Human Kunmarg

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Kunmarg are native to the Frost Sun system. They are of middling height, usually over five feet, but rarely over six feet tall, with women being somewhat slighter than men. Kunmarg have pale skin that ranges from a light blue in tone, through a pale white to a slightly ruddy pinkish complexion, and they often freckle when they spend time in the light of any sun save their native Frost Sun. Their eyes tend to be hazel-to-brown in color and small; Kunmarg develop crow's feet and laugh lines early, and their eyes often disappear into small slits when they smile. Their builds are thick with muscle and fat, with broad shoulders, wide hips, and shorter legs. Their hair tends to be light-colored, ranging from a pale white (in Kunmarg of any age, not just the aged), bleeding to pale blondes and red colors.

Kunmarg in the Ravimarga


  • Baharis: x
  • The Golden Sun: x
  • The Blood Sun: x
  • The Frost Sun: x
  • The Dragon Sun: x

Kunmarg Traits

Kunmarg Racial Benefit
2d6 Roll Benefit
2 Wild Gifted
3 Focus: Intelligence (Navigation)
4 +1 Perception
5 Focus: Willpower (Courage)
6 Focus: Constitution (Drinking)
7 +1 Strength
8 Focus: Constitution (Running)
9 Focus: Accuracy (Brawling)
10 +1 Fighting
11 Focus: Perception (Tracking)
12 Blue Kunmarg

If you choose to play a Kunmarg human, modify your character as follows:

  • Add 1 to your Constitution Ability.
  • Pick one of the following Ability Focuses: Communication (Animal Handling) or Perception (Seeing).
  • Your Speed is equal to 10 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable).
  • Roll twice on the Kunmarg Racial Benefits chart. These reflect inborn traits and natural tendencies in your folk, rather than anything you were trained or raised to.

Kunmarg Benefits

Roll twice on the Kunmarg Racial Benefits table for additional benefits. Re-roll if you end up with the same result.

  • +1 Ability: Increase the indicated Ability by +1.
  • Focus: Gain the indicated Ability Focus.
  • Blue Kunmarg: Your skin has a bluer tinge than most, the same blue which the elders claim was once the birthright of every Kunmarg. You have a natural AR 2 against cold damage. This increases by +1 every three levels (so at 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc).
  • Wild Gifted: You have a natural wild Gift. Choose either Gifts of the Air or Gifts of the Frost. You may take those Gifts as though they were normal Talents for you, and you gain one of the Novice spells automatically, as well as gaining Magic Points per the rules for Wild Gifts.