House Manderly

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House Manderly
Status: Major (Status 6)
Seat: White Harbor
Current Lord: Wyman Manderly, Lord of White Harbor, Warden of the White Knife, Shield of the Faith, Defender of the Dispossessed, Lord Marshal of the Mander, Knight of the Order of the Green Hand
Current Lady: None
Realm: The North
Heir: Ser Wylis Manderly
Liege: Eddard Stark
Cadet Branch: Oldcastle Manderlys, Sumnervale Manderlys
Vassals: House Waterman, House Carver, House Tarkin
Founder: ???
Founded: Andal Invasion
House Traits
Defense: XXX
Influence: XXX
Lands: XXX
Law: XXX
Population: XXX
Power: XXX
Wealth: XXX


  • House Fortunes Roll: X

White Harbor

The only city in the North, White Harbor sits at the mouth of the White Knife River. White Harbor has much more contact with the south due to its position as the North's primary trade port, and there are more knights and followers of the Faith of the Seven in White Harbor than anywhere else in the North. The city has access to very good fishing grounds and is also the home of many silversmiths. It is also home to two castles: the old Wolf's Den, now used as a prison, and New Castle, home to the Merman Court of House Manderly. It is also home to the Sept of the Snows, a tall domed white building with statues of the Seven.

Members of the House

  • Lord Wyman Manderly: Lord of White Harbor A widower of three years, Lord Manderly is quite rotund, earning him the nicknames of "Lord Lamprey" (for his favorite kind of meat pie), "Ser Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse" and "Lord Walrus" (for his size and impressive white moustachios). He has a loud, booming laugh, and is considered something of a joke by his own people. (Age 55)
  • Ser Wylis Manderly: Heir of House Manderly Quiet and formal, Wylis is a large bald man like his father, and with equally-impressive moustachios of a dark color. (Age 32)
  • Leona Manderly: A plump pink woman with yellow hair, and a round, fleshy face, Leona loves her husband and daughters dearly. She is also a favorite of the people of White Harbor for her compassion and charitable work. (Age 31)
  • Ser Wendel Manderly: Though not quite as large as his father and brother, Ser Wendel is still considered quite large. He is a great deal more boisterous than Wylis, with a round moon-like face. He has a prickly sense of honor. (Age 27)
  • Wynafryd Manderly: A sweet young girl with long brown hair bound in braids, Wynafryd is clever and quick. (Age 14)
  • Wylla Manderly: Quick-tempered and quite loud about it, Wylla is the younger sister of Wynafryd. Her hair is worn in braids, as well. (Age 10)
  • Ser Marlon Manderly: Commander of the White Harbor Garrison A younger cousin of Lord Manderly, Ser Marlon has been a trusted aide for decades. (Age 45)
  • Donella Hornwood: Lady of House Hornwood Another cousin of Lord Manderly's, Donella is the wife of Lord Hornwood, and mother of its heir. (Age 40)

Retainers of the House

  • House Manderly is known to have quite a few Minor Houses and Households of Landed Knights sworn to their service.
  • House Waterman (Minor)
  • House Tarkin (Knightly Household)
  • House Carver (Knightly Household)


  • A thousand years ago the Manderlys lived at the banks of the mighty river Mander, but they were driven away by House Gardener. They fled north and were welcomed by the Starks of Winterfell as their own bannermen.
  • Due to those origins, they are the only noble house from the North of Andalish origins and customs, and thus they follow the Faith instead of the Old Gods.
  • Eventually, they became the lords of White Harbor, previously inhabited by pirates that were driven out by Jon Stark. White Harbor is the only city in the North, and a main port for commerce and naval transport.

Note: Though this is for a canonical setting element in the Song of Ice and Fire, some of the information here is totally created for my game, and should not be taken as an authoritative commentary on that setting element.

Arms of House Manderly

Realm: The North
Liege: Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell
Lord: Lord Wyman Manderly,
Lady: None
Heir: Ser Wylis Manderly
Other Scions: Wylis, Leona, Wendel; Lord Wyman's cousins: Ser Marlon, Donella; Wylis and Leona's children: Wynafryd, Wylla
Seat: White Harbor

Note: Though this is for a canonical setting element in the Song of Ice and Fire, some of the information here is totally created for my game, and should not be taken as an authoritative commentary on that setting element.