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Throughout the ages, sages and seers of great power have peered into the Future and given prophecy that has shaped the destiny of billions. <br>
Throughout the ages, sages and seers of great power have peered into the Future and given prophecy that has shaped the destiny of billions. <br>
==='''Heighten Senses:'''===
==='''Heighten Senses'''===
This Force Power gives the Wielder the ability to enhance their perceptions beyond normal capability. <br>
This Force Power gives the Wielder the ability to enhance their perceptions beyond normal capability. <br>

Revision as of 11:59, 13 October 2014

Unlike many other settings, there is really only one type of magic in Star Wars, known throughout the Galaxy as The Force. While there are hundreds if not thousands of small Force Traditions, many of whom believe that something else is at work, either magic, ancestral spirits, fate, ect. It is largely accepted that all of these different belief systems simply misunderstand the true nature of the power that they wield, that they are misidentifying the Force. Now as the Jedi are the dominate Tradition, it is also possible that the Jedi are simply applying their narrow view on others. Supporting the Jedi view point, however, is the fact that it is generally believed that anyone with Force Sensitivity can learn any Force Based power with the right teacher. Regardless of its true nature, the term Force will be used throughout the rest of this material.

With that in mind, the Jedi see the Force as an energy field that is generated by, surrounds, penetrates and nurtures all living things. In Jedi Dogma, it is divided into two distinct but related energies. The Living Force is the Force generated by and connects all living things. The Cosmic Force draws its source energy from the Living Force and is the underlying energy that binds the galaxy together. It has been widely theorized that the Cosmic Force is responsible for regulating mass, gravity, electromagnetism and other fundamental forces in the physical sciences.

Beyond the two energies associated with the Force, it is widely held that the Force has two opposed aspects; the Light Side – associated with compassion, selflessness, knowledge and benevolence, and the Dark Side – associated with passion, aggression, fear and malevolence. It has been well documented that both of these aspects have occasionally displayed a sense of awareness and more importantly an agenda. In particular the Dark Side seems to engage more frequently with the physical than the Light Side, and the Dark Side, at first glance, appears to be easier to master, as Dark Side devotees have often spontaneously

Force Sensitivity

Once you have purchased the Force Sensitive Fate Benefit, you are now capable of sensing and potentially harnessing the Force. In addition to the effects of that Benefit, you also gain access to three new specialties and a new Ability Use.

Force Specialties

There are three Force Specialties. When a Force Power uses these Specialties it will be clearly indicated by the Force Power's effect. The Specialties are:

  • Awareness (Sense) - Applies when your ability to feel the Force is important
  • Will (Control) - Applies when your ability to manage and control the Force flowing through you is important.
  • Presence (Alter) - Applies when your ability to harness the Force to affect your environment is important.

New Ability Uses

Below are new uses of your Abilities because you are Force Sensitive

  • Will (Control) - Commune with Force: You may Test Will (Control) against a Routine (6) Difficulty, to enter a meditative state, heightening your connection to the Force. For each Degree of Success you score, you may regain one (1) spent Force Point. You may only enter this state once per Scene, and requires 1 hour of meditation per Force Point recovered. In addition, while in this meditative state, you may convert one (1) Bonus Die granted form the Sense Specialty into a Test Die.
  • Awareness (Sense) - Detect Disturbance: The Storyteller may call on you to Test Awareness (Sense) against a Routine (6) Difficulty. If you are successful, you feel a ripple in the Force. For Each Degree of Success after the first the Storyteller may give you a vague piece of information, but should refrain from outright telling you the source. (Designer Notes: Consider Kenobi following the Destruction of Alderaan in A New Hope. He says he felt a "a Great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices.... In terms of this mechanics Kenobi achieved three Degrees of Success on his Test, one allowed him to feel the disturbance, the second gave him a gage of its size, and the third gave him a vague indication of what happened, i.e. millions of people were suddenly killed)

Force Powers at a Glance

Your ability to use the Force within the game system if governed by a series of Force Powers. There are three broad categories that Force Powers fall into; the Jedi Arts, the Dark Arts; and the Obscure Arts. Each Force Power will have several effects that it can be used for, depending on how much energy you put into the Power. Once you have gained access to a Power, usually by investing a Destiny Point in the Force Training Benefit, you have access to all of the effects listed under the Power. In general there are three categories of effects; Persistent, Sustained, and Manifestation.

Persistent Effects are always available to your character, however, they are not always 'on'. They still must be activated. They do not require the expenditure to activate however.

Sustained Effects are the more commonly seen Force Powers. They allow the Use access to many incredible abilities, which often defy the natural laws. These powers require you to Spend a Force Point, which then gives you access to that Effect for the entire Scene. If a Power has multiple Sustained Effects, they must be spent for and activated separately.

Manifestation Effects are usually the most powerful effects a Force Power has. They require you to Spend a Force Point each time the effect is used.

Force Points

Force Points represent your Characters raw strength with the Force. The more Force Points you have, they stronger you are. In truth they function in a similar fashion to Destiny Points, with the exception that they may only used when you are using the Force through Force Powers.

You may spend Force Points to do several things:

  • Activate a Force Power effect, as described above.
  • Convert one Bonus Die gained from the Control, Sense, or Alter Specialties into a Test Die
  • Increase your Rank in the Control, Sense, or Alter Specialty by 1 for a Single Test.

You may spend as many Force Points at a time as you would like, however, there is a limit to how many you may spend safely each SCENE. Beyond this limit, channeling such raw power through your body and mind, erodes away that which keeps you anchored in the Physical Existence. This causes serious harm and can even lead to death (as the Force User sheds their Physical Body, becoming a being of pure light and energy before merging completely with the Force). To represent this, each time you Spend a Force Point above your Ranks in Will, you must make an Endurance (Fortitude) Test against a Challenging (9) Difficulty. If you fail you suffer an Injury and subsequent tests increase this Difficulty by one Step. If you critically fail you suffer a Wound instead, and all further failures inflicts Wounds.

If your character suffers a Fatal Wound in this fashion, they have shed their Physical Body. All Injury and Wound Penalties are discarded, and they may continue to spend any Force Points they they have left with out having to make the above tests. Once all of your Force Points are gone, you may then BURN your Force Points, allowing you to spend them again - and you must, at a minimum, Burn a Force Point in this Fashion once each Turn. When all of your Force Points have been burnt, your Character merges with the Force and is gone permanently.

Destiny and Force Points

There is a relation between Destiny and Force Points.
You may Spend a Destiny Point to immediately recover one (1) spent Force Point.
You may Burn a Destiny Point to immediately recover ALL of your spent Force Points.

The Jedi Arts

Sense Force

Quiet often the first powers that are taught to a new student, this power enables you to open your feelings to the Force, to feel its influence, its pull.

Once purchased, this power grants you the ability to actively Sense the Force. You may make a Standard Test using your Awareness (Sense) against a Routine (6) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success grants you a piece of information, from within Close Range of your Character based on below:
1 Degree: Presence or Absence of Life
2 Degrees: Presence of Force Sensitives / Presence of Dark Side Points
3 Degrees: Comparative power level (Targets Force Points is Greater or Less than yours)
4 Degrees: Number of Force Benefits they possess
5 Degrees: Number of Force Powers they possess.

There are several sustained powers that you may call upon as the Force grants insight or guidance. Enhance Empathy: You may open yourself to the Force and use it to feel the emotional vibrations of others. When you make non-Force based Tests using Awareness (Empathy) you may add your Ranks in the Sense Ability as additional Bonus Dice. These Dice may exceed the normal limits of Bonus Dice. Instinctive Navigation/Astrogation: When you make a Survival (Orientation) or Mechanics (Any Piloting) for the purpose of finding your way, you may add your ranks in the Sense Specialty as additional Bonus Dice to the Test, and these Bonus Dice may exceed your normal limits.

Through the Force you may sense and perceive far off places, the past or the future. Your connection to your target does play a significant roll in the difficulty of this. It is far easier to see a life long friend than it is a complete stranger. You may test Awareness (Sense) against a Difficulty determined by how far away your target is. In addition for each Step your Disposition is above Indifferent you gain a +1 Modifier to this roll. For each step below you suffer a -1 Modifier. This Power may also be used to attempt to peer into the Past or the Future, but doing so incurs a -1D Penalty. Each Degree of Success grants you one piece of information determined by the Storyteller. (Design Notes: I’m considering giving this power the ability to Generate a pool of bonus dice…)
Same Planet – Challenging (9)
Same System – Formidable (12)
Same Sector – Hard (15)
Across the Galaxy – Very Hard (18)

Throughout the ages, sages and seers of great power have peered into the Future and given prophecy that has shaped the destiny of billions.

Heighten Senses

This Force Power gives the Wielder the ability to enhance their perceptions beyond normal capability.

Instead of a Hidden Opponent Testing Stealth against your Passive Awareness, you may make a Reflexive Awareness (Sense) Test against a Challenging (9) Difficulty. If you succeed, your opponents are denied the +1D Due to Surprise

You may use the Force to augment your perceptions, noticing things that beyond your normal capability and drawing information from the ambient resonance of the Force.

Enhance Perception:
When you make non-Force based Tests using Awareness (Notice) you may add your Ranks in the Sense Ability as additional Bonus Dice. These Dice may exceed the normal limits of Bonus Dice.

You may test Awareness (Sense) against a Challenging (9) Difficulty to gain information from an object. Each Degree of Success grants a piece of information as described below:
1 Degree: What the object/place was used for.
2 Degrees: If the owner was Force Sensitive and any Dark Side Points they had
3 Degrees: The owners Motivation was when they possessed/used the object
4 Degrees: The owners Vice and Virtue was when they possessed the object.
5 Degrees: The owners highest Ability when they used the object

Forces users have been known to be able to read the thoughts of others, and to speak directly to another's mind. When you take the Read Target Action during an Intrigue you may spend a Force Point to convert a number of Bonus Dice into Test Dice equal to your Ranks in the Sense Specialty. The Difficulty of this Test is your Targets passive Will instead of their passive Deception. This power may also be used to speak directly into a subjects mind. You Test your Presence (Sense Specialty Applies) against your targets Passive Will. Each Degree of Success allows you to communicate one image, word or concept to your target.

Apocrypha: There are no known powers at this level.

Heal Self

Force Users are well known for their ability to recover from all but the most grievous of wounds.

Using the Force, you may suppress your nerves and pain receptors. You may Test your Will (Control) against a Routine (6) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success removes the Penalty applied from one Injury or Wound. You remove the Penalties from Injuries first, then from Wounds. Keep track of how many Degrees of Success you achieve from the activation of this Power, as Injuries and Wound Penalties received after you activate this Effect are mitigated until the number of Penalties exceeds the Total Degrees achieved. This Effect may only be used once per scene.

There are several effects at this level.

You are capable of using the Force to remove poisons and diseases from your system. Once you have been exposed to a Poison or Disease, you may make an Will (Fortitude Specialty Applies) Test adding your Ranks in the Control Specialty, as additional Bonus Dice that may exceed your normal limits, against a Challenging (9) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success reduces the Toxicity of Poisons or number of Days the Character is ill by one. You may only make a Detoxify attempt once each day.

Heal Injury:
You may call on the Force to recover from Injuries instantly. When you activate this power you may immediately make an Endurance (Fortitude) Test adding Ranks in Control Specialty as additional Bonus Dice that may exceed your normal limits, as if you had waited the required time per the normal recovery rules. You may activate this Power once per Scene. Dark Side Points cannot be used to Activate this Power.

With increased effort and concentration, you may recover from severe injuries that would prove potentially fatal to others. You may Spend a Force Point to and invoke the Heal Injury effect above, except now you may recover from Wounds instead.

Rumors circulate that extremely knowledgeable Force Users have achieved immortality…

Heal Another

This power is similar to Heal Self, except that it may be used on others.

Using the Force, you may suppress the nerves and pain receptors of your patient. You may Test your Will (Alter Specialty Applies) against a Routine (6) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success removes the Penalty applied from one Injury or Wound. You remove the Penalties from Injuries first, then from Wounds. Keep track of how many Degrees of Success you achieve from the activation of this Power, as Injuries and Wound Penalties received by your patient after you activate this Effect are mitigated until the number of Penalties exceeds the Total Degrees achieved. This Effect may only be used once per scene.

There are several effects at this level.

You can call on the Force to identify Ailments or Hazards that are affecting a Character. When you take a Diagnosis Greater Action, you may choose to roll Awareness (Diagnosis Specialty still applies) instead of Healing, adding your Rank in the Sense Specialty as additional Bonus Dice that may exceed normal limits. Detoxify Another: You are capable of using the Force to remove poisons and diseases from your patients system. Once they have been exposed to a Poison or Disease, you may make an Will (Sense Specialty Applies) Test adding your Ranks in the Control Specialty, as additional Bonus Dice that may exceed your normal limits, against a Challenging (9) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success reduces the Toxicity of Poisons or number of Days the Character is ill by one. You may only make a Detoxify attempt once each day.

Heal Another’s Injury:
You may call on the Force to allow your patient to recover from Injuries instantly. When you activate this power your patient may immediately make an Endurance (Fortitude) Test adding your Ranks in Alter Specialty as additional Bonus Dice that may exceed their normal limits, as if they had waited the required time per the normal recovery rules. You may activate this Power once per Scene. Dark Side Points cannot be used to Activate this Power.

With increased effort and concentration, you may allow others to recover from severe injuries that would prove potential. You may Spend a Force Point to and invoke the Heal Another’s Injury effect above, except now they may recover from Wounds instead.

Tales speak of Force users that are able to bring the dead back to life, to wipe plague from an affected world…


Force Wielders can harness the power of the Force to push their bodies beyond normal capabilities

You have learned to harness the Force to supply you with additional reserves when you need them. When you take a “Catch Your Breath” Action during Combat you may add your Ranks in the Control Specialty to your result. In addition, you also remove 1 Point of Fatigue per Degree of Success rolled.

Sustained: There are a several powers at this level you may call on.

You are capable of slowing down your body and mind, falling into a near death like state. The character may make a Will (Control) Test against an Automatic (0) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success becomes a multiplier that increases the time period in between Resisting a Hazard (Poison, Disease, Suffocation, Starvation, ect). During this period, the Character may only make Reflexive Ability Tests. The Character remains somewhat aware of their surroundings, but suffers a -1D to all Awareness Tests per Degree of Success Rolled on the Will Test to activate this effect. The Character may choose to end this power at any point, but may not activate it again for the rest of the scene.

Enhance Physique:
You have learned to call on the Force to strengthen your body. When you activate this Effect, choose an Athletics Specialty. You may add your Rank in Control as additional Bonus Dice to these Tests, and these dice may exceed your normal limits.

Enhance Reflexes:
You have learned to call on the Force to quicken your reflexes. When you activate this Effect, choose an Agility Specialty. You may add your Rank in Control as additional Bonus Dice to these Tests, and these dice may exceed your normal limits.

Intuitive Piloting:
You have learned to call on the Force to hone your reactions in the cockpit. When you activate this Effect, choose a Piloting Specialty. You may add your Rank in Control as additional Bonus Dice to these Tests, and these dice may exceed your normal limits.

You can call on the Force to Guide your actions, making you capable of performing feats of accuracy that would otherwise be impossible. By Spending a Force Point, you may now a number of Bonus Dice from your Fighting or Marksmanship pool into Test Dice, equal to your Ranks in the Sense Specialty.

Even with their superb physical mastery, some Force users have been rumored to be capable of lifting tons with their bare hands, or to instantly move from one point in space to another…

Force Defense

There some who have learned to call on the Force to shield them from harm.

Once learned, this power allows you to resist minor levels of harmful energy. Whenever you are exposed to an energy based Hazard (Radiation and Heat are common examples) you may add your Ranks in the Control Specialty as a Modifier to your Endurance (Resilience) Test.

There are several effects at this level.

Force Shield:
You may call on the Force and wrap yourself in a protective shield. As a Lesser Action, you may Test Will (Alter Specialty Applies) against a Routine (6) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success grants you a point of AR, up to your Ranks in the Control Specialty. This effect last for a number of Turns equal to your Ranks in Presence.
Absorb Energy:
A more active form of defense, this power allows you to attempt to absorb incoming energy damage and dissipate it harmlessly away. As a Greater Action, you may Test Will (Control) against a Challenging (9) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success increases your Combat Defense against weapons and attacks that have the Energy Quality by your Ranks in the Endurance Ability. <br.


With great will and concentration, you may erect an semi-solid barrier purely out of the Force.  To activate this power you must spend a Force Point and as a Greater Action Test Will (Alter Specialty Applies) against a Challenging (9) Difficulty.  The barrier counts as an Obstacle providing Cover for a number of Characters equal to the Degrees of Success, up to a maximum of your Ranks in the Control Specialty.  While this power is in effect your character may take no action other than to maintain the power, and you may hold the Barrier active for a number of rounds equal to your Ranks in Will before it collapses and you must activate it again. 

Force Stealth

You may cloak yourself in the Force to hide your Force Sensitivity from others. Make a Standard Will (Control) Test against a Routine (6) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success increases the Difficulty for any Sense Force attempts against you by one step.

By using your skill in the Force to conceal yourself, you may go unnoticed by others. When testing the Stealth Ability, you may add your Ranks in the Control Specialty as additional Bonus Dice that may exceed your normal Limits. This power has no effect on mechanical devices, or observers using technology.

Beyond simple Stealth, this power grants you the ability to avoid detection altogether. Cameras, Sensors, even Beasts will be unable to see or find you. On occasion this may even manifest as a form of invisibility. By spending a Force Point, you may make Stealth Test unopposed against a Difficulty set by the following:
Sentient Individuals – Routine (6) Living Creatures – Challenging (9) Technology – Formidable (12)

Affect Mind

The Force can have a great influence on the weak minded. This Force Power can be used to affect the perceptions of individuals, cloud their thoughts, create distractions, and even subvert their will or dominate their minds. While the more subtle effects of this power are employed often by the Jedi, the more overt are questionable or outright forbidden.

Your ability to influence others allows you to cause an opponent to momentarily believe they heard a sound, saw something out of the corner of their eye, or felt someone tap them on the shoulder. Whatever the minor illusion, your target becomes momentarily distracted, granting you an advantage. Outside of combat this may grant you a Modifier equal to your Ranks in the Alter Specialty to a Test, such as Stealth or Deception, though it may also cause alert guards to sound the alarm or call for reinforcements.

At this level Affect Mind now clouds the thoughts of your target, making them easier to manipulate and less certain of their actions.

Mind Trick:
You may now use the Convince Technique as a Simple Intrigue regardless of the difference between your Presence and that of your target. You may add a Modifier equal to your Ranks in the Alter Specialty to your total. However, your Difficulty is now your opponents Passive Will Result instead of their Intrigue Defense.

Combat Distraction:
Clever Jedi have harnessed Affect Mind to use in Combat. You may take the Distract Action during Combat, but you Substitute your Presence (Alter) in place of your Cunning.

You can call on the Force to render your opponent unconscious. Unlike other uses of Affect Mind, this requires Physical contact – you must touch your target to channel the Force into them and disrupt their minds control of their body. You may make a Standard Test using your Presence (Alter) against a Difficulty equal to your targets Passive Endurance Result. This functions like an Attack, but the Damage inflicted is equal to your Ranks in the Will Ability, and are increased by Degrees of Success as normal. Your opponent cannot use Injuries or Wounds to reduce this Damage, and this damage is not reduced by Armor Rating. During the Resolution Step, the victim of this power cannot be Killed or Maimed unless they also suffered damage from another source. Touching an unwilling opponent requires a Fighting (Brawling) Test against your opponents Combat Defense and this test counts as a Lesser Action.

At this level, Affect Mind can be used to strip the target of memories, or implant false memories within their mind. Each time you use this power it requires a Force Point to be spent. You may then roll Presence (Alter) against a Difficulty equal to your targets Passive Will Result. Each Degree of Success scored allows you to remove, alter or implant a memory. (As an example – you could use one of these Degrees of Success to change make your target remember that he spoke with a Stormtrooper instead of you, or that you didn’t speak to him at all – but were there, or that he spoke to someone but doesn’t remember who).

Powerful, Crazed or desperate Force Users have been known to be able to be capable of completely erasing a person’s mind, or subverting their will to the point that they become a near mindless servant – or even radically altering an individual’s personality into something completely different.


The ability to move and control object through the Force is one of the most iconic and overt uses of the Force that one can manifest. Force traditions across the galaxy have used this ability as a means to test prospective students, as a means of security – with locking mechanisms that can only be opened through telekinetics, as a display of power and finally as a tool in combat. As much as this may be true, however, defying the natural laws and moving objects with the mind is strenuous and requires substantial concentration to move objects of any real size. This does not prevent the Force User from lifting objects with masses far beyond what any normal person could manage, Jedi and others have been known to move objects the size of small starships, just that the more massive the object, the slower the Force User can move it. This is the why the Jedi don’t go into conflict with Garbage Scows in tow, hurling tons of material at their opponents, they simple can’t mentally throw an object much larger than themselves with sufficient force to inflict injuries. There is also the question of morality. Dropping a building on someone, even your enemy, is tantamount to premeditated murder, something the Jedi abhor.

You can move small objects at will in your general vicinity with nothing but your mind. This allows you to use Ability Tests at Close Range (30 feet) away without actually touching them, but suffer a -1D to the Test. You may lift and manipulate 1lbs per Rank you possess in the Alter Specialty. Objects lifted in this fashion cannot be used as a weapon, as they are not propelled with enough force in inflict harm. In addition to the above effects, a Jedi may retrieve an object, usually their Lightsaber, from any point up to Close Range as a Free Action on their turn. This means that, in most situations, a disarmed Jedi only remains disarmed until the start of their next turn.

By spending a Force Point, you may call on the Force to lift and move objects of sizable mass for the remainder of the Scene. You test Presence (Alter) in place of your Athletics (Strength) when attempting to lift an object and you may do so at Close Range. The Difficulty is determined by the weight you are attempting to lift (See “Strength” p59 ASOIAF). Exercising control of these objects once lifted requires your undivided attention and thus counts as a Greater Action. In Combat, this power can be used in a number of different ways:

Force Push:
You may use this power to make the Knockdown Action against an opponent at Close Range. You roll Presence (Alter) instead of your Athletics. This Action may be combined with the Divided Attack Greater Action to attempt to Knockdown more than one opponent. (Designer Note: You asked about knocking groups to the ground. I actually plan on introducing Mob rules that treat a group of minor characters as a single individual)

Ranged Disarm:
You may use this power to take the Disarm Action against an opponent at Close Range. As a Greater Action, Test Presence (Alter) against a Difficulty equal to your opponents Passive Athletics Result. If you score two or more degrees of success, you disarm your opponent. If your Awareness is 4 or more, you catch their weapon, otherwise the weapon lands 1D6 yards away.

Force Grip:
The Force User can call on their Telekinetic skill to lift an opponent up and hold them with nothing more than their mind. As a Greater Action, you may attempt to grab an opponent at Close Range through the Force. Test Presence (Alter) against a Difficulty equal to your opponents Passive Athletics (Strength) Result. If you are successful, your opponent may not move and suffers a -5 to their Combat Defense. As a Lesser Action, your target may attempt to break your hold in an Actively Opposed Athletics (Strength) vs your Presence (Alter). At the Start of your subsequent turn, you may attempt to ‘Pin’ your opponent by lifting them into the air. This is a Greater Action, Testing your Presence (Alter) in active opposition to your Opponents Athletics (Strength). If you are successful, your target is now Helpless and all attacks made against him gain +1D. An opponent Pinned in this way can take no action other than to attempt to break the pin using the Opposed Test above. Force Users with the Telekinesis Power may substitute their Presence (Alter) for their Athletics (Strength) in all of these Tests. Hurl Object: You may use this power to hurl an object at an opponent. You may now make a Standard Attack against an Opponent at Close Range, Testing your Cunning (Thrown) against their Combat Defense adding a Modifier equal to your Ranks in Alter. The Damage of this attack is equal to you Ranks in the Presence Ability, and may be increased by Degrees of Success normally. As it is an Attack, you may combine this with the Divided Attack Greater Action to hurl objects at multiple opponents. (Designer Notes: The Cunning Ability is used for the Attack roll because Cunning is, in my mind, effectively equivalent to your Mental Agility allowing you to intuitively calculate the trajectory of the attack. The modifier from Alter provides a flat increase to your roll based on your skill with Alter Powers – consider in normal combat rules that adding a Specialty to a Test result, especially an attack roll, normally requires an entire benefit. The Damage is determined by your Presence instead of the mass of the target for a number of reasons – Being hit by several hundred pounds at any significant speed is outright fatal in most instances and attempting to define who much each pound of weight affect the Damage Rating is cumbersome. With that in mind, Presence would be used to Lift the object(s) using Sustained TK, so it makes sense that Presence should be involved in determining the Damage done.)

While the ability to lift a few hundred pounds is impressive, it by no means is the limit of a Forces Users telekinetic ability. A Force Wielder may lift significant amounts of mass, dozens of tons for short periods, but it requires a great deal of concentration and can only be moved at ponderous speeds. Each time you employ this effect you must spend a Force Point. As a Greater Action, you Test Presence (Alter) in place of your Athletics (Strength) and may do so at Close Range, against a Challenging (9) Difficulty. Each Degree of Success allows you to lift your Ranks in the Alter Specialty in Tons. (Example – if your had Presence 4 (Alter 3B) – you would lift 3 tons per Degree of Success). Because of the sheer mass involved, the objects move at a very slow rate (no more than a foot or two each second) and thus, are useless as weapons. They can, however, be used as Boundaries and Obstacles, changing the shape of the battle field. (Designer Notes: Okay… so… setting Force Unleashed and a few of the novels aside for the moment – the most we EVER see a Jedi lift is a few dozen tons, namely Yoda lifting (and looking exhausted to boot) Luke’s X-Wing (approx. 12.5 – 15 tons). I’m choosing to limit the normal use of this power to that scale. The idea of pulling Star Destroyers out of orbit is awesome, but is also a little ridiculous and beyond the scope for the power level of a Player Character during normal play)


Ancient Stories and Legends tell of masters of telekinesis redirecting rivers, parting entire oceans, moving mountain ranges, or pulling Capital Ships out of orbit.  If these stories are true, no living Jedi has been known to manifest them. 

The Dark Arts

Obscure Arts