Maple Shade Apotropaic Lore Research

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Apotropaic Lore (Main Topic)

Skill: Occult
This Topic covers the very basic of cultural knowledge about methods of protecting oneself against the supernatural.

Apotropaic Lore, Basic

Obscurity: Occult 0 (General Knowledge Test applies)
Progress: 9 successes • 2 rolls

  • 2 successes: x
  • 4 successes: x
  • 8 successes: x

Obscurity •

Apotropaic Summoning

Obscurity: Occult 1
Lore concerning the use of items to which supernatural creatures have occult responses in order to summon them into an area

Apotropaic Warding

Obscurity: Occult 1
Lore concerning the myriad techniques of creating wards to keep supernatural things at bay.

  • 3 successes: Nearly every culture features techniques for keeping monsters and spirits at bay. There seems to be little agreement in methods, ingredients and philosophy, however.
  • 7 successes: With sufficient study, a pattern has come to the fore. Supernatural creatures seem to have elements which ban them from entering an area or passing a barrier. These substances must be used or prepared in certain ways, however.
  • 13 successes: The character learns the technique for Warding, as long as he knows the appropriate bane to use.
    • Hunters additionally learn the Warding Tactic.

Obscurity ••

Apotropaic Abjuration

Obscurity: Occult 2
Lore concerning the various methods for repelling supernatural creatures, through the use of the materials inimical to their power.