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Members of the Lucifuge call themselves "the Seventh Generation." Each of them is an inheritor of an infernal lineage, and brought into the Lucifuge as a last resort. There, they will transmute their demonic potential into a useful, well-controlled occult tool for fighting demons and other monsters, or they will die trying.

Endowment: Castigation. The Lucifuge learn strange rituals that allow them to reshape their demonic potential into tools that are (relatively) safe to use. In many ways, the rites of Castigation are a trade-off: instead of that potential being used safely but transforming the Lucifuge into a demon, they are instead volatile and dangerous, occasionally injuring the Lucifuge, but carry (almost) no risk of transforming them.

The Lucifuge
Status: The Lucifuge
New Initiate (•): You have just joined the Lucifuge. At this level, you have been taught that you have powers, if not how to access them. You've bought into the philosophy of the organization. You may have been to Milan once, but mostly you receive instructions via telephone, if you receive them at all. You have been given your Thirteen contacts. You may spend dots on the Castigation Merit.

xxx (••): Having been brought into the organization, you've learned enough about them, and had the chance to exchange viewpoints with other Lucifuge such that you may be invited to join one of its philosophical Factions. Gain the Specialty associated with the Faction you join.

Headquarters: Milan




The Leadership

The Lucifuge does not have an organized hierarchy or leadership other than the Lucifuge herself.

  • The Lucifuge, aka the Lady of Milan. A Milanese noblewoman of at least a millennium in age, the Lucifuge acts as the matriarch of this particularly hell-bound family. She is the oldest and most powerful of its members, and is said to have started the organization, though only the group's most trusted historians and archivists are given access to those ancient records. She is genteel and powerfully charismatic, appearing as a woman in her late forties to early fifties, with a regal grace to her. She does not often emerge from the holdings the Lucifuge maintains in Milan, but when she does, it is with a crack team of powerful and skilled Lucifuge hunters, and usually the Chevalier Theleme as her immediate bodyguard.
  • Le Chevalier Theleme is a centuries-old member of the Lucifuge, and often considered the Lady of Milan's right-hand man. He is certainly her favored agent and assassin, a skilled fencer whose Castigation rites only heighten his ability to bring violent steel to monsters. He is handsome, and charming, notorious as a hedonist and sybarite who can often be found on the edges of high society.

The Bloodlines

Though the infernal bloodline crops up here and there, skipping entire generations throughout humanity's ever-branching progress, the fact is that the Lucifuge has identified several families where the taint is particularly strong and/or perfidious, showing up again and again over successive generations. Some of these families are:

  • The Belladonnas: x
  • The Woodwines: x
  • The Wrights: Originally an Irish lineage whose infernal origins can be traced to an infernal pact made by a blacksmith, the Wrights main contribution to the Lucifuge is through the phenomenon of the Wright Twins: a strain of infernal manifestation which appears as a set of twins born each generation, of alternating sex (male one generation, female the next). In these twins, one will bear tremendous infernal potential, while the other is almost entirely human. The Lucifuge watches these twins carefully, as there is known to be some faction of demons with a vested interest in these children. They have so far been stymied from getting their hands on any of them, but the demons seem very focused on their efforts. The Twins aren't the only Lucifuge to have cropped up among the Wright clan, however; there are several Wrights within its membership who are part of other branches of the family.
  • The Yeagers: Generally considered to be a clan of backwoods American hillbillies, the Yeagers are dedicated hunters who keep a close eye on their kin. The family keeps its secrets, and even non-Lucifuge members of the family may take up the Vigil for a while. They can be found in multi-generational family enclaves throughout the American South and up into New England (although the Appalachian and Yankee branches of the family do not get along).

The Factions

There are three major faction within the Lucifuge, largely philosophical leanings rather than sub-organizations.

  • The Denial: Empathy (Discern Intent). The Lady of Milan's own philosophy states that the Devil is callous, selfish, and utterly evil, and that those monsters who invoke or draw upon this power or nature must be destroyed utterly. Those that rebel against their evil natures can be left alone or offered redemption, but its intent and actions must be measured and ascertained.
  • The Reconciliation: Weaponry (Knife). This strange faction believes that the world's monsters are themselves the chains of evil which bind Satan to his wickedness, and that if he can be liberated from them, he will repent of his sin and reconcile with Heaven. When this happens, man will likewise be elevated from sin and perfidy. Thus, the utter destruction of all monsters is vital to the redemption of Satan and the salvation of mankind from evil. Members of the Reconciliation recognize one another by the rosewood handled knives they wield.
  • The Truth: Academics (Research). These academics are wholly unconcerned with monsters outside of the Lucifuge. Instead, they seek to understand the nature of evil by uncovering the truth about their own lineages, and those of other Lucifuges around them: they exhaustively investigate and spy upon other Lucifuge members, finding out as much as they can about one another. They frequently uncover dark secrets about their fellows, and they do not hesitate to use those secrets to their own advantages.

The Thirteen

Each member of the Lucifuge who is not part of its leadership is given "the Thirteen": the names and information for contacting the thirteen Lucifuge closest to them geographically. They are expected to check in with one another occasionally, and to call upon one another for assistance where possible.