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|AbilityScores=Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and one other score of your choice increases by 1.
|Age=The gobeol have an average lifespan.  They reach maturity after about 45 seasons and can live for up to about 250 seasons.
|Speed=30 feet
|OtherTraits=•'''Dream Reader:''' You have proficiency in insight.<br> •'''Preternatural Skill:''' Choose one skill or tool set you have proficiency in.  You gain double your proficiency bonus with that skill or set.<br>•'''Darkvision:''' You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.  You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray<br> •'''Unwoven Form:''' When you move on your turn, you may partially unweave your body, becoming invisible and able to move through objects or creatures.  You remain unwoven until the start of your next turn.  Once you unweave yourself, you may not again until you complete a short or long rest.<br>
Like the gael, the cunning gobeol are dream given form.  They have a more directed nature, however.  The gobeol emerged from the Dream aware that the mortal folk still touch it in their sleep.  In fact, the gobeol are aspects of the Dream that lie close to wakefulness, the very things that folk glimpse in their dreams and that look back at them.
Like the gael, the cunning gobeol are dream given form.  They have a more directed nature, however.  The gobeol emerged from the Dream aware that the mortal folk still touch it in their sleep.  In fact, the gobeol are aspects of the Dream that lie close to wakefulness, the very things that folk glimpse in their dreams and that look back at them.

Latest revision as of 18:08, 16 September 2015

Gobeol 01.jpg

Gobeol 02.jpg
Ability Scores
Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and one other score of your choice increases by 1.
Basic Traits
Age: The gobeol have an average lifespan. They reach maturity after about 45 seasons and can live for up to about 250 seasons.
Size: Small
Speed: 30 feet
Other Traits
Dream Reader: You have proficiency in insight.
Preternatural Skill: Choose one skill or tool set you have proficiency in. You gain double your proficiency bonus with that skill or set.
Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray
Unwoven Form: When you move on your turn, you may partially unweave your body, becoming invisible and able to move through objects or creatures. You remain unwoven until the start of your next turn. Once you unweave yourself, you may not again until you complete a short or long rest.

Like the gael, the cunning gobeol are dream given form. They have a more directed nature, however. The gobeol emerged from the Dream aware that the mortal folk still touch it in their sleep. In fact, the gobeol are aspects of the Dream that lie close to wakefulness, the very things that folk glimpse in their dreams and that look back at them.

Because of this, the gobeol understand the waking world very well, sometimes uncomfortably so. Though not malicious, the gobeol can be manipulative toward the other folk, and some among them are able to influence dreams directly or even enter them fully. Through dreams, they push folk in directions to their liking. Most gobeol lack these talents, however, and merely peek at the dreams of other folk.

The gobeol are born, age, and die just as other folk do, but they can also unweave their form temporarily, melting back into the Dream before reforming elsewhere. This allows them to pass unseen for short periods of time. This is also how the more gifted among them can enter other folks' dreams.

The gobeol have a peculiar love of craft, given their own nature. They spread amongst the other folk quickly after emerging from the Dream and learned all craft the world has to offer. Now, they are often distinguished artisans and inventors whose work is much admired.

Despite their comfort living among other folk, the gobeol also build their own villages along the edges of the Dream, often closer than the other folk feel is safe. Indeed, the Dream sometimes washes over a gobeol village, sweeps it up, and deposits it elsewhere in the world.

The gobeol are short in stature and oddly shaped compared to other folk. Their heads and facial features may be exaggerated in scale, and their ears can be large and round, pointed, or floppy. Their skin may be many vivid colors, including green, purple, blue, red, or orange. They may or may not have similarly flashy hair.