House Dunmæril

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Arguably the most ancient of the Tamousan Houses - including House Ylrannin - House Dunmæril once ruled the nation. The Dunmæril Dynasty occupies a place in Tamousan history before the rise of the Gwiseth, and it was the Dunmæril who aided House Ylrannin in seizing the Great Throne of Eledir.

The exchange for their aid was simple: the Dunmæril foreswore any claim on the Great Throne and lent their aid against the old Gwiseth kings, and in return the Ylrannin would grant them not only a portion of the old Gwiseth holdings, but those of House Ylrannin in their entirety as well (as the royal House governs no holdings save Eledir City directly). The bargain was struck, and the Gwiseth kings fell to the potent forces House Dunmaeril brought to bear. In the end, the city of Ervidor - once the seat of House Ylrannin - was given over to the governance of the Dunmæril.

The current lord of the Dunmæril primary line is Lord Mæridall, a man in his early fourties, and his lovely half-elven wife Ithia, a singer and dancer of no small skill. They have a pair of young children - a girl and a boy - neither of whom are at their age of majority yet. House Dunmæril lays claim to the majority of western Tamous (including Sunfield), and it is they who push for expanding the borders northward. Their heraldry is a white sun on a green field.


  • Summerlight: Seat in Eledir City.
  • Ervidor: Once the property of House Ylrannin, Ervidor was the reward to House Dunmæril for its support of Ylrannin against the Gwiseth.
  • Diavonmath: An agricultural and fishing territory in the very northwestern corner of Tamous.
  • Sunfield: A small town founded after the Dunmæril were removed from the Holy Throne. Primarily agricultural, and known for its fine grapes and the wines that are made thereof.
  • The Elder Forest: An ancient forest widely renowned for the quality of the game within its boundaries, but also for the ruins and creatures found in its darkest depths.
  • Dwarfgate Mountains: A nearly played-out mining territory, the Dwarfgates are a line of defense against the strange unknown creatures that occasionally boil up from the old dwarven citadels that lie beyond them.
  • Sunwrought Hills: A rolling hilly area with few folk that dwell there other than shepherds, nomads and the occasional bandit gang.