Wizard of the Phoenix Tower

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Spells of the XXX

The following spells are central to the occult philosophy of the xxx.

  • Cantrips: x
  • First Level: x
  • Second Level: x
  • Third Level: x
  • Fourth Level: x
  • Fifth Level: x
  • Sixth Level: x
  • Seventh Level: x
  • Eighth Level: x
  • Ninth Level: x

In lonely Liminal stands the Phoenix Tower, a tall wonder of occult creation. Once it was the center for what was likely the largest active academy of wizardly sciences in Liminal and Rinhony alike. The Phoenix Tower's liminaries went on to join the Order of the Rose, a cabal of planar explorers, and the Keepers of the Accord, the elite wizards responsible for tending to the protective magics that kept Liminal safe from planar dangers. While the Phoenix Tower is no more, its traditions are still some of the most widely-taught of any tradition of wizardry.

As a wizard of the Phoenix Tower (usually referred to as "phoenixes" or "phoenix mages" by other wizards), you study protective magics and planar secrets in abundance. As a phoenix mage, you see the planes as overlapping sources of tremendous power waiting for you to tap - although with respect and caution, for they will eat alive those who try to master them with hubris.

Graduates of the Phoenix Tower were not marked in any way, and never adopted specific iconography to identify them.


Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, xxx


Starting at 2nd level when you choose this school, xxx


Beginning at 6th level, xxx


Starting at 10th level, xxx


Starting at 14th level, xxx