Bad Moon Season One

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Episode One: Bad Moon Rising


Sunday, Sept 23rd - Monday, Sept 24th

Session One: 06/25/2014

The Unnamed Parking Lot Girl
Uncle Volk
Linda Dennison

Sunday, Sept 23rd

  • The episode opens in Warner Pelt's loft, where he's chilling with his developing posse. The early bird heads to bed while his friends continue gaming and spots movement on the roof of the Athletic Center across the way. After a moment, he spots an almost silhouette again. His exclamation draws Thomas Michael Craig's attention, and they kill the lights in the loft for a better view. They decide to investigate in case someone needs help. Danny Marin joins them.
  • Outside the Center, they are debating how to reach the roof when Thomas notices an impact on a nearby window that leaves it cracked and smeared with blood. This spurs them to action (but Danny heads back to his dorm), and the resourceful students pull out a flashlight and lockpicks and break into the Center. After a bit of slinking, the pair are startled when Thomas's cell phone breaks the silence with an incoming text message, but nothing untoward happens. They do hear, however, an impact deeper in the building as loud as a car hitting a wall.
  • The pair make their way to the weight room, noticing that the window in its door seems to be blacked out. Warner's flashlight reveals that the window is coated in blood, and a slight nudge knocks the damaged door down. Beyond is a scene of bloody horror. The room is trashed and spilled blood (not strawberry jam) is everywhere. The two flee.
  • Warner deals with the horror by cooking an early breakfast, while Thomas answers Teresa Cantu's text to meet her at Crossroads. There, he finds her mooning over Jace Evans and marveling at his leather pants. Thomas drags her over to Jace at the bar, but she quickly flees. Jace notes that Thomas seems off, but his attention is drawn by Aedia Randall's arrival with her sorority gaggle. Jace draws Thomas to the dance floor to display himself for Aedia's benefit, making even more of a spectacle when Theresa joins them.
  • When Aedia makes her way to the dance floor and suggests that Thomas should buy drinks for herself and her girls, Jace knocks him aside and announces that he has the money, starting a new type of display. He's unable to say anything interesting once at the bar with her, though, so she moves on to some jock for the night. Jace switches tactics to loudly and aggressively picking up one of her girls, whose name is unimportant and thus never revealed. Fade from Jace about to receive a handjob in the parking lot and already being over it.

Monday, Sept 24th, First Day of Classes

  • Henry Mulgrew enters the ATO bathroom to find Reese Tavis shaving in just a towel, which is sufficiently distracting that he fails to notice a plot point. Deacon Alders gathers them up to tell them that the two are responsible for planning and implementing ATO's traditional Bonfire Party in the woods. Stella Jalo is there to help them as necessary. Stella notices that Reese's leg appears to be injured, and he explains that he fell in the woods while running and says he'll have it looked at.
  • After the students have left for classes, a mysterious man who resembles George Clooney with an undefinable but surely sexy (but maybe spotty) accent appears at ATO with a large box in tow. He explains that he is Volk, Reese's uncle, and he's here to drop Reese's possessions off, as his nephew stayed with him for the summer, but now Volk is headed out of town for a while. Stella takes the box (it probably doesn't have severed heads in it) and a kiss on the hand, and she recovers her composure with a glass of ice water.
  • Later that day, Henry and Warner attend a meeting at the Queer Resource Center, sponsored by Dr. Elaine Litchfield. The talk initially centers around how the resource center was clearly designed by straights but shifts to how homophobic ATO is. Henry is caught off guard and makes a weak defense of his brothers, but he is accused of being too intimidating and able to pass to encounter trouble at the fraternity. Elaine promises the group that if there are any incidents with ATO, the appropriate authority will be brought to bear. There is also gossip about the vandalism at the athletic center and some rumbles of similar incidents in the dorms.
  • Elaine is approached by sophomore Linda Dennison, who wishes to transfer to her class. Elaine misinterprets the nubile student's intentions and signs the add/drop sheet, bringing Linda one step closer to bedding her new professor.
  • Henry realizes he needs help to pull off the Bonfire Party, so he asks Warner, a noted (former) boy scout, to scout locations. Henry has no idea how many attendees to plan for, and his hastily printed flyers for the party fail to include a location. Warner is able to find a good spot later that afternoon, and Henry adds the GPS coordinates (and hopefully the link to a good navigation app) to the flyers. He also mobilizes the University's frat network to publicize the event. Despite the rumors of ATO's homophobia, Elaine agrees to be the faculty sponsor for the party, and she attempts to get approval from the administration for the frat to build a giant fire in the woods with an unknown number of students in attendance. She is met with some resistance. Fade from Elaine circling the planned date of the party in her date book (because she can use a date book if Warner can use a flip phone), a perfect full moon night to help students find their way through the woods.

Session Two: 07/09/2014

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