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===The Nine Claws===
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|+ align="bottom" style="caption-side: bottom" | '''Daemian's Doom'''
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More commonly known as "the Nine", the Nine Claws are a series of hills located some distance from Dawn's Point, and stand somewhat more eastern than the remaining hill ranges.  It is here that the Tears of the Sand sprouts from its underground spring and flows gently down to the Point. The domain has only a single estate - the small mining settlement of ''Hill-Heart'', though it has seen better days. (Land: Hills; Ruins, Stream; 11 pts)
* '''Daemian's Doom:''' ''Ruins Land Feature''. Once the fortification known as Claw Keep, Daemian's Doom is a standing reminder of the past tragedies of House Deltario. Its location was once vital: simultaneously overlooking the Spur that connects with the Boneway, and the valley of Hill-Heart and its gold mine. These days, however, it is a crumbling ruin, half-covered in the red dust that blows through these hills in the heights of Summer.
* '''The Mines of the Nine Claws:''' ''Mines Estate Wealth Holding''. Once there were more settlements in the Nine Claws - mining settlements. For generations, House Deltario built its wealth on these rich veins of ore. But today, only one such mine remains active, the Hill-Heart Mine, and even that is a shallow one. It is nearly entirely tapped out, and generations of prospecting these hills has turned up no other possibilities. (Wealth: 15 pts)
==='''Semphair Valley'''===
==='''Semphair Valley'''===

Revision as of 05:17, 19 January 2015

House Daytower of Widow's Rest
Status: Knightly (Status 3)
Seat: Dawn's Point
Current Lord: Ser Mortimer Daytower
Current Lady: Lady Bethany Daytower
Realm: Dorne
Heir: None
Liege: House Deltario
Cadet Branch: None
Vassals: None
Founder: Ser Mortimer Daytower
Founded: War of Ninepenny Kings
House Traits
Defense: 30 (5 Remaining)
Influence: 12 (0 Remaining)
Lands: 33 (0 Remaining)
Law: 16
Population: 14
Power: XX (4 Remaining)
Wealth: 30 (0 Remaining)



  • House Fortune Rolls: XXX

Semphair Valley

Nestled between House Deltario and their bannermen, House Lukas, the Semphair Valley is a long flat grassland flanked by Hills to either side. Largely abandoned after the destruction of House Semphair, recently the area has been resettled to support Angelo's growing herds of sandsteeds. (Lands: 6 - Plains 5 + Grassslands 1)

  • Semphair Knights: (Veteran Cavalry) As part of her dowry, Lady Laura was accompanied by a contingent of Knights from House Dayne. Lord Angelo agreed to settle these Knights in the recently acquired Semphair Valley. While mostly young, the Knights saw considerable action during the War. (Power: 10)

Members of the House

Lineage of House Deltario
  • Lord Angelo Deltario: Lord of the House (20 years) - Status 6 (Lord)
  • Lady Laura Delatrio:: Lady of the House Daughter of Shierle Dayne, former Castellan of Starfall Castle, Lady Laura has replaced Jedik Sand as Castellan of Dawn's Point. (20 years)
  • Ser Vysaeria Targaryen-Deltario: Heir of the House and Commander of Blades - Status 4 (Heir, Influence 20)
  • Danyk Deltario: The Sandadder (House Ambassador and Master of Whispers) (27 years) - Status 3 (Second 'Son,' Influence 10)
  • Elyn Deltario: Danyk's younger sister, Elyn has grown up in Sunspear. Though she tries to enjoy life in Dawn's Point, it's pretty clear that she misses Sunspear and her friends in the court terribly. (18 years)

Distant Members or Other Branches

  • Lady Danya Estermont: The sister of old Lord Darrak, and thus the grand-aunt to all current Deltarios, Lady Danya was married off to House Estermont a great many years ago. At this point, most of the current members of House Estermont are descended from her, making the Estermonts cousins by blood. Of course, Danya has had very little to do with House Deltario for a great many years, making that connection one of lineage rather than family. (61 years)
  • Malora Sand: Danyk's half-sister (a bastard, at that), Malora long ago left Sunspear to make her way in the world once she reached her age of majority. Her mother, Berya - a successful spice merchant out of Sunspear - hasn't heard from her in nearly a decade. (27 years)

Retainers of the House

Retainers of House Deltario
  • Ser Mortimer Daytower, the Hammer of Dawn: Tourney Champion Attended by Squire Eldyn Lukas
  • Ser Banmund Skye: Master-At-Arms Attended by Squire Wynton Daytower
  • Jedik Sand: Captain of the Wordless, and Castellan of the House. Known as He Who Speaks, Jedik is the only one of the Wordless who routinely speaks to outsiders. Personally trained in his duties by one of the last remaining of the original Unsullied who founded the Wordless, Jedik has been drilled with the importance of obedience and ruthlessness. He has the look of a Salty Dornishman, although with strangely haunting, pale blue eyes. (31 years)
  • Lucia Bramati: Steward. Inheritor of the courtesan name The Emerald Maiden, Lucia left Braavos to be with her lover, selling off her name and barque. She hopes to make a new life for herself in Westeros. Her paramour Danyk has helped her a great deal, finding a role as steward for her in House Deltario, for which she is grateful. (28 years)
  • Falcone Bramati: Armsman. Lucia's older brother and a skilled Water Dancer, Falcone chose exile with his sister rather than lose contact with her. In return for his continuing lessons on the art of Water Dancing, Danyk has secured for him a place with his House. (30 years)

Lost, Forsaken, or Deceased

  • Maester Terrance Deceased. Poisoned during the feast for Lord Angelo and Lady Laura's Wedding Tourney, Maester Terrance fell victim to the shadowy enemies of House Deltaro.
  • Ser Dhel Bullton, the Bull of Dawn's Point: Sent to the Wall A second-generation knight, Ser Dhel's father was Ser Pol, slain on the Stepstones. Dhel himself was Ser Banmund's squire, and knighted for his service in that war. Dhel himself has a notorious reputation as not being the brightest of House Deltario's retainers, but his loyalty and strength are unquestioned. For that loyalty his tongue was removed and he was sent to the wall for a crime he didnt commit.


  • Ascent: +5 Influence, +2 Lands, +4 Power, +1 Wealth
  • Favor: +5 Influence +4 Lands, +4 Law, +6 Power
  • Ascent: +3 Influence, +5 Lands, +4 Power, +3 Wealth
  • Windfall: +6 Defense, +10 Influence, +4 Lands, +2 Law, +1 Population, +8 Power, +11 Wealth
  • Scandal: -1 Influence, -2 Lands, -2 Power
  • Treachery: -2 Influence, -2 Law, +4 Power
  • Infrastructure: +4 Defense, +6 Wealth
  • Decline: -1 Influence, -2 Lands, -1 Power, -3 Wealth
  • House Deltario began with the Andal's push into the deserts of Dorne. Considered one of the first Andal territories on the Sea of Dorne, the Deltario's have controlled Dawn's Point for thousands of years. Much of the Houses history is myth and fable and its true rise to power came with the Rhoynar. It was clear to Argus Deltario, Lord of the Coast, that Mors Martell and the Rhoynar forces clearly outmatched any other within the region, and when news reached Dawn's Point that these combined forces were on the march, Argus sailed immediately and was one of the first to swear to the new Prince. For his loyalty, Argus was awarded control of much of the western Coast of the Sea of Dorne.
  • For nearly 400 years, the Deltario's retained control of this vast territory and were considered to be one of the most powerful and prosperous Houses in Dorne, rivaling the Yronwoods to the south. They held this territory for many decades into to the Targaryen attempts to conquer the region. Prior to Daeron I's successful conquest of the region, the Deltarios were admired for their vast trade empire, stretching as far as Astapor and Qarth, and became especially known for the exotic creatures they kept in Dawn's Point Castle. With the successful Targaryen conquest, House Deltario lost some of its control of the region, including House Wyl, whom had long since been one of their prized Banner Houses.
  • Even still, the House remained powerful, but was not free of its own bitter treachery. Some seventy years ago during the reign of Aegon V the Unlikely, the Goldmine in the Nine Claws began to exhaust. Darrak Deltario, then Lord of the House, dispatched his trusted younger brother Daemian Deltario to oversee prospecting along the other hill ranges adjacent to the Nine and entrusted him with Claw Keep. The young Deltario took to the task with great fervor, as with the passing of Darrak's wife and child, Daemian was named heir. Within three months, a vast gold vein was discovered several miles from Sungold Hall. Suddenly renewed wealth poured into the great House and the Dawnsport seemed to be on the verge of becoming the Sunspear of the West.
  • But just as this great windfall was fully blowing upon them, the House was struck by scandal. Without warning, Darrak Deltario remarried to a common girl, said to come from the Bed of Lillys (the Brothel not far from Riggon's Ribs). To complicate matters, the Lord announced that his new wife was with child. Outraged, Daemian seized Claw Keep, nearly half of the House army and rebelled. For two years, bitter fighting spilt Dornishmen blood upon the sand. Slowly though, Darrak and his Bannermen gained the advantage, cutting off Daemian from his Sungold supporters. They encircled the rebellious lord within Claw Keep and laid siege, but Daemian had prepared for the worst, and had stockpiled supplies within Hill-heart mine. Realizing that the siege would not drive Daemian to surrender, Darrak ordered his men to burn the keep with all inside. The burnt out ruins became known as Daemian's Doom, he then made his forces ready to attack Sungold.
  • The Knights of Sungold, however, had not been idle. Realizing Daemian was defeated, the Sungolds had secretly sent overtures to the Yronwoods, pledging their loyalty and the wealth of their mine in exchange for the Houses protection. The Deltarios and the Yronwoods had been at odds for generations, leading to outright battle when the Yronwoods sided with the Daemon Blackfyre during his rebellion some forty years prior. When Darrak and his forces arrived, they were met by the forces of Yronwood, and saw Yronwood flag hung on the ramparts. Darrak demanded the traitorous Knights be handed over to him, and their lands returned, but the Yronwoods refused. His forces exhausted, Darrak had no choice but to return home.
  • Veneta, Darrak's wife, bore him two sons, Davic and Linden. Linden was sent to family friends in Sunspear while he was still a boy. Darrak, fearful of another potential rebellion during Davic's reign, wished to ensure no challengers would be present. He died a short time later. Davic's rule was uneventful, though the house continued to decline slowly, that is until the Blackfyres returned to Westeros. When word reached of the Targaryan counter offensive in the Stepstones, the Deltarios were called to action. At the onset, Davic Deltario's ship was lost at sea, and his youngest son Mica died during the push through the Golden Company at the close of the war.

Reign of Daeron II (184 AL - 209 AL)

  • 190 AL: Darrak born to Domeric and Rohanne.
  • 194 AL: Daemian born to Domeric and Rohanne.
  • 198 AL: Danya born to Domeric and Rohanne.
  • 200 AL: Domeric dies of the bloody flux, and Darrak becomes Lord Deltario.
  • 204 AL: Darrak marries Sera Fowler. His mother Rohanne dies later that year.
  • 208 AL: The wife and child of Darrak die during childbirth. He is devastated, and names his brother Daemian as heir. The Deltario mine begins to show signs of depletion.

Reign of Aerys I (209 AL - 221 AL)

  • 209 AL: The War of the Basilisks. Darrak sends his brother on a prospecting mission. During this time, it is revealed that Darrak has been assuaging his grief in the arms of a whore from the Bed of Lilies, and while Daemian is away, Darrak marries the whore Veneta, announcing that she is pregnant with his child. Daemian rises up against his brother's indignity, using House Sungold as his support. An ugly civil war within Deltario lands breaks out, ending in Daemian's death and the defection of House Sungold to House Yronwood, with their lands and the new mine Daemian discovered.
  • 210 AL: Davic born to Darrak and Veneta.
  • 212 AL: Second Blackfyre Rebellion.
  • 214 AL: Linden born to Darrak and Veneta.
  • 215 AL: Danya is married to Normund Estermont.

Reign of Maekar I (221 AL - 233 AL)

  • 222 AL: At the age of 8, Linden is sent to Sunspear to foster.
  • 225 AL: Linden becomes the squire to Ser Armun Aspen, a knight in the Martell court.
  • 229 AL: Linden's youthful indiscretion with a rich merchant's daughter results in the birth of a daughter, Malora Sand.
  • 230 AL: After a stunning victory at a Sunspear tourney, Linden is knighted by Prince XXX Martell at the age of 16. He begins courting Jyelle Aspen, the daughter of Ser Armun Aspen at Sunspear, and marries her at year's end.
  • 231 AL: Ser Linden and Jyelle are married. Lord Darrak attends, but the two quarrel over something, and House Deltario's entourage leaves the day after the wedding.
  • 232 AL: Danyk born to Ser Linden and Jyelle.

Reign of Aegon V (233 AL - 259 AL)

  • 235 AL: Veneta dies, and within the year, Darrak follows her into death. Davic is made Lord Deltario, and begins the search for a wife in earnest.
  • 236 AL: Lord Davic marries Sermesande Manwoody, who becomes Lady Deltario.
  • 239 AL: Angelo born to Lord Davic and Lady Sermesande.
  • 240 AL: Mica born to Lord Davic and Lady Sermesande.
  • 241 AL: Elyn is born to Ser Linden and Jyelle.
  • 247 AL: A youthful indiscretion by Danyk leads to scandal. His father sends him to his friend in Braavos, to give the boy time away and expand his education some, hopefully turning him into a man. All it really does is teach him a higher form of carousing than he'd ever experienced. In no time, Danyk is among the bravos dueling at the Moon Pools.
  • 249 AL: Mica is fostered at Sunspear. During his time there, he meets his uncle Linden and his cousins Malora and Elyn.
  • 250 AL: Malora Sand leaves Sunspear to make her way in the world.
  • 252 AL: In Braavos, Danyk wins the favor of the courtesan known as the Emerald Maiden. He begins spending an inordinate amount of coin on her, but the two grow close.
  • 253 AL: The Year of the Summer Fever. A summer fever sweeps through Dorne, claiming many lives, including Ser Linden. During this year, bandits take advantage of the sickness to raid caravans, and Mica earns his spurs helping to fend them off. He is knighted by Lord Duram Allyrion.
  • 254 AL: Hearing about his father's death, Danyk returns to Westeros from Braavos, bringing a paramour, Lucia, with him.
  • 255-259 AL: War of the Ninepenny Kings. Dorne serves as the launching point for the war against the Band of Nine, and the Deltarios are pulled into that war as banners of House Martell.
    • 255 AL: Lord Davic's ship was lost at sea early in the conflict. Angelo becomes Lord Deltario.
    • 256 AL: During the conflict, Angelo, Mica and Danyk become fast friends, call the "Three Basilisks" by Princess Martell. In her entourage, Mica meets a woman who claims to have been knighted, a Lady Vysaeria Targaryen. Vysaeria and Mica fall in love. Danyk is set to be Knighted by a grizzled Ser Armun Aspen, but at the hour of his appointment, he is drunk in a whore-house.
    • 257 AL: Mica and Vysaeria are wed on a peaceful isle of the Stepstones. Vysaeria's brother Vaelstyn interrupts the ceremony, raging against her choice, and has to be escorted off the island.
    • 258 AL: Mica dies in battle with the Golden Company at the end of the war. When their role is done, Lord Angelo, Danyk and Vysaeria return to Dorne. Angelo invites Danyk and Vysaeria to return to Dawn's Point and join the household, and they accept.
  • 259 AL: Chronicle Begins

House Fortune Rolls / Advancement

  • Earned: 23 Glory
  • Spent: 23 Glory (13 Wealth, 6 Lands, 4 Power)

Month 1: 42 - Boon (Wealth) +6 Wealth --- Action: Coverted 4 Wealth to 2 Lands
Month 2: 37 - Growth (Wealth) +6 Wealth --- Action: Begin construction of Horse Husbandry w/ Rare Breed (21 Months)
Month 3: 44 - Boon (Wealth) +6 Wealth --- Action: Annual Festival: Trade Winds - D3 Influence (1) / D3-1 Population (0)
Month 4: 26 - Blessing (Wealth/Power) +1 Power / +3 Wealth --- Converted: 300GD to 1 Wealth --- Action: None
Month 5: 63 - Boon (Wealth/Influence) +3 Wealth / +3 Influence --- Action: Wedding to Laura Dayne (+6 Influence)
Month 6: 62 - Boon (Wealth/Lands) + 5 Wealth / +2 Lands --- Action: Host Regional Tourney (-8 Wealth | +6 Influence)
Month 7: 63 - Boon (Wealth) +5 Wealth --- Action: Began construction of Assassins Cult w/ Plausable Deniability (10 Months)
Month 8: 54 - Boon (Wealth/Lands) +4 Wealth / +1 Land --- Action: Began construction of Master at Arms (13 months)
Month 9:
Month 10:
Month 11:
Month 12:
Month 13:
Month 14:
Month 15:
Month 16:
Month 17: Assassin's Cult w/ Plausable Deniability Complete
Month 18:
Month 19:
Month 20:
Month 21: Master at Arms complete
Month 22:
Month 23: Horse Husbandry w/ Rare Breed Complete