Sources: AoRCore (Age of Rebellion Core Book) • CaM (Cyphers and Masks) • DA (Desperate Allies) • DC (Dangerous Covenants) • DoH (Disciples of Harmony) • EoECore (Edge of Empire Core Book) • EtU (Enter the Unknown) • EV (Endless Vigil) • FaDCore (Force and Destiny Core Rulebook) • FC (Fly Casual) • FH (Far Horizons) • FiB (Forged in Battle) • FLT (Friends Like These) • FO (Fully Operational) • KtP (Keeping the Peace) • LbE (Lead by Example) • LoNH (Lords of Nal Hutta) • ND (No Disintegrations) • NoP (Nexus of Power) • SaS (Ships and Speeders) • SM (Special Modifications) • SoF (Suns of Fortune) • SoR (Strongholds of Resistance) • SoT (Stay on Target) • SS (Savage Spirits)
Corvettes & Cruisers
CEC "Consular"-class Light Assault Cruiser
3.4 million credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 14) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Long
Crew: One captain, one pilot, one co-pilot, one navigator, one comms operator, four engineers • Passengers: Up to 16 depending on configuration • Consumables: Eight months • Cargo: Up to 3200 Encumbrance depending on configuration
Weapons: Forward turret-mounted twin heavy ion cannon, port ventral and port dorsal and starboard ventral and starboard dorsal twin light turbolasers
Often referred to as a "Republic Cruiser," the Consular-class was ubiquitous to the old Republic before the rise of the Empire. Originally serving as a VIP transport carrying diplomats and other government officials throughout the galaxy. Slung beneath the bridge was the "salon pod," a modular construction that provided room for staff, offices, and communication technology. Interestingly, these were not the only kinds of "pods" that could be fitted in that section.
Salon Pod: Salon pods are luxurious facilities that can carry up to 10 individuals in comfort and style. They offer high-end furnishings and a powerful comms suite that allows the pod's inhabitants to make secure transmissions to and from their base of operations. In addition, they are heavily shielded against electronic listening devices and possess a number of systems designed to preserve privacy. Command Pod: Command pods are Spartan affairs crammed with powerful sensors and computer systems designed to grant a commander up-to-the-minute information on their current situation. A fleet commander operating from within a command pod gains to any checks made to command his ships or troops. Boarding Pod: Boarding pods are heavily reinforced pods designed to deliver a squad of troops to an enemy ship. Incredibly strong and equipped with powerful sublight thrusters, boarding pods are built to smash through a ship's armor and hull using shaped explosive charges and plasma cutters, whereupon the troops carried within may take the enemy ship.
Source: AoRCore276
CEC CR90 Corvette
1,200,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 2 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Long
Crew: 30-165 • Passengers: up to 600 (depending on configuration) • Consumables: One year • Cargo: up to 2500 Encumbrance (depending on configuration)
Weapons: One (1) dorsal and one (1) ventral turret-mounted twin medium turbolaser batteries, two (2) port and two (2) starboard turret-mounted light turbolasers
A versatile, light capital ship, this is a multi-purpose vessel popular with both militaries and civilian organizations. Distinctive long, sleek, and wasp-waisted, the CR90 has a bank of eleven ion turbine engines aft and a broad, hammerhead bridge and crew section forward. The vessel is remarkably swift and agile, and can be configured as a troop carrier, cargo hauler, passenger liner, consular ship, or even heavily armed escort vessel.
Source: EoECore266
CEC C-ROC "Gozanti"-class Light Cruiser
190,000 credits • Rarity 8
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, one comms/sensors operator, two loadmasters, six gunners • Passengers: Twenty (20) • Consumables: Two months • Cargo: 1800 Encumbrance
Weapons: One dorsal and one ventral retractable turret-mounted quad laser canoons, two port and two starboard retractable twin heavy laser cannons
Though the old "Gozanti" transports have ridden the spacelands for long decades, the Corellian Engineering Corporation originally designed them to keep to the Republic's preference for low-armament for civilian craft. With the advent of the Empire, they re-designed the Gozanti from the keel up, making it fast and well-armed, presenting it to the Empire as a possible add-on to their already-extensive fleet of Gozantis. The Empire demurred, and the CEC promptly released the vessel to the open market, where it has gained the favor of smugglers, pirates, and private security corporations.
Source: SaS111
Dornean "Braha'tok"-class Gunship
1.4 million credits • Rarity 6R
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Long
Crew: 70 officers and crew • Passengers: 15 passengers; 2 starfighters (mounted to ventral hull) • Consumables: Eight months • Cargo: 300 Encumbrance
Weapons: Two forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers, four forward-mounted concussion missile launchers, one port- and one starboard-mounted twin light turbolaser, four dorsal and four ventral turret-mounted quad laser cannons
Straddling the line between gunboat and corvette, the Braha'tok is a creation of Dornean engineers. When Dornea joined the Rebel Alliance in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, they brought a number of these vessels with them, although it is not only among Rebels where they may be found. Typically operating in pairs, these potent vessels are extremely adept at handling starfighters and can even present a danger to smaller capital ships. The Empire has found them capable of handily dealing with swarms of TIE fighters, and the Imperial Navy's brass has come to grudgingly respect their capabilities.
Source: SaS102
Rendili "Sphyrna"-class Hammerhead Corvette
1 million credits • Rarity 8
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: 35 officers and crew • Passengers: 125 • Consumables: Six months • Cargo: 2000 Encumbrance
Weapons: Forward-mounted heavy laser cannons, dorsal turret-mounted twin light turbolaser battery
A common sight on the spacelanes, this big, bulky ship was built to transport goods and people safely, comfortably, and without the need for escorts. Its hull contains a number of large modular cargo holds, external docking points for cargo containers, and an external cargo lift. Flight deck, crew berths, and passenger staterooms are in the angular, vertical bow. Interestingly, the Hammerhead has earned its name for more than its appearance: the forward hull is reinforced to allow it to survive impacts with other vessels with no damage, allowing desperate captains to ram their way out of difficult situations. Most Hammerheads are in the hands of small private shipping companies, smugglers, and the Rebel Alliance.
Source: SaS116
Sienar "Marauder"-class Corvette
3 million credits • Rarity 5R
Hyperdrive: Class 2 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: 177 officers, pilots, and crew • Passengers: 80 troops; 12 starfighters, 2 shuttles • Consumables: Three months • Cargo: 175 Encumbrance
Weapons: Four (4) forward-mounted and four (4) turret-mounted light double turbolasers, three (3) forward-mounted light tractor beam emitters
A favorite of governmental, paramilitary, and pirate organizations throughout the Outer Rim, the Marauder saw use in the days of the Galactic Republic. A fast, flexible patrol and escort vessel, the Republic Navy passed on the design, which was promptly sold to the Corporate Sector Authority and slowly trickled its way out of CSA territories. The ships themselves are quick and agile for their size, with good handling, and the ability to carry a squadron of fightercraft.
Source: EoECore267
CEC "Action VI" Bulk Transport
200,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 20) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: 20 • Passengers: Five (5) • Consumables: Three months • Cargo: 10,000 Encumbrance
Weapons: None
Heavy, slow, and ponderous, the Action VI has an angular, lightly armored hull and a tall, narrow-cross section. Two main cargo holds (one aft, one forward) that can be configured to carry anything from sealed shipping containers to palletized cargo to livestock. Though the Action VI carries no weapons and only rudimentary shields, it is highly customizable.
Source: EoECore260
CEC HT-2200 Medium Freighter
140,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, one loadmaster • Passengers: Eight (8) • Consumables: Three months • Cargo: 800 Encumbrance (200 per bay)
Weapons: One dorsal and one ventral turret-mounted medium laser cannon
The massive slab-sided HT-2200 houses its crew, weapons, and engineering sections in a central hull, with four spacetight cargo holds in the port and starboard booms which point forward along the ship's line of flight. Each of these cargo bays is individually sealed and can have environmental adjustments made to them in terms of temperature, atmosphere, and the like, making them the perfect go-to for sensitive or environmentally-precise cargos.
Source: FaD264
CEC VCX-100 Light Freighter
155,000 credits • Rarity 8
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 14) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot/engineer, one turret gunner, one aft gunner, two crew • Passengers: Six (6) • Consumables: One month • Cargo: 200 Encumbrance
Weapons: Turret-mounted twin light laser cannon, after-mounted twin light laser cannon, forward-mounted twin medium laser cannon
Designed to be readily configurable for nearly any practical use, from combat to mass transport to home base, the VCX-100 offers larger cabins, a strong power core, and an auxiliary shuttle/fighter docking port (the VCX-series Auxiliary Starfighter is sold separately).
Source: SaS91
CEC YV-865 "Aurore"-class Freighter
240,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: One pilot, optional co-pilot, one engineer, one comms/sensor operator, two laodmasters, four gunners • Passengers: 15 passengers and 100 prisoners • Consumables: Two months • Cargo: 800 Encumbrance
Weapons: Forward-mounted twin medium laser cannon, aft-mounted grappling turrets
Unfortunately best-associated with the Zygerrian's Empire's slavery trade, the Aurore has a bank of grappling turrets that can fire from the rear bay doors, originally developed for search-and-rescue operations but quickly put to nefarious purposes by the Zygerrian, Thalassian slavers, and other. The Mining Guild has also invested heavily in these ships.
Source: SaS78
Gallofree Yards GR-75 Medium Transport
180,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: Class 4 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, one cargo master, three crew • Passengers: 100 or more with pods • Consumables: Six months • Cargo: 1000 Encumbrance
Weapons: None
One of the most common bulk freighters found in the spacelanes and used by both military and commercial concerns as a heavy lifter and long-haul transport. Hull design consists of a unique central spar that holds the ship's reactor, connecting to a network of automated cargo racks that can be easily adapted to carry cargo containers or even passenger pods, locked into place with magnetic shields. The cramped command pod perched along the spine supports the seven crew.
Source: EoECore261
Kuat "Space Master" Medium Transport
150,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: Class 4 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: One captain, one pilot, one co-pilot, two engineers, one cargo master, three crew • Passengers: None • Consumables: Three months • Cargo: 800 Encumbrance
Weapons: One (1) dorsal and one (1) ventral turret-mounted dual light laser cannon
Like the GR-75, the Space Master is built around a central spar with copious attachment points for modular cargo pods. It bears a bulbous engine assemly that provides mediocre thrust, and a saucer-shaped command section as the ship's bow. Though it is slower and has less capacity for hauling than the GR-75, it does have more spacious facilities for crew, as well as integral weapon mounts for defense.
Source: EoECore262
Kuat "Wayfarer"-class Medium Freighter
120,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 14) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, one cargo master, six crew • Passengers: Six (6) • Consumables: Three months • Cargo: 850 Encumbrance
Weapons: Dorsal quad laser cannon (forward)
Built around the notion of highly-customizable modular shipping containers, bad schedules and worse budgets negatively impacted the implementation of these shipping vessels. Specifically, only a single type of module – the bulk cargo container – was ever developed. Despite this, some engineers have taken great delight in modding those containers to serve a variety of functions, from troop transport to livestock movement to medical triage response bay.
Source: EoECore263
CEC DP20 Gunship
3,200,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 16) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Long
Crew: 91 officers and crew • Passengers: None • Consumables: Eight months • Cargo: 300 Encumbrance
Weapons: Eight (8) turret-mounted light twin turbolaser batteries, six (6) retractable turret-mounted quad laser cannons, two (2) port and two (2) starboard concussion missile launchers
Also referred to as the "Corellian Gunship," the DP20 was built as a pure single-purpose military vessel for the fleets of the Galactic Republic. Working as a dedicated starfighter-killer, they are heavily shielded and equipped with powerful targeting computers. Despite this utility, the Empire retained almost none of the Republic's DP20s, preferring less-iconic gunships.
Source: EoECore266
Republic Sienar IR-3F-class Light Frigate
1 million credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: None • Navicomputer: None • Sensor Range: Extreme
Crew: 20 officers and crew • Passengers: 10 troops • Consumables: One month • Cargo: 1800 Encumbrance
Weapons: One ventral and one dorsal turret-mounted twin light turbolaser battery, one port and one starboard turret-mounted twin medium laser cannon
An old and outdated patrol craft first introduced during the later decades of the Old Republic, IR-3Fs are known for their blistering fast sublight speed, but no hyperdrive capability. As such, they frequently see use by planetary governments who never need to have their ships venture beyond their solar system of operation.
Source: FaD267
Recovery & Service Ships
CEC L-2783 Deep Space Recovery Vessel
6.5 million credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 4 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Long
Crew: 100 officers and enlisted crew (can run on skeleton crew of 25) • Passengers: 100 • Consumables: One year • Cargo: 5000 Encumbrance
Weapons: Dorsal turret-mounted light turbolaser, one port and one starboard turret-mounted medium laser cannon, ventral-mounted heavy tractor beam
Used for repair, recovery, and salvage operations, the L-2783 has a cavernous cargo hold which is apportioned up by enormous force fields for safety, and equipped with a powerful tractor beam to pull in ships or wreckage as needed. It can also tow smaller craft at sublight speeds. The vessel is also equipped with a small fleet of scavenger pods, two-seater pods armed with plasma cutters and manipulating clamps. Though the majority of their use is as recovery vessels, some pirates in the Outer Rim have also refit them with weaponry and shields, and use the scavenger pods to swarm boarding actions. In contrast, a few true entrepreneurs operate freelance repair services out of them, remaining near high-traffic areas and equipping the vessel with powerful comms and sensors to allow them to pick up distress calls and be first on scene to help...for a price.
Source: SaS80
CEC/Gallofree "Gozanti"-class Armed Transport
200,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Long
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, one comms/sensors operator, two loadmasters, six gunners • Passengers: 12; 2 AT-ATs, 2 AT-DPs, 4 AT-STs, or 4 TIE fighters • Consumables: One month • Cargo: 1000 Encumbrance
Weapons: One dorsal and one ventral retractable twin heavy laser cannon
A cruiser-sized vessel used by many private and government organizations as a bulk cargo carrier and convoy escort, the Gozanti is in ample use both within the Imperial Navy and otherwise. Heavily armed and armored, they are frequently used for moving and protecting cargo around the Outer Rim, serving as picket ships and escorts in shipping convoys. Imperial versions of the vessel have removed ventral weaponry to affix four starfighter docking clamps, allowing the Imperial Gozantis to serve as mini-carriers.
Source: SaS115
CEC YZ-775 Medium Transport
500,000 credits • Rarity 3
Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: One captain, one pilot, one co-pilot, two engineers, one cargo master, two gunners • Passengers: 0 • Consumables: Six months • Cargo: 850 Encumbrance
Weapons: Dorsal turret-mounted twin light turbolaser, port and starboard turret-mounted twin medium laser cannon, two forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers
A popular medium transport used by independent traders, smugglers, and mercenaries, with substantial weaponry that actually required Imperial authority. This makes them both an effective deterrent for pirates and a favorite for mercenaries, Rebel forces, successful smugglers, and the occasional bounty hunter. The ship has an eight-person cockpit, with two decks: the lower deck typically holds living quarters and ship systems, with cargo holds on the upper deck. Owners frequently reconfigure the decks, however, to place the cargo hold beneath.
Source: DC68
Mobquet MMT-class Medium Transport
275,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot/engineer, two gunners/crew • Passengers: 90 • Consumables: Two months • Cargo: 5000 Encumbrance
Weapons: Retractable fore and aft turret-mounted medium laser cannons or retractable fore and aft light turbolasers
Manufactured by Mobquet Swoops and Speeders, who have a long-standing connection with Imperial bureaucracy, the company managed to get this vessel classified as a transport, rather than a bulk freighter or heavy cargo hauler, allowing them to bypass many of the design restrictions on such vessels. As a result, the vessel is quite the well-armed and -armored warhorse.
Source: FC57
Nubia J-Type Diplomatic Barge
1 million credits • Rarity 7
Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup 7) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one navigator, one comms operator, one engineer • Passengers: 10 • Consumables: Three months • Cargo: 180 Encumbrance
Weapons: None
A luxurious vessel originally created solely for Naboo's royalty, it has since entered a larger galactic market. Though its price point still reflects a design for the very wealthy, it is widely considered to be quite worth it. Oligarchs across the galaxy appreciate the amenities the vessel is packed with: luxurious passenger cabins, high speed, and powerful shielding.
Source: DA62
Rendili StarDrive Y164 Slave Transport
245,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one navigator, two gunners, ten guards • Passengers: 1200 slaves • Consumables: Three months • Cargo: 120 Encumbrance
Weapons: Dorsal and ventral turret-mounted quad light laser cannons
Bulky vessels used for transporting up to 1200 slaves, although some vicious and cruel slavers will cram more than that into the holding spaces. Though equipped with some weaponry, these vessels are rarely intended to enter combat; as such they are almost always accompanied by an escort of defender ships.
Source: LoNH115
Sienar "Curich"-class Shuttle
130,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot/engineer, one gunner • Passengers: 50 • Consumables: Two months • Cargo: 300 Encumbrance (without passengers)
Weapons: Dorsal turret-mounted heavy blaster cannons
An older design, the Curich is quite a large shuttle, with plenty of space for people or cargo. Frequently used by non-Imperial military units to move officials or other dignitaries who travel with a large staff.
Source: DA61
Suwantek TL-1200 Transport
170,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, three crew • Passengers: Eight (8) • Consumables: Three months • Cargo: 600 Encumbrance
Weapons: One port and one starboard turret-mounted medium laser cannon
A medium-sized freighter with a decent cargo capacity, the TL-1200 is solidly designed and built, making it a common choice in Hutt Space and the Outer Rim.
Source: LoNH115
TransGalMeg "Xiytiar"-class Heavy Transport
200,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 16) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, one loadmaster, six technicians • Passengers: Twelve (12) • Consumables: Six months • Cargo: 2000 Encumbrance
Weapons: None
Lumbering ships whose claim to fame consists of a slightly more advanced cargo system, the Xiytiar is part of the mundane yet essential flower of cargo across the galaxy. Slow and poorly armed, these vessels frequently need armed escorts in dangerous parts of the galaxy. Though not glamorous or particularly tough, they get the job done - so much so that the Empire's logistics division makes use of them for non-priority shipping.
Source: SaS94
Kalevalan Nau'ur-class Star Yacht
850,000 credits • Rarity 8
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, two gunners, numberous service crew including stewards, chefs, and bodyguards • Passengers: 40 • Consumables: Six months • Cargo: 350 Encumbrance
Weapons: One port and one starboard retractable turret-mounted quad laser cannon
Designed with the trademarke Kalevala Spaceworks vertical design, this yacht concentrates utility and service functions in the lower decks, and luxurious accommodations in the upper decks. Massive transparisteel windows on those levels provide natural light, and the uppermost deck features a wrap-around bank of windows, providing a lavish space for a lounge or office. Being a vessel of Mandalorian design, of course, it is well-armed with weapons, including a set of pop-out turrets which can be hidden away when not in use, so as not to mar the sharp blade-like lines of the vessel's silhouette.
Source: SaS88
Kuat "Starwind" Pleasure Yacht
210,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, one engineer, two gunners • Passengers: Ten (10) • Consumables: Four months • Cargo: 85 Encumbrance
Weapons: One (1) dorsal and one (1) ventral turret-mounted medium laser cannon
Initially designed as a freighter, the design was changed partway through, though it never quite shook the silhouette of a rough freighter body. Despite this, the Starwind has done well enough, with its trident-shaped form. One side houses the ship's crew quarters, while the other boasts the decent-sized cargo hold. The central spar contains the bridge, guest quarters, stateroom, lounge, galley, conference room, holotheater, and even a zero-G relaxation table. The real limiter is the vessel's cost, although it has found favor with some crime lords thanks to its speed, decent shields, and weaponry.
Source: EoECore263
Ubrikkian Industries Modified "Minstrel"-class Space Yacht
1.75 million credits • Rarity 7
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: 37 • Passengers: 75; 6 starfighters, 2 shuttles • Consumables: One year • Cargo: 800 Encumbrance
Weapons: Three port and three starboard concealed turret-mounted light turbolaser batteries, three port and three starboard medium ion cannons, forward-mounted heavy tractor beam emitter
Custom-built for the Hutts, these yachts rival many corvettes for sheer power and size. Always built to buyer specifications, they are opulently appointed, heavily armored, well-shielded, and bearing an entire array of armaments ready to be deployed from beneath the ship's superstructure ridge. The vessel also possesses a hangar bay that can carry up to a half-dozen starfighters.
Source: LoNH116
300px |
xxx credits • Rarity xx
Hyperdrive: xxx • Navicomputer: xx • Sensor Range: xxx
Crew: xxx • Passengers: xxx • Consumables: xxx • Cargo: xxx Encumbrance
Weapons: xxx
Source: xxx