WTAF Template
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Moros; Guardians of the Veil (Prophets); Tamers of Stone; Lamplighters (Position)
Disciple 1º
Konstantin Voroshilov; Faith/Wrath; Lord of the Underworld
Text Goes Here
Rumors about your character.
- Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 1, Resolve 1; Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1; Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 1
- Abilities: X
- Merits
- Mental: X
- Physical: X
- Social: X
- Advantages: Health X, Willpower X, Wisdom 7, Size 5, Speed X, Defense X(Armor X), Initiative X
- Possessions: X
- Weapons: X
- Other Notes: X
- Flaw: Description
- XP Earned: 0; XP Spent: 0; Current XP: 0
Mundane XP Purchases
Merit Details
- Resources: True to vory traditions, Veles owns nothing permanent. His extravagant lifestyle is purely afforded by his constant influx of criminal funds from across a significant portion of Oregon's crime trade, particularly the drug industry, gun running, smuggling and prostitution. He has what he refers to as "investments" all over Portland, Salem and Eugene, as well as a few out of the way places: people (often former criminals) who wanted to start businesses whose products or services might be of use to him, so he lent them start-up capital and in return gets access to lush hotel rooms, hidden-away safehouses, car and messenger services, and the like.
- Fighting Style: Boxing
- Body Blow (•): Your character can deliver powerful blows that leave opponents reeling and gasping for air. If successes inflicted in a single Brawl attack equal or exceed a target's Size, the victim loses his next action.
Veles' normal, regular day-to-day life consists of a couple of facets which are reflections of both his vory lifestyle and his Guardian paranoia. All of the below assumes his normal "mundane" life - work for the Guardians can and does derail all of these things routinely.
- Money: Veles is usually quite flush with cash, carrying multiple thousands of dollars on him at one time. He receives these handfuls of cash multiple times a week from a variety of mostly criminal sources. His kick-back from legitimate investments (who can't always easily hand off cash without awkward accounts balancing) instead deal out use of their resources and services. One of his bolt-holes (see below) is a vault where he routinely places cash and other valuable goods he receives.
- Clothing & Jewelry: Veles routinely receives clothing and jewelry as part of his payment from various contacts and connections, whether those are gained through theft or simply a way of payment that is easier to account for on the books as shrinkage.
- Communication: Though he carries a high-end smartphone, it's always different. Having helped to fund a former hacker's legitimate mall kiosk front, Veles has the man constantly set up temporary accounts in a variety of names, cloning them to his phone on a routine basis.
- Food: Veles almost entirely eats out at restaurants, frequently springing for meals at extravagant eating establishments for important allies (particularly in society) or at almost-anonymous hole-in-the-walls for criminal and poorer contacts. The main exception to this is when he accepts an invitation from a society contact to dinner, or when he has a meal at the home of someone who is part of his Staroye labyrinth, when he really misses good home-cooked Russian food.
- Housing: Veles stays in any one of a handful hotels in the area, rarely staying in the same place for more than a night or two. About two-thirds of the time, he simply stays in rooms that the owners or management (allies of his) have marked as out of order, needing construction or the like. The rest of the time, he simply pays someone from among his many contacts and allies to reserve the room for themselves and pass him off the key. He is not above hunting up a cot space in the back of a friendly bar or restaurant, either, or copping a squat in one of his bolt-holes.
- Days: Veles spends most of his days tending to the legitimate aspects of his life: taking important contacts to lunch, making connections between people who are useful to him and the like. He's also quite honestly a late sleeper, usually not rising until early afternoon when he doesn't need to. Much of this day-time work goes into shepherding his labyrinths as well.
- Evenings: Unless he's tending to specific projects, Veles spends a lot of time in any one of several restaurants, nightclubs or bars that he has helped establish, fund and maintain. He has a different sort of hang-out for each of the groups he travels in, and makes appearances at most of them regularly. He usually spends the majority of his time in places where the criminals under him feel free to come and make contact with him at...and where criminals who don't know him, but might have business of interest to him can find him with a minimum of searching (but plenty of layers of interaction through his criminal network).
Veles has established a handful of bolt-holes in the cellars and beneath the foundations of several buildings he's helped design (or otherwise influenced the design of). These bolt-holes have a few notable traits: they are all subterranean, have absolutely no connections to the area outside them (that is, neither ventilation or portals of any kind), were all personally designed by him (so that they benefit from his Attainment) and are steel-and-concrete in construction. He accesses them through the use of his Matter magic to open and remove passages into them as needful. For the most part, though, he almost never visits any of them, simply using them as "storage space" he can access via Apportation. He maintains a close eye on the status of the buildings they are part of, ensuring that no maintenance or other construction takes place that might in some way affect them. If that happens, he excavates the bolt-hole, clearing it of the entirety of its contents.
- Money Vault: Where Veles stashes away his immediate sources of cash. It rarely stays here long, though, as he frequently uses that money to make additional investments. (This basically reflects his ability to make purchases at his Resources rating.)
- Wardrobe: A wide selection of garments of all sorts. Half of it is the fine, somewhat flashy suits that Veles prefers to wear, as well as an unholy variety of ties, shoes and everything else he needs. He also maintains a selection of jewelry here for his personal use (as compared to the jewelry he maintains in the Money Vault for other uses). The other half of the garments here are for his various Masques and other identities. He keeps this area well-stocked with wallets with false IDs of fair quality, credit cards in the names of those identities and the like.
- Armory: Veles maintains small crates of weapons of all sorts here (generally those of Resources ••• or less), as well as specimens of more expensive weaponry (Resources ••••). Because these weapons are often used as currency in criminal enterprises, the roster is constantly changing. He also has a full supply of modern ballistics wear, from nearly-invisible kevlar vest to full riot gear. He also maintains a variety of spy gadgets here as well.
- Box of 100 IR strobe trackers (small attachable IR strobes that flash visibly to IR detection gear, but not visible light or radio).
- FAX/Printer bug, allowing the copying of any documents Faxed, scanned or printed in those devices.
- WiFi bugs, piggybacked onto a router or modem that records information sent through it and forwards it to a specific IP Address.
- Shredder scanner, allowing documents to be scanned and saved as they are shredded. Information is later retrieved through RF commands or by syncing the device with WiFi and forwarding it to a specific IP Address.
- Lab: Veles maintains his chemical and drug stashes here, including several of his "emergency kits". Pre-prepared baggies and vials of meth, cocaine, heroin, hash, ecstasy, ketamine and a handful of other rotating "drug currency" are maintained here for his use as well. Against one wall is a shelf of some of the finest vodka available anywhere in the world, a smaller collection of fine, expensive wines and other high-shelf alcoholic beverages. He also keeps a liberal supply of medical goods here, from first-aid materials to prescription drugs.
- Hideout: The only one of the bolt-holes with a permanent (albeit hidden) door, the hideout is located beneath the airport, with access from a storage closet, accessed from one of the mens' bathrooms. The hideout has a simple cot, some food and clothing, medical supplies and burner phones, as well as a tap into the high-traffic internet wiring for the airport.
- Storage Locker 1: Open space. Contains the two kegs whose contents are enchanted with Shape Liquid.
- Storage Locker 2: Open space.
- Storage Locker 3: Open space.