Evendur's Journal

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The Journal of Evendur Husteem.

The 3rd day of Tarkash, Year of the Arch

My Name is Evendur Husteem, and I believe that a keeping record of my life has become necessary. I do not believe that my own accomplishments are worth study. However, given the risks that my fellow apprentices are taking and likely to take in the future, I feel it only appropriate to leave a record for Master Khelben. If nothing else it should make it his location of our corpses easier.

Other then the fact that I was born into House Husteem, the less that is said about my youth the better. As soon as I was of age to do so, I joined the temple of Mystra as a novice. After completing my Novitiate, It was decided that my own talents were best suited into pursuing the Art directly and that I should be placed with a mentor. I was then placed with Khelben Arunsun, also known as the Blackstaff.

Yesterday, the 2nd of Tarkash, I was informed that my fellow apprentice Aelandelia had been arrested by the city watch. I, along with Ahmadar, Ciro and Glim left to investigate, as the idea that any of Master Khelben's apprentices would be a thief was patently ridiculous. After further investigation we discovered that the crime she had been accused of was committed by the thief Demisante. In the process of chasing her we had a confrontation with a group of street thugs she had paid to watch her usual haunts. After thoroughly trouncing them we interrogated their leader, the Halfling Jamis, and discovered that she was staying at the Yawning Portal and that a runner had been sent to warn her. We arrived shortly after she was lowered into Undermountain.

We quickly made the decision to pursue her into Undermountain.

The Xth day of Tarkash, Year of the Arch