Sources: AoRCore (Age of Rebellion Core Book) • CaM (Cyphers and Masks) • DA (Desperate Allies) • DC (Dangerous Covenants) • DoH (Disciples of Harmony) • EoECore (Edge of Empire Core Book) • EtU (Enter the Unknown) • EV (Endless Vigil) • FaDCore (Force and Destiny Core Rulebook) • FC (Fly Casual) • FH (Far Horizons) • FiB (Forged in Battle) • FLT (Friends Like These) • FO (Fully Operational) • KtP (Keeping the Peace) • LbE (Lead by Example) • LoNH (Lords of Nal Hutta) • ND (No Disintegrations) • NoP (Nexus of Power) • SaS (Ships and Speeders) • SM (Special Modifications) • SoF (Suns of Fortune) • SoR (Strongholds of Resistance) • SoT (Stay on Target) • SS (Savage Spirits)
CEC G9 "Rigger" Light Freighter
55,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 3 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Dorsal auto-blasters, outrigger turret-mounted light blaster cannon, ventral wing-mounted light blaster cannon
Already considered an antique at the outset of the Clone Wars, the Rigger is a small, unremarkable craft seems more speeder truck than starship. Designed with a ventral and starboard set of stabilizer spars, the forward third of this vessel contains the flight deck, engineering deck, and crew quarters on two spartan decks. The rest of the ship is given over to a single large cargo hold accessed by a large aft-loading ramp.
Source: FaD262
CEC HWK-290 Light Freighter
70,000 credits • Rarity 7
Hyperdrive: Class 2 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: None
Marketed to wealthy, high-profile clients such as powerful interstellar shipping conglomerates and planetary governments, the HWK-290s are light, fast, agile craft designed for speed and comfort rather than heavy lifting. Handsome vessels with lean, angular hulls, and narrow, deeply tinted viewports that make them look fast and aggressive. HWK-290s are best fit for courier work and transportation of small, highly valuable cargoes.
Source: FaD263
CEC YT-1300 Light Freighter
100,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: One (1) dorsal and one (1) ventral turret-mounted medium laser cannon
Easily the most common light freighter in use in the galaxy, the YT-1300 is quick, rugged, and endlessly modifiable. A saucer body with a variety of modular compartments, two cargo mandibles extending from the bow and the Corellian Engineering trademark offset cockpit, this vessel is almost impossible to find in its original manufactured default configuration.
Source: EoECore264
CEC YT-2400 Light Freighter
130,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: One (1) dorsal and one (1) ventral turret-mounted twin medium laser cannons
An update of the YT-1300, the YT-2400 is slightly smaller but significantly more powerful in nearly every way. The saucer-shaped hull has a central core surrounded by cargo and passenger modules, with a starboard-mounted cockpit connected to the main hull by a pair of reinforced pylons, with its own access hatch and crew escape pod. Though a freighter, it does a good impression of a fighting vessel, with military grade armor, heavy shields, room for larger reactor and ion drives, and a number of dedicated weapon hardpoints.
Source: EoECore265
Koensayr ILH-KK "Citadel"-class Light Freighter
200,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Medium laser cannons (forward), port and starboard turret-mounted twin light ion cannons (forward), concussion missile launcher (forward), medium tractor beam projector (forward)
Known for ruggedness and reliability. Forward hull houses the bridge and living quarters for a three-person crew, with more cabins behind for passengers. Quite heavily armored for a ship of this size and class, and equipped with military-grade shields, Citadels have gained a reputation for beng able to absorb incredible amounts of punishment and still deliver passengers and cargo safely. Typically classed as passenger-carriers, their weapons and ability to mount external clamps to carry two starfighters have seen them used as fighting ships, particularly in the hands of freebooters and pirates.
Source: EoECore260
Mon Calamari "Simiyar"-class Light Freighter
165,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Dorsal turret-mounted twin light laser cannons, forward-mounted light ion cannon
One of the more popular vessels to come out of the Mon Calamari Shipyards, the Simiyar-class is a lovely vessel that shows all the hallmarks of the smooth-edged, organic-seeming engineering of the famous shipyard. The Simiyar is a fast, low-slung, single-deck vessel with the entire forward third given over to cargo space. Midships contain crew and passenger berthing and common areas, and the access to a small, two-person command deck. Heavily armed for a ship of its class, with stout, ablative armor and well-tuned shields.
Source: FaD264
Starfeld ZH-25 "Questor"-class Light Freighter
115,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Ventral turret-mounted medium laser cannon
A fast, reliable freighter with a central hull that contains the cockpit forward and engines stern. Its port and starboard hull sections contain crew quarters, common areas, and escape pods, with the aft two-thirds of the ship given over to a massive open cargo hold equipped with modern cargo-handling systems. Two external cargo pods are slung beneath the hull and serve to extend the ship's cargo and storage capacity. The vessel is popular among private shipping concerns, single owner-operator outfits, and smugglers.
Source: FaD265
Appazanna Engineering "Auzituck"-class Gunship
95,000 credits • Rarity 7
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Dorsal twin medium laser cannons, two pod-mounted twin medium laser cannons
Designed by the wookiee Appazanna Engineering Works as a patrol and interdiction craft, the Auzituck is commonly used for hunting down slavers, both around Kashyyyk and beyond. With a tandem cockpit (pilot above and behind the forward-seated gunner) and a trench behind that which can easily hold eight sentients, it is the perfect vehicle for hunting slavers and freeing their slaves. They frequently operate in flights of two or three, with one landing to deploy or pick up passengers while the others remain in the air to provide overwatch.
Source: SaS42
Patrol Craft
Byblos G-1A Heavy Starfighter
130,000 credits • Rarity 7
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 10) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Forward-mounted medium laser cannons, forward-mounted concussion missile launchers
Boxy and fast, the G-1A was designed as a system patrol and interdiction craft. It is moderately armored and well-shielded, with a respectable weapons, comms, and sensor package. It also includes rather cramped quarters in the rear of the vessel, packed in with the ship's computer cores and other mechanisms.
Source: SaS49
CEC "Jumpmaster"-class Long Range Scout
55,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Extreme
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Light laser cannon (forward mounted)
A scout vessel designed for autonomous long-range reconnaisance by a single pilot. Packed with powerful sensory systems, it includes a cockpit and pilot's quarters with supplies for up to two months. Often serve in planetary militaries as picket ships and early warning patrol craft within star systems. Commonly used by the Civilian Astrogation Corps, the volunteer group of explorers, astrogators, and cartographers who keep hyperspace navigation charts up to date.
Source: EoECore256
Kuat Systems "Firespray" System Patrol Craft
80,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Auto-blasters (forward mounted), light tractor beam (forward mounted)
Though designed before the Clone Wars, the Firespray was only recently re-introduced to market in response to increased demand for law enforcement and patrol vessels. These ships come stock with a space for locking down prisoners, making them hotly in demand by law enforcement, bounty hunters, and small-scale slavers.
Source: EoECore255
Mandalmotors M22-T Krayt Gunship
185,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Dorsal turret-mounted twin heavy laser cannons, forward-mounted triple medium ion cannons, forward-mounted concussion missile launcher
Impressively armed gunships commissioned first by Jabba the Hutt for his favored lieutenants. Other crime groups have since followed suit.
Source: LoNH114
Sienar GAT-12H "Skipray" Blastboat
150,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Triple light ion cannons (forward mounted), dorsal turret-mounted twin medium laser cannon (turret), proton torpedo launcher (forward mounted), concussion missile launcher (forward mounted)
A heavily armed and armored patrol craft and gunboat. Though originally designed for the Imperial Navy, it didn't fit into the Empire's typical order of battle, which tends to eschew heavy, multi-crewed fighters. It has gained a loyal following among planetary defense forces, as well as various corporate, mercenary, and pirate fleets, as they are deadly and competent patrol and anti-shipping vessels, capable of threatening ships many times their size.
Source: EoECore259
Scout Ships
Vangaard "Pathfinder" Scout Ship
45,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup 15) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Extreme
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Dorsal turret-mounted light laser cannon
Designed as a long-range scout and courier vessel in the final years of the Old Republic, the Pathfinder has a reputation as a high-tech ship thanks to its powerful sensor suite and its hyperspace capabilities. Essentially an oversized starfighter, Pathfinders carry two sentients seated abreast in a small, cramped, but well laid-out cockpit. Abaft the cockpit is a small area with refresher, bunk, and small storage area for provisions, tools, and emergency supplies. It is lightly armed and armored, with uniquely powerful shield generators for their class of ship.
Source: FaD260
Sienar Fleet Systems "Lambda"-class T-4A Long Range Shuttle
140,000 credits • Rarity 6R
Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup 10) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Two (2) blaster cannons (forward mounted), Two (2) twin light laser cannons (forward mounted), retractable twin light blaster cannon (aft)
Easily the most ubiquitous shuttle employed by the Imperial Navy, these shuttles are designed for use to haul both passengers and cargo, with the ability to be configured as troop carriers, heavy cargo shuttles, and even luxury VIP transports. Useful and versatile, these ships are often the target of ship thieves and pirates, and can occasionally be purchased at high cost from the black market. Possession of these is restricted to non-Imperial personnel.
Source: EoECore256
SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht
120,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 14) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: None
The final word in luxury VIP transportation, each Luxury 3000 is built from the keel up to the user's specifications. This allows them to be used for the myriad purposes some buyers have put them to, from shuttling important government officials to mobile offices for power corporate or guild figures to extravagant party vessels. The ship's hull is long and narrow, with a forward command deck. Passengers are carried in luxurious quarters abaft the command deck that contain a grand dining cabin, a single VIP suite, a recreation center, and observation deck, and a number of small but well-appointed passenger cabins. The cost listed is for the baseline ship's frame and mechanics, before any interior spaces, which can result in a cost many times that.
Source: EoECore262
Ubrikkian Industries "Seltiss-2" Caravel
550,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: None • Navicomputer: None • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: One port and one starboard retractable turret-mounted medium laser cannon
A high-end pleasure-yacht, it is designed to look like a space-going sail barge and is opulently appointed. They are typically not equipped with a hyperdrive, intended for in-system cruises and shuttling. In the event of an emergency, the main cabin can eject from the body of the ship itself, acting as a life boat for the owner and their closest hangers-on.
Source: LoNH115
300px |
xxx credits • Rarity xx
Hyperdrive: xxx • Navicomputer: xx • Sensor Range: xxx
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: xxx
Source: xxx