Made after meeting an NPC for the first time, to determine what they think of your character after that initial meeting. Difficulty: Aligned ( ) • Neutral ( ) • Opposing or Rival (  ) Modifiers: Based on roleplaying: + for positive interaction, or + for negative.
Result |
Each success gains a +1 Rapport
Memorable. Name one personal trait or feature the NPC remembers as part of their Rapport with you. This trait should be positive.
Ally. For some reason, something clicks with the NPC about your character. They become a recurring ally to your character.
Each failure gains a -1 Rapport.
Notorious. Name one personal trait or feature the NPC remembers as part of their Rapport. This trait should be negative.
Rival or Enemy. For some reason, something about you rubs the NPC the wrong way. If they are aligned with you or your group, they become a rival or other impediment. If they are neutral or of an opposing faction, they take a dislike to you personally, and consider you an enemy.