here in the Riverlands. There are likely to be a handful of tourneys over the next year or so - a bit of a pilgrimage for your House, understandably, but at such events we could arrange introductions to the likes of Lucas Blackwood, the heir of Raventree, a very handsome young man with a mysterious air about him that has any number of local ladies positively swooning.
I'm so very cross with you! I've been waiting positively ages to hear from you, and you of all people know how terrible I am at being patient.  
Moreover, there are three young heirs locally - Ser Patrek Mallister, Ser Marq Piper and Ser Ronald Vance - who are all the unwed heir of their important Houses. Any one of them could make a fine match for our Minisa. Better still, though, all are good friends of Edmure Tully, the heir of House Tully, so meeting them could lead to introductions to him - and Edmure himself is a handsome and available bachelor, as well.
I shall immediately rescind my wroth, of course, as soon as you tell me when you are visiting King's Landing, and when I can expect you here in Acorn Hall. I have so many preparations to make. You must have Minisa tell me which of the young men I suggested in my previous letter she'd like to meet. The more the merrier, as far as I'm concerned!
Do give it some thought. I'd love to host you at Acorn Hall, and am positively giddy with the thought of helping to arrange a proper marriage for sweet, clever Minisa.
Honestly, Lainey. It's as though you don't take this whole marriage thing seriously.  
I love and miss you dearly already sister.
With love, but a touch of frustration as well,<br>
Ravella Smallwood of Acorn Hall
~Ravella of Acorn Hall
===Response from Minisa Graben, to Lady Ravella Blackwood===
==From Ser Courtnay Penrose, to Lady Isalaine Graben==
<div style="float: right; width: 300px; border: 1px black solid; margin: 20px; padding: 10px;">
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 125%">House Graben Response</div>
This letter is very much from Isalaine Thanks him for sending Minisa's things and also the books. It would also say that she is open to discussing marriage to Minisa.
To the Lady Isalaine Graben of Marrowmont,<br>
I send Greetings.
Allow me first to send you my greetings, Lady Graben. We have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, I fear, for my duties keep me busy where other knights have the luxury of travel and social pleasures. As I'm sure your own castellan is aware, a castellan's duties are most at their call when Lord and Lady are away from their seat, and we do not enjoy the same luxuries others do.
Dear Aunt Ravella,<br>
I am saddened to have missed your brother and liege's wedding, to say nothing of the tourney held to celebrate it! I hear your master-at-arms made quite a showing against Ser Balon Swann, with a mighty clash to settle the joust. Several of the knights in Lord Renly's retinue were still speaking of it as the clash to remember of the tourney. I always enjoy catching up on such stories when my lord returns home.
Mother shared your letter with me and I decided to write you directly. We have been absolutely dreadful and not kept you at all current on events here in Marromont. There has been a great deal of excitement around here and many thorny problems that needed resolving.  
This return tinged me with some melancholy, though, I must admit, for when Lord Renly returned to Storm's End, your daughter Minisa was not with him. I have arranged for the servants to pack her belongings well, and have seen to their transport by ship and then barge.  
First, a piece of wonderful news, Ser Bryce is engaged to marry Amara Blackwood. They met while she was here with her brother establishing a bowyer in Marrowmont. It seems that they were quite taken with each other. Their families have now agreed to a marriage. This means that our travel plans have changed. Instead of going to Kings Landing, we are headed to Threeswords to attend the wedding. From there we intend to visit Highgarden and then Oldtown. I am sure that your attendance at the wedding would be greatly welcomed.  
With Minisa gone, it seems to me that Storm's End is a little more bleak. As you may know, my own House greatly favors education and erudition, which Minisa had in aplenty, and I shall miss our dinner-time discussions about the books we were reading at the time. Please tell her that I have put two of the favorite books she borrowed from my library in with her trunks; they are my gift to her in hoping she will remember me fondly.
Which bring me to my next bit of news, my own prospects for marriage. I have received two offers already, both of which seem to have potential. The first is from Ser Courtnay Penrose, the Steward of Storm’s End. In case you are not familiar with him, he is the heir to House Penrose. He has written to my mother and asked her permission to court me and ask for my hand in marriage. The second potential proposal is from Ser Garth Hightower. He has not asked for my hand as of yet, but we have discussed that he wishes to do so. Before this happens he would like for me to meet Lord Hightower. I suspect that he wants us to meet so that Lord Hightwoer will understand why his son wants to marry a daughter of a house of less renown then his own.  
Indeed, it is with such hopes that I write this letter. Though my own House is not as exalted as some, we do hold the regard and affection of House Baratheon, so much so that Lord Renly made me the castellan of Storm's End, on the recommendation of his brothers Lord Stannis and King Robert. Ours is an old lineage as well, and if we do not hold the lofty position of some, it is only because we have never been a House of great military force.  
Aunt Ravella, I would love to hear your opinion on both of these men. I would also love to hear of any good prospects that you might be aware of.  
I know that Minisa is of an age, and that the time is coming when I will be expected to return home as Lord Penrose. As such, I would like to open a discussion with you, my Lady, about the possibility of marriage to your daughter. She has fondly spoken to me of you and your lord husband's decisions to allow your children to make their own decisions when it comes to such things, so I have no expectations of your acquiescence being hers. I simply crave from you your blessing to undertake the possibility of turning my friendship with Minisa into something possibly more.
Your loving niece, <br>
Minisa Graben <br>
By My Own Hand
I once told Minisa that I should dearly love to show her the library at our seat, Parchments. With her gone, I have realized that I should like to do one better: I would like to make her Lady Penrose one day, and to make our ancient library her very own on that day.
==From Lana Blanchard, to Ser Brice Willum==
To Ser Brice Willum, Heir to Threeswords,<br>
I send fondest greetings and hopes for your good health and good spirits.
Thank you, and may the Seven keep you and yours.
We have all heard the blessed news, my lord. Pray accept my deepest congratulations on your upcoming wedding from everyone at Blanchard estate. We all pray to the Seven for your continuing happiness and the fruitfulness of your line.
Your servant eternal,<br>
I spoke recently with your lord father and lady mother, my lord, and they bid me contact you directly. Your lord father mentioned that you sought a squire from your home lands. Though my own dear husband, Ser Gertyn, is dead almost five full years now, my lord, my son Tomas is quite tall and strong. I'd despaired of him being able to follow in his father's footsteps - he was too young to take to squire before his father died, though he served as a page at Threeswords since he was old enough to see over the high table there.
Ser Courtnay Penrose,<br>
Castellan of Storm's End,<br>
Heir of House Penrose
=After Story Four: The Bladeraven=
Your lord father has suggested that Tomas might make a good squire for you. He is thirteen years, his manners have prospered greatly under your lady mother's tutelage and the master-at-arms says he holds a blade quite naturally. I hope I am not being too presumptuous writing to you, my lord. I know it is usually the father's duty to find a knight to squire for his son, but poor Tomas has only me to do such things. If you desire to meet Tomas to adjudge for yourself his fitness, I can send him directly to you at Marrowmont. Or if you have enough to tend to at the moment, perhaps he can meet you after your wedding.
==From Brice Willum, to Lord Fenkirk Willum==
To my Lord and Father, Fenkirk Willum,<br>
Greetings, Father.<br>
I hope Mother has had time to recount all the events of Lord Gulian Swann's wedding. It was eventful to say the least, and, sadly, the villainy displayed by Dimesia Velt impacted our House in its way. I'm sorry to have lost good men on their journey through the Boneway. I bore witness to much of the drama firsthand, so if there is anything Mother could not recount, please ask.
While at table with your noble parents, my lord, I also heard that you were seeking a cook well-trained in the kitchen arts of the Reach. If I may be so bold, I should like to offer you the services of my own kitchen woman Welsa. She is a fine cook and would do any household very proud. She often helps in the kitchen at Threeswords when there are great feasts planned. Once Tomas is off to serve with some knight, I will be in the Blanchard house on my own. I'm a simple woman, and have no need for the services of such a magnificent cook, and it would do my heart good to know she was in service to the heir of House Willum, my lord. Do consider it. I can send her to you as soon as you deem, of course.
More to the point, however, it came to my attention through the time spent with Mother that there is concern about my future now that I have reached maturity.  Since the late Lord Waltyr's passing, I have felt the weight of these concerns myself.  I want to assure you that I am taking what steps I can to secure my future and the future of our House.  Discretion prevents me from providing details, but I believe I may soon be able to seek a wife and begin building a family before returning to our lands.
I pray that you are happy and content, even so far from your right and true home, my lord.
In this endeavor, however, I must seek your guidance.  Circumstances prevent me from having an  adequate understanding of what matches might be desirable for our House.  I have considered the possibility of matches here within the Marchwater, and there are several I believe could be quite strong.  House Graben will soon be visiting the Kraedmyrs, which could prove fruitful.  They have a reputation for eccentricity, but I am unconvinced of the truth of this smallfolk gossip.  They are quite wealthy and well positioned, but time will tell if there might be a true match there.
Blessings of the Seven,
Mistress Lana Blanchard of Blanchard House
More importantly, however, I have little understanding of which Houses of the Reach we might consider desirable for alliances of this nature.  Mother suggested to me that you might have some in mind, so I thought it best to inquire.  I'm uncertain how best to affect meeting such Houses, and for that, too, I ask your advice.
===Response from Ser Brice Willum, to Mistress Lana Blanchard===
To Mistress Lana Blanchard of Blanchard House,<br>
I send greetings,
Lastly, I wanted to thank you for the magnificent gift of jousting armor.  I'm afraid I'm not much of a rider, but Elyas represented our House with distinction in the tourney.
Mistress, it was with great pleasure that I received your letter.  I have been long without contact with any of my family's people, and now I am blessed to have some chance at it. It seems my lord father has shared my situation with you, and that there is a suitable squire from the Willum lands pleases me.
Please give my love to Mother.  Being able to spend so much time with her was a rare delightThe hectic circumstances prevented me from spending much time with Eusemie and Mina on this trip, but I have secured with this letter two hair ribbons that I hope reach you in good shape.  Please convey them with my love to the girls.
I have time before my wedding to take some matters to hand, and I should very much like to meet TomasHe sounds a fine boy, and if I can do your family the honor of raising a worthy knight to continue our rightful traditions, I can think of no better reason to take a squire.  Please send him to Marrowmont at your earliest convenience.
I remain your dutiful and loving son,<br>
Regarding your kitchen woman Welsa, I am pleased with your offer of her services.  A woman who can bring me the feeling of a Reach house will be valued.  I hope that she understands she will have to work in the kitchen of our local inn when she is not attending me, but the folk there are quite kind, and I shall see to her well-being personally.  When I at last return home to the Reach, she will be handsomely rewarded for her service to me here, and I shall consider myself in the debt of Blanchard House, as well.
Brice Willum<br>
Penned by my own hand
Concerning her arrival, I think we need not rush unduly.  I will be happy to take her on at my wedding, but following it, I will be traveling to Highgarden and Oldtown before returning to the Vale.  Is Welsa the type of woman who would welcome inclusion on such a journey, or is it best to have her sent when I return to the Graben lands myself?  I defer to your judgement in this matter.
===Response from Lord Fenkirk Willum, to Brice Willum===
To Ser Brice Willum<br>
Steward of House Graben and Heir of House Willum<br>
My Son -
It gladdens me to hear from you, I admit freely. Your mother returned with many impressive tales of the goings-on at Lord Swann's wedding tourney. Had I but known there would be so much excitement, I surely would have found a way to be there myself. Still, hearing how it was your arrow that "won the melee" was delightful, even if I was dismayed that you yourself were not taking part in the melee.
Mistress Blanchard, I cannot stress enough my appreciation for your kind offers. Not only will I benefit greatly from a squire and servant from the Reach, but we can affirm the friendship between House Willum and the Blanchards for the next generation. I take great solace in being able to do so, even so far from my rightful home.
There is concern for your future, of course. I am interested in these Kraedmyrs - Maester Heire has some interesting stories to tell about them, although I imagine they are the same sorts of stories the smallfolk you spoke of tell. Do relate to me how that visit goes, and what you think of them as friends, but more importantly as potential allies.
The Seven Bless You,<br>
Ser Brice Willum, Heir to Threeswords
Along those lines, I shall certainly confer with your mother. She knows you far better than I, and tells me that what I had hoped for - your marriage to a daughter of House Graben - is for some reason out of the question. Because you write me as a man, I will address you as one in this matter. I had frankly hoped for an espungement of our dishonor by your marrying a Graben girl. When history looks back at our relationship with House Graben, any and all connections we have will be because you were their prisoner.
Writ by the hand of Maester Tolbric
The perception of power is important, both in immediacy, but also in the eyes of history. We may have the finest of relationships with the Grabens, but history will always regard that as a result of the exertion of Graben influence over our House. If you marry a Graben girl, on the other hand, that is our House turning around and exerting the influence. Suddenly a story of an imprisoned boy who comes to love the family that imprisons him becomes a story of a boy prisoner who won the heart of a Graben girl, and became truly family with them.
==From Ser Jon Fossoway, to Ser Brice Willum==
To Ser Brice Willum,<br>
I bid greetings.
Graben influence in our future is clearly unavoidable. I would simply have you take actions to ensure that history regards you and our House well for the presence of that influence. To be brutally frank, that is of far greater importance to me than additional alliances with other Houses through marriage. I have other children I can secure those alliances with.
Dearest nephew, I've heard that congratulations are in order. My sister, your mother, wrote to tell me the wonderful news, that the first of her children is getting married. Truly an occasion for celebration! Rest assured, I have every intention of winning the small tourney your father is throwing, and have equal intentions of crowning your new bride the Queen of Love & Beauty. I may even steal her away from you!
It is my understanding that the eldest Graben girl - the one who looks suspiciously unlike her siblings, who was born in VERY short order after the marriage of Lady Isalaine to Lord Waltyr - has flatly refused to marry you. If you cannot win her, then so be it. Your mother tells me she is quite coddled and spoiled, given say in her role for her House in a way most unseemly in a foolish girl. I suspect she would not have made a good Lady Willum in such a case. I do understand, however, that she has a younger sister who is nearly of marriageable age, a sister with the Valyrian look to her.  
All jesting aside, I am truly happy for you. It was a terrible injury to your mother's heart when you were taken so cruelly from her away to the Stormlands, and it is a fine thing that you are returning for such an event. Though I bounced you on my knee when you were but a teething babe, I eagerly anticipate coming to know you as the young man you have grown to be.
If you have any care for what I wish, as your lord and father, I would have you direct your attentions to securing her affection. Do not fail me in this, Brice.
In all eagerness,<br>
Ser Jon Fossoway of Cider Hall
You are certainly welcome for the jousting armor, of course, my son. I do know that you are not much of a rider - frankly, I'd hoped that such a lordly gift might engender in you an understanding of the importance that being a proper knight is to the future lord of House Willum. I extended to you this token in hopes of good esteem and a bright future between us. Pray that in the future, when you are Lord Willum, you do not so casually give away the gifts of lords so cavalierly. It renders insult, my son.
===Response from Ser Brice Willum, to Ser Jon Fossoway===
To Ser Jon Fossoway,<br>
Warmest greetings,
I do not blame you in that lack, of course. Had I known how poorly House Graben regarded the ancient traditions of true knighthood in the tradition of the Andals, I would have demanded that you be sent to foster with another House of the Marchwater Vale. The knight who accompanied your mother and sisters home, a knight of House Seraen, seemed quite an exemplary knight. Clearly I ought to have demanded you be sent to reside with them.
My uncle, I receive your congratulations with great joy. I've had so little chance to know all those I should.  My wedding, at least, will allow me to meet once more all those who knew me when I was little, and who are now, sadly, just misty recollections from a long lost childhood.  I can only hope that this marks the beginning of the days when I can know again my proper family, even as I begin making my own additions, if the Seven will it.
I know we do not know one another, Brice. Our defeat at Storm's End ensured that. If I seem very harsh or demanding to you, it is only because I am now trying to impart to you those things that are important to our House, things I have been denied the chance to teach you lovingly, while you grew up at Threeswords. I could not impart them to you while you were a boy given to learning, so I must now impart them to you as a man capable of reason. Take what I have said here to heart.
I, too, eagerly anticipate meeting as men. Your attendance at the wedding is news most welcome.
Thank you for your letter, my son.
With all hope for the future,<br>
Ser Brice Willum, Heir to Threeswords
~Lord Fenkirk Willum
Writ by my own hand
Lord of Threeswords
Writ by the hand of Maester Heire. If I may be forgiven for being so bold, Lord Brice, I send you my personal regards as well, and hopes for your bright future.
==From Saria Balinger, to Maester Tolbric==
''Marked & Sealed Private''
Well-met once more, Maester Tolbric
==From Brice Willum, to Lord Garland Kraedmyr==
It seems that between you and I, we are forever using names not our own! I think all such deceptions are behind us now, although the consequences of our actions - and the reasons for them - yet remain, I surmise.
To the Lord of Gryphmont, Lord Garland Kraedmyr,<br>
I was pleased to learn from Lady Isalaine of the invitation extended to House Graben. I hope you do not consider it impetuous for me to contact you myself, even though Lady Isalaine has assured me she has accepted the invitation.
Rest assured that though my brother Lord Raunlyr Balinger is fiery and desirous of what he perceives as a final resolution to old problems, all is well in hand here. He has of course seen that it is foolish for him to pursue the acquisition of another maester when we have a perfectly functional and supportive one already to hand.
I found your family most charming when I met them at Lord Gulian's tourney, so I look forward to finally meeting you and yours in a more intimate setting.  I've been curious about our neighbors since hearing tales of your family as a boy at Marrowmont, and the limited time I was able to spend with the Ladies Orya and Ashei only increased my curiosity.
Besides, as a lady, I fear that seeing you again would cause me terrible consternation, reminding me of old horrors and nightmares. I am content to leave the things of the past where they belong. And as long as there are no sudden reminders from either of us, there is no reason it can't remain there, all snug and safe from any harm.
Though I will be visiting your House under the banner of House Graben, as a mature man of my own House, I hope we can find some grounds for a friendship between the Kraedmyrs and Willums.  The day will come when I am Lord of my House, and I hope to carry some friendships from the Vale with me to the Reach.  I would be well pleased to find if we share some common hopes for the future.
You'll understand, I hope, that the political realities of my situation prevent anything more than nurturing such friendships for the future, but as my fellows from the Reach might say, the mightiest of trees can sprout from the smallest of seeds when the ground is fertile.
With All Regard,<br>
Brice Willum<br>
Ward of House Graben<br>
Heir of House Willum<br>
As penned by the hand of Maester Tolbric
===Response from Lord Garland Kraedmyr, to Brice Willum===
If I do consider it impetuous, know that is a good thing. I appreciate a touch of daring and willfulness, in truth. I do hope that your visit will live up to the stories you heard about Gryphmont as a boy, although I also pray that my family fails to live up to the stories you inevitably heard about us as well!
Regarding the future and friendships, know that I would like nothing more. We shall see what the future holds in such regards for all of us.
As far as the visits go, I should like to extend our formal invitation to House Graben and to yourself to visit Gryphmont in three months time, if that is amenable. We are busy (as I'm sure we all are) with the harvest season at present. Better still, in that time is our local Silver Festival, a local tradition that celebrates the hard work of our miners and showcases the finest silver works of our local artisans. Call me proud, but I should very much like to leave on House Graben the sort of impression such a fest will carry.
If you would be so kind as to communicate that invitation to Lady Isalaine, I should be deeply grateful.
Know that Orya sends her regards.
~Garland Kraedmyr of Grypmont
As scribed by the hand of Maester Ambrosine
==From Brice Willum, to Yonas Blackwood==
To Ser Yonas Blackwood of Raventree,<br>
I send Greetings.<br>
It was a true pleasure to make your acquaintance at the Marchwater Tourney.  There are few I've met who can sympathize with my unusual relationship with my own family, and it was a great comfort to share my concerns. Even if our meeting raised its own discomforts in other ways.
But business first, my friend.  I've begun to arrange accommodations for whichever bowyer you would send to us from your guild, but any information you can provide to make his welcome warmer would be appreciated.  Also, if he has any special needs or requests for himself or any others that will accompany him, I will do my best to meet them.  Has he a family or other attendants, apprentices or the like, that we will need to see to?
If you see fit to accompany him on his arrival, I assure you the warmest welcome.  In fact, I welcome the chance to further our friendship, and the Graben lands have charms of their own well worth seeing. Wayman's Rest is an important trade center for the vale, so if you have not visited, it might be worth your time.  The Grabens' bannermen, House Wachstrom, maintain the only Godswood in the vale, which I thought might interest you.  My own bow, Heartstrum, is made from weirwood harvested there. 
And on that subject, though your tale of the wood witch was discomfiting, I still feel a strange fascination with such matters.  If there are any other incidents, I would appreciate learning of them.
I wonder, do you have many dealings with Northern Houses?
Warm Regards,<br>
Brice Willum<br>
Ward and Steward of House Graben<br>
Penned by my own hand
===Response from Yonas Blackwood, to Brice Willum===
Ser Brice:
I pray this letter finds you in good spirits and health! It was wonderful to receive this missive from you, my friend. I treasure our time together - that simple meal in the market tents, as it rained outside - as the best part of my time at Lord Swann's fine tourney.
I have gone to Lord Tytos with your request, and in token of good business and potential friendship, he has agreed. We have agreed upon one of Raventree's master bowyers, and the man - Robard Whitebough by name, the son of Ser Jasyn Whitebough, one of House Raventree's finest knights - has expressed an interest. He comes with his family, a wife and three children, as well as three apprentices in addition.
I am deeply grateful for your interest and your request through me, good Brice. Lord Tytos has given me charge of overseeing setting up Robard in Marrowmont and has intimated that should this endeavor be successful and profitable for the House that I may be given charge of establishing other such future relationships.
As such, I gratefully accept your invitation, and eagerly look forward to gazing upon this Godswood. Many Houses maintain old Godswoods in their domains, but most of the actual weirwood hearttrees have long been cut down - even the hearttree of the Red Keep in King's Landing is simply a great oak.
If I may impose further, though, Lord Tytos has expressed an interest in sending along others of the House. In particular, he is sending his son and heir Brynden, along with his oldest daughter Amara, to accompany me and formally represent House Blackwood in this undertaking. Amara herself is knowledgeable in far more stories of the sorts I related to you, as well.
As for Northern Houses, we do occasionally deal with some of those Houses in the Neck and slightly north of it betimes, although rarely. I have had business that has taken me there before, certainly.
I look forward to returning to the majesty of the Stormlands once more, and thank you again for your friendship.
Warmest Regards, and by my hand<br>
Ser Yonas Blacktree
==From Brice Willum, to Loras Tyrell==
To Ser Loras Tyrell of Highgarden,<br>
I send Greetings.<br>
Ser Loras, I write to express my pleasure at our burgeoning friendship following the Marchwater Tourney.  Now that you'll be in close contact with Lord Emeryk, whom I regard as a brother, I hope our friendship can grow.  Emeryk, frankly, has his peculiarities, but his heart is good, which I hope you will come to appreciate on your own.
When last we spoke, I asked that you send good word to your father regarding my brother Elyas.  I'm afraid I must ask you to refrain from such praise now.  Elyas has decided to seek his own fortune as a hedge knight rather than rely on the shield of his own family, so I feel it best I not seek support on his behalf for now.  Please do not take this as a retraction of my support for my brother, nor should you overlook the valor he displayed at the tourney, but he and I have come to an impasse over certain personal matters.  We have decided to strike our own paths in this regard.  I hope that time will heal this breach.
I'm most appreciative of the support you've shown me.  As I mentioned, I have so little contact with my fellows from the Reach that I cherish any friends I find while I bide my time in the Stormlands.  I hope one day to welcome you to my own House's lands, but in the meantime I shall content myself to count you among my friends in the Stormlands.  And most certainly Lord Renly has greeted me with his own warmth, which is a comfort in and of itself.  Should all go well, we may meet again in King's Landing.  I look forward to this occasion.
If I may ask a simple favor, my brother has chosen to make his own name in the world, but if you in your travels should learn of his whereabouts, I would be glad to hear of it.
Warmest Regards,<br>
Warmest Regards,<br>
Brice Willum<br>
Lady Saria Balinger of Wisenwood
Penned by my own hand
=After Story Five: Rivergard Feast=
==From Brice Willum, to Lord Fenkirk Willum==
To my Lord and Father, Fenkirk Willum,<br>
Greetings, Father.<br>

Latest revision as of 18:56, 7 December 2013

After Interlude: The Greysteel Knight

From Lord Fenkirk Willum, to House Graben

To House Graben

It is with greatest joy that I announce the wedding of my son and heir, Ser Brice Willum, to the good Lady Amara Blackwood of Raventree.

Please join us at the beginning of the second week of the eighth month to see Brice and Amara joined in the sight of the Seven in the small sept at Waxworth. From there, they shall lead a processional down the road to Sweet Heath that the smallfolk may greet and congratulate them along the way.

The processional shall end in the ancient godswood on the edge of Sweet Heath where - per the customs of Lady Amara's home House - Brice and Amara shall once again speak their vows before the Old Gods kept by House Blackwood. A great feast shall follow back at Threeswords.

A celebratory tourney shall be held for our guests over the next two days, to celebrate the unions of Houses Blackwood and Willum, and to wish great joy and prosperity to Brice and Amara's marriage. Pavilion space is even now being prepared for this event, and we pray that we may count on your attendance.

With joyous regards,
Lord Fenkirk & Lady Aldia Willum of Threeswords

From Lady Isalaine Graben, to Lord Fenkirk Willum

Dear Lord Garland,

I am eager as well to join you for the Silver Festival and am excited to make Ser Hodmars acquaintance. Laswell is also excited to see you, he misses you very much but is doing very well here at Marrowmont. I look forward meeting you once again.

Lady Isalaine Graben of Marrowmont
Penned by the hand of Maester Tolbric

From Lord Beric Dondarrion, to House Graben

To Lord Emeryk Graben of Marrowmont,
I sent greetings.

Please be aware that I shall finally be visiting Marrowmont, at the onset of the sixth month of this year. I beg forgiveness for keeping you waiting, but the advisory progression down the Boneway has taken longer than anticipated. I deeply regret any inconvenience this has cause, and beg your indulgence for a short while longer.

I shall be arriving with a small contingent of soldiers and household knights. We shall not tax your hospitality unduly, though I crave forgiveness for the number of them. I am not returning to Stormhaven after visiting your seat, but am instead headed directly to King's Landing to join Lord Renly's court for a handful of months there.

Penned by my own Hand,
Beric Dondarrion
Lord of Blackhaven
Warden of the Dornish Marches

From Amara Blackwood, to Brice Willum

Sealed Private
My dearest Brice-

It is done. My father and our maester have proudly announced to Raventree that the negotiations with your father have been concluded. The wedding is set for the eighth month at Threeswords, and will be done in first a sept and then a godswood (there is apparently an old godswood at the edge of Willum domain that no one really remembers all that well, though it only has an old elm for a heart-tree). I overheard father speaking of my pregnancy to the maester, as well. Any other father would have been horrified and scandalized. Not mine - apparently, he managed to actually reduce the dowry your House expects from mine, citing the impropriety of our dalliance together and the potential damage to my virtue. Infuriating man.

Speaking of my growing belly, things progress apace on that front. Though I'm not showing any signs yet physically, I am definitely with child. I've been battling bouts of hideous nausea and various unsettling other maladies that no one ever warned me about when discussing the "blessing of childhood." I suspect if they told girls what they might truly expect, mankind might die out in a single generation. Suffice to say that by the time we are reunited, I shall be very glad to be over the worst of it, and with mostly fatness to look forward to.

My dreams are strange these days. The line between dreams of the green sort and the normal kind are blurrier these days - something to do with being pregnant, I suspect. My gammer says that all women come closer to dreaming true when they are pregnant, but I don't know how much credence I put into that. I suspect they are mostly fears and the strange humors that overtake women when they are gravid: my dreams are full of dragons and war, of shadows that wear the shape of men stalking the Stormlands and myriad other unpleasantries.

I even dreamt that a great giant, terrible pale and faceless, rampaged through Marrowmont. In his rage, he kicked over walls and smashed soldiers and smallfolk. It was horrible.

Forgive the turn this letter has taken - I intended to keep it light. I do long for the time when we can be together again. The short time I had in your arms and in your bed haunt me, in that I wish nothing more than to be back there once again. I pray the gods speed these days past, that we may be once more.

With all my love and longing,
Your Amara

Response from Ser Brice Willum, to Amara Blackwood

Sealed Private
My Treasure, Amara,

News of our parents' agreement has reached here as well, and I could not have wished for better. The day that we are together again cannot come soon enough. I'm also eager to see with my own eyes our burgeoning child, and I grieve that you can't be with me already that I might help you through these early struggles. Frankly, our Maester Tolbric's arts could likely make one almost forget the struggles of pregnancy all together, and I will be more at ease with you under his care. There is no better attendant for our child.

It's unfortunate that Lord Tytos used our little joy against my father, but I'm hopeful he will not be wroth. Money is only money, after all, but the union of our Houses holds much more promise. I'm certain my father sees the value in that, if nothing else. And he doesn't even know the true gifts you bring to our House.

Minisa has had terrifying dreams of late, as well. Dead and wounded men laid out on funeral slabs, shrouded in gray or red. I'm told she awakens in extreme fright over them. It pains me to say it, but we might do well to not regard these images too lightly. It could be there is real danger ahead of us. All the more reason to have you here with me. As to my own nights, they have been blessedly undisturbed.

But enough of that. Let us instead look to our days in the sun. To see you again, and in my own lands, as well, will prove one of the best days of my life.

Ah, this does bring a matter to mind. Lady Isalaine has appealed to my mother to help place Alysa at Highgarden. They have decided between the two of them to make a grand trip out of it all. After our wedding at Threeswords, we will travel with both Ladies to Highgarden, and sail from there to Oldtown. Minisa has been courted of late by Ser Garth Hightower, and besides she believes there might be much useful knowledge to be gained in Oldtown. After that, we are to sail back to the Vale.

So, I suppose this is my way of saying, come prepared for a bit of an adventure. I will ensure that Maester Tolbric accompanies us, that any rigors of the road will not pose any danger to your good health. In the meantime, I pray to the Seven, and Old Gods, too, to keep you safe in their hands.

With All Love,

Writ by my own hand

From Lord Garland Kraedmyr, to Lady Isalaine Graben

To the Lady Isalaine of House Graben,

The time for the Silver Festival is upon us, and with it comes a visit from your House. I would be a terrible liar if I said we weren't eager for your arrival - it has been many a year since Gryphmont has had visitors from another House.

I am sending along my brother and sister to meet you at the borders to our lands. I believe your ward has met my sister Ashei before, at the tourney. My brother Ser Hodmar has not had the pleasure of your acquaintance, however, and is eager to make it. They will guide you back to Gryphmont. We often see heavy summer rains this time of year, and the paths through the Elibara Valley into Gryphmont proper can be treacherous.

Until we meet once more in person.

~Garland Kraedmyr of Gryphmont

As scribed by the hand of Maester Ambrosine

From Lord Gulian Swann, to Lady Isalaine Graben

Forgive me for not having written in so long.

You know I've always been a terrible correspondent. Old Bladeraven used to handle most of my letters - that miserable bastard knew me so well, he would read our letters, compose a reply and then present the reply to me at dinner to approve. The was a traitor, but damn me if he didn't make my life easier. I do like our new Maester Edelmore, though. The man's a fine healer and plays the lute as well.

Which is excellent news because Beony is pregnant, by the Seven! Truth be told, neither of us expected to be parents again, Lainey - we simply assumed that we'd marry and live to be old together. Clearly the Seven had other things in mind for us. She is due at the end of the year, and has asked me to approach you about being with her during her lying-in month. She quite likes you, and I suspect she would love for Branna to be there, as well.

I've had news from Balon in King's Landing, as an aside. As expected, he is making quite a spectacle of himself. Having participated in some local tourneys around the Crownlands, his skills and knightly virtues have been noticed. I mention this not to brag, but to give you some of his news. He of course spends much of his time with Emeryk, and had some interesting news.

It seems that Lady Aldia Velt is in King's Landing for some reason or another - Balon mentioned that they were possibly visiting family, though to the best of my knowledge Lady Aldia doesn't have any kin in the city. One thing is for certain, however. Lady Aldia's daughter, Pramia, is with her, and according to Balon she and Emeryk have taken to spending quite a lot of time together. Balon is concerned for Emeryk's virtue (bless my poor innocent knight of a son), although he does have a point. If Pramia has set her eyes on Emeryk, it is easy enough for two young people to manufacture a reason to marry in order to satisfy propriety, as I'm sure you and your late Waltyr could well attest. Reason enough to be wary, I suppose.

I also hear that you'll be attending the wedding of Brice to a Blackwood girl. Lainey, if you must permit this marriage, that's fine. But I think it's foolhardy for you to go to Threeswords. That is outside of my reach, and beyond my protection. Who knows what kind of vengeance Lord Willum might feel like exacting for his son's captors? Even if he lets you go, who says he will permit his son to depart with you again? Let's face it: once Brice is back in Threeswords, he'd be a fool to let him go back with you, Lainey. In addition to his own House's defenses, he'll have just married the daughter of a powerful Riverlands House well known for the skill of their archers. I urge you to reconsider this course of action. Hells, we can hold the wedding in Helmport, if you like. Just don't go beyond the Boneway where I can't protect you, sister.

I remain, Your Loving Brother, Lord Gulian Swann, Warden of the Marchwater Vale, Lord of House Swann

By the hand of Maester Edelmore

From Lady Ravella Blackwood, to Lady Isalaine Graben

Dear Lainey-

I'm so very cross with you! I've been waiting positively ages to hear from you, and you of all people know how terrible I am at being patient.

I shall immediately rescind my wroth, of course, as soon as you tell me when you are visiting King's Landing, and when I can expect you here in Acorn Hall. I have so many preparations to make. You must have Minisa tell me which of the young men I suggested in my previous letter she'd like to meet. The more the merrier, as far as I'm concerned!

Honestly, Lainey. It's as though you don't take this whole marriage thing seriously.

With love, but a touch of frustration as well,
Ravella Smallwood of Acorn Hall

Response from Minisa Graben, to Lady Ravella Blackwood

Dear Aunt Ravella,

Mother shared your letter with me and I decided to write you directly. We have been absolutely dreadful and not kept you at all current on events here in Marromont. There has been a great deal of excitement around here and many thorny problems that needed resolving.

First, a piece of wonderful news, Ser Bryce is engaged to marry Amara Blackwood. They met while she was here with her brother establishing a bowyer in Marrowmont. It seems that they were quite taken with each other. Their families have now agreed to a marriage. This means that our travel plans have changed. Instead of going to Kings Landing, we are headed to Threeswords to attend the wedding. From there we intend to visit Highgarden and then Oldtown. I am sure that your attendance at the wedding would be greatly welcomed.

Which bring me to my next bit of news, my own prospects for marriage. I have received two offers already, both of which seem to have potential. The first is from Ser Courtnay Penrose, the Steward of Storm’s End. In case you are not familiar with him, he is the heir to House Penrose. He has written to my mother and asked her permission to court me and ask for my hand in marriage. The second potential proposal is from Ser Garth Hightower. He has not asked for my hand as of yet, but we have discussed that he wishes to do so. Before this happens he would like for me to meet Lord Hightower. I suspect that he wants us to meet so that Lord Hightwoer will understand why his son wants to marry a daughter of a house of less renown then his own.

Aunt Ravella, I would love to hear your opinion on both of these men. I would also love to hear of any good prospects that you might be aware of.

Your loving niece,
Minisa Graben
By My Own Hand

From Lana Blanchard, to Ser Brice Willum

To Ser Brice Willum, Heir to Threeswords,
I send fondest greetings and hopes for your good health and good spirits.

We have all heard the blessed news, my lord. Pray accept my deepest congratulations on your upcoming wedding from everyone at Blanchard estate. We all pray to the Seven for your continuing happiness and the fruitfulness of your line.

I spoke recently with your lord father and lady mother, my lord, and they bid me contact you directly. Your lord father mentioned that you sought a squire from your home lands. Though my own dear husband, Ser Gertyn, is dead almost five full years now, my lord, my son Tomas is quite tall and strong. I'd despaired of him being able to follow in his father's footsteps - he was too young to take to squire before his father died, though he served as a page at Threeswords since he was old enough to see over the high table there.

Your lord father has suggested that Tomas might make a good squire for you. He is thirteen years, his manners have prospered greatly under your lady mother's tutelage and the master-at-arms says he holds a blade quite naturally. I hope I am not being too presumptuous writing to you, my lord. I know it is usually the father's duty to find a knight to squire for his son, but poor Tomas has only me to do such things. If you desire to meet Tomas to adjudge for yourself his fitness, I can send him directly to you at Marrowmont. Or if you have enough to tend to at the moment, perhaps he can meet you after your wedding.

While at table with your noble parents, my lord, I also heard that you were seeking a cook well-trained in the kitchen arts of the Reach. If I may be so bold, I should like to offer you the services of my own kitchen woman Welsa. She is a fine cook and would do any household very proud. She often helps in the kitchen at Threeswords when there are great feasts planned. Once Tomas is off to serve with some knight, I will be in the Blanchard house on my own. I'm a simple woman, and have no need for the services of such a magnificent cook, and it would do my heart good to know she was in service to the heir of House Willum, my lord. Do consider it. I can send her to you as soon as you deem, of course.

I pray that you are happy and content, even so far from your right and true home, my lord.

Blessings of the Seven, Mistress Lana Blanchard of Blanchard House

Response from Ser Brice Willum, to Mistress Lana Blanchard

To Mistress Lana Blanchard of Blanchard House,
I send greetings,

Mistress, it was with great pleasure that I received your letter. I have been long without contact with any of my family's people, and now I am blessed to have some chance at it. It seems my lord father has shared my situation with you, and that there is a suitable squire from the Willum lands pleases me.

I have time before my wedding to take some matters to hand, and I should very much like to meet Tomas. He sounds a fine boy, and if I can do your family the honor of raising a worthy knight to continue our rightful traditions, I can think of no better reason to take a squire. Please send him to Marrowmont at your earliest convenience.

Regarding your kitchen woman Welsa, I am pleased with your offer of her services. A woman who can bring me the feeling of a Reach house will be valued. I hope that she understands she will have to work in the kitchen of our local inn when she is not attending me, but the folk there are quite kind, and I shall see to her well-being personally. When I at last return home to the Reach, she will be handsomely rewarded for her service to me here, and I shall consider myself in the debt of Blanchard House, as well.

Concerning her arrival, I think we need not rush unduly. I will be happy to take her on at my wedding, but following it, I will be traveling to Highgarden and Oldtown before returning to the Vale. Is Welsa the type of woman who would welcome inclusion on such a journey, or is it best to have her sent when I return to the Graben lands myself? I defer to your judgement in this matter.

Mistress Blanchard, I cannot stress enough my appreciation for your kind offers. Not only will I benefit greatly from a squire and servant from the Reach, but we can affirm the friendship between House Willum and the Blanchards for the next generation. I take great solace in being able to do so, even so far from my rightful home.

The Seven Bless You,
Ser Brice Willum, Heir to Threeswords

Writ by the hand of Maester Tolbric

From Ser Jon Fossoway, to Ser Brice Willum

To Ser Brice Willum,
I bid greetings.

Dearest nephew, I've heard that congratulations are in order. My sister, your mother, wrote to tell me the wonderful news, that the first of her children is getting married. Truly an occasion for celebration! Rest assured, I have every intention of winning the small tourney your father is throwing, and have equal intentions of crowning your new bride the Queen of Love & Beauty. I may even steal her away from you!

All jesting aside, I am truly happy for you. It was a terrible injury to your mother's heart when you were taken so cruelly from her away to the Stormlands, and it is a fine thing that you are returning for such an event. Though I bounced you on my knee when you were but a teething babe, I eagerly anticipate coming to know you as the young man you have grown to be.

In all eagerness,
Ser Jon Fossoway of Cider Hall

Response from Ser Brice Willum, to Ser Jon Fossoway

To Ser Jon Fossoway,
Warmest greetings,

My uncle, I receive your congratulations with great joy. I've had so little chance to know all those I should. My wedding, at least, will allow me to meet once more all those who knew me when I was little, and who are now, sadly, just misty recollections from a long lost childhood. I can only hope that this marks the beginning of the days when I can know again my proper family, even as I begin making my own additions, if the Seven will it.

I, too, eagerly anticipate meeting as men. Your attendance at the wedding is news most welcome.

With all hope for the future,
Ser Brice Willum, Heir to Threeswords

Writ by my own hand

From Saria Balinger, to Maester Tolbric

Marked & Sealed Private Well-met once more, Maester Tolbric

It seems that between you and I, we are forever using names not our own! I think all such deceptions are behind us now, although the consequences of our actions - and the reasons for them - yet remain, I surmise.

Rest assured that though my brother Lord Raunlyr Balinger is fiery and desirous of what he perceives as a final resolution to old problems, all is well in hand here. He has of course seen that it is foolish for him to pursue the acquisition of another maester when we have a perfectly functional and supportive one already to hand.

Besides, as a lady, I fear that seeing you again would cause me terrible consternation, reminding me of old horrors and nightmares. I am content to leave the things of the past where they belong. And as long as there are no sudden reminders from either of us, there is no reason it can't remain there, all snug and safe from any harm.

Warmest Regards,
Lady Saria Balinger of Wisenwood