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Unwholesome Blossom is a local goddess of Poisons and Plants, who governs a Wood Aspected Desmense with her Wood Aspected Dragon Blooded High Priestess and several heroic mortal priestesses, all who practice the Ill Lilly Terrestrial Martial Art. They are allied with the Sequestered Tabernacle, and are aware that Solars are trained there, but they do not specifically know that it is the Cult of the Illuminated.

Red Hand's Personality Profile:(Note: The specific wording of these Intimacies needs to be confirmed with notes taken by Red's player during the game session and is subject to change)

  • Unwholesome Blossom has a negative Intimacy of (Disdain) towards Defiant Eminence.
  • She also has an Intimacy of (Desire) towards Poisons, as they are like recreational drugs for her.
  • In addition to this, Red has discovered that she has an Intimacy of (Ambition) towards the Celestial Bureaucracy.

Red Hand's uncomfirmed leads:

  • Unwholesome Blossom is one of the few recipients of Red Hand's letter writing campaign, however since she is already an ally of the Sequestered Tabernacle, her letter is not encrypted with charms, and consists of a heart-felt apology for injuring one of her priestesses during a training bout. The message was delivered with a small pouch of clearly labeled poison crafted by Starfish, as a gift for the Goddess of the Vale, and a solemn apology written as a Haiku for the injured priestess herself.