Tower of Shadows: Equipment

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Qualities of Note

  • Limited Ammo 1 You may only fire this weapon a single time before it must be reloaded. This requires a Maneuver to draw an additional projectile. In addition, the Narrator may spend Threat generated on an attack made with this weapon to cause the fired projectile to become permanently lost - reducing the number your character possesses by the Threat Spent. This is how I will manage ammunition
  • Fast (New Quality) If the target of your attack has not acted in this Combat Round - you gain a Boost Die to your attack.
  • Slow (New Quality) If the target of your attack has not already gone in this Combat Round - you suffer a Setback die to your attack.
  • Sunder You may spend ONE Advantage to cause a one level of damage to a weapon, armor or accessible item carried by the target of your attack - this is in addition to the damage dealt.
  • Prepare X You must take the a number of Maneuvers to draw, pull. ready or otherwise make the weapon ready to fire. This is in addition to the Maneuver required to draw another projectile.

Melee and Brawl Weapons

Weapon Skill Damage Crit Rating Qualities Encum Rarity Cost
Knucklers Brawl +1 4 Fast 0 3 15
Punch Dagger Brawl +1 3 Pierce 1 1 5 35
Vambrace Brawl +0 5 Defensive 1 0 3 25
Axe Melee +2 2 Vicious 1 3 2 75
Baton Melee +1 4 Disorient 2 1 4 50
Blade Breaker Melee +0 4 Defensive 2, Pierce 1, Sunder 1 7 100
Buckler Melee +0 5 Defensive 2 1 5 50
Club Melee +1 4 Disorient 1, Knockdown 2 1 15
Dagger Melee +1 4 Accurate 1, Pierce 1 1 1 25
Dueling Blade Melee +2 4 Accurate 1, Defensive 1, Piece 1 2 8 275
Greataxe Melee +4 2 Cumbersome 4, Vicious 2, Slow, Sunder 4 6 200
Greatsword Melee +4 3 Cumbersome 4, Defensive 1, Sunder, Vicious 1 4 6 350
Great Shield Melee +0 5 Cumbersome 4, Defensive 2, Deflection 2, Disorient 1, Knockdown 5 6 125
Hammer Melee +2 4 Disorient 2, Knockdown 3 6 50
Hatchet Melee +1 2 None 2 1 15
Longblade Melee +2 3 Defensive 1, Vicious 1 3 6 250
Maul Melee +5 4 Concussive, Cumbersome 4, Disorient 2, Knockdown, Slow 5 5 225
Parry Dagger Melee +1 3 Defensive 1 1 8 75
Shield Melee +0 5 Cumbersome 3, Defensive 2, Deflection 1, Disorient 1, Knockdown 2 4 75
Shortblade Melee +1 3 Defensive 1 1 4 25
Spear Melee +3 3 Pierce 3, Unwieldly 3 4 4 150
Staff Melee +2 4 Defensive 1, Disorient 3, Unwieldly 3 3 3 45

Bows and Crossbows

Weapon Skill Damage Crit Rating Range Qualities Encum Rarity Cost
Heavy Crossbow Ranged-Archaic 7 3 Long Cumbersome 4, Limited Ammo 1, Pierce 2, Prepare 3 4 8 275
Light Crowssbow Ranged-Archaic 5 3 Medium Limited Ammo 1, Pierce 1, Prepare 2 3 6 75
Long Bow Ranged-Archaic +3 3 Long Cumbersome 3, Limited Ammo 1, Prepare 1 2 6 125
Short Bow Ranged-Archaic +1 3 Medium Limited Ammo 1, Prepare 2 1 3 30
Throwing Knives Ranged-Archaic +0 4 Short Fast, Limited Ammo 1 0 2 20 (for five)
Bolts/Arrows NA +0 +0 NA Count as Edged Weapons 1 4 30 (for 25)

Rare Materials

Note: A single item may not be made from more than one of these materials.

  • Hell-wrought Steel:
    • Hell-wrought Steel is forged in fiery volcanic furnaces common known as Hell-Forges. Because of the sulfuric gases and impurities in the metal, items made from Hell-wrought Steel take on a sickly yellowish hue. Hell-wrought is most commonly found in ingots that can be reforged in a common smithy into weapons, armor and other items, making it the most common of the Rare Materials. In any case, Hell-wrought Steel items increase the Rarity by 2 and the Cost by triple (a 25cr item becomes 75cr).
    • Hell-wrought Weapons gain or increase their Vicious by +1. In addition, when a Character rolls to recover from a Critical Injury inflicted by one of these weapons, they Upgrade the difficulty of that roll once.
  • Black Iron:
    • Black Iron gets its name from the dark grey, nearly black coloring that times forged from it take on. It is exceedingly rare to find in any large quantity and thus smaller items are often more common than larger ones. To complicate matters, Black Iron can only ever be forged a single time, and once quenched, it hardens into its permanent shape.
    • Items forged from Black Iron simply cannot be destroyed by any known means. They are immune to any damage inflicted on them, including the Sunder Quality. They remain forever sharp if edged - and often become family heirlooms, handed down through the generations. Increase the Rarity of items made from Black Iron by 4 and increase their cost by x10. Lastly, because for their weight, items forged from Black Iron increase their encumbrance by 1/2 - rounded up to the nearest whole number.
  • Silversteel:
    • Silversteel gets its name from the milky-silvered appearance items crafted from it take on - even when polished. Their are light and easy to wield, making them ideal for races of small stature or those of slight frames. The metal, however, is not as hard or durable as even common steel and are prone to damage if abused.
    • Silversteel items decrease their Encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and reduce the Cumbersome or Unwieldly Quality by 1. In addition, weapons gain the Fast Quality (but this effect does not stack with weapons that already have it), and Armor decreases its Encumbrance by 2 instead. Lastly increase the Rarity of such items by 3 and double their cost. Finally, Silversteel Items items are can suffer one fewer level of damage before they are destroyed.
  • Aristone Ash:
    • Aristone Ash is a tree native to a distant land that takes the same name. It was introduced to The Kingdom generations ago through long trade routes. The wood of this Ash is extremely hard and durable - nearly as hard as steel itself and thus is prized for adding penetrating power to bows. The wood is a warm pink color and does not stain or polish.
    • Bows and Crossbows made from Aristone Ash increase their Damage by 1. However because of its hardness, they also increase their Prepare by +1.
    • All other items increase the number of Advantages needed to cause damage to items made of Aristone Ash by 1 - thus it now requires 4 Advantages to temporarily disable them, and Sunder now requires 2 Advantages to activate instead of one.
    • In either case, increase the Rarity of such items by 3 and their cost by x5.
  • Everliving Elm:
    • Everliving Elm is a rare tree whose harvesting is closely watched and regulated by the Kings Laws. They are very rare, and all attempts to transplant or grow new Elms have all ended in failure. The trees themselves resonate strongly in the Arcane - though they are often concealed by natural forces and can be difficult to locate at any distance. The Elms regrow harvested limbs with exceptional speed, and more astonishingly, items made from such wood continue to live on. While they need no soil, they do require regular watering - most often accomplished through wiping them down with a damp cloth.
    • Bows, Crossbows and other wooden items gain the ability to recover from levels of item damage as if they were Critical Injuries applied to a Character whose Brawn is 2. Each Level of damage is treated as a separate Critical Injury and the recovery difficulty begins at 1 and increases by 1 for each level there after. Further, such weapons can be "healed" through Sorcery as if they were a Character and can be detected through Divination as though they are alive. Increase the Rarity of items made from Everliving Elm by 3 and triple their cost.

Personalizations and Modifications

  • Superior: - This modification can be applied to any suit of armor or weapon.
  • Inferior: - This Modification can be applied to any suit of armor or weapon.
    • Inferior Weapons apply a Setback Die to any Check made involving them (Combat or otherwise). However it reduces the Rarity of the Weapon by 1, to a minimum of 1, and reduces the Cost by

Hilts and Hafts: - A Weapon may have no more than 2 Selections from this Group.

  • Well Balanced:
  • Custom Grip:
  • Ornate:
  • Paired Weapons:
  • Extended Grip:

Edges and Heads: - A Weapon may have no more than 1 Selection from this Group.

  • Poison Reservoir:
  • Honed Edge:
  • Serrated Edge:
  • Weighted Head:
  • Spiked Head:

