Icons Aeriemaster

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The Aeriemaster


"Yeeessss, come closer, come closer. Speak to me the morsels you have gathered, that we might feast on them together!"
High in the Starfrost Mountains is the Last Aerie, a mountain peak city home to kenku and aarakocra. Its master's identity is largely unknown; denizens of the Last Aeries simply call them the "Aeriemaster," with the suggestion that the individual that bears that name has changed over the years. Greedy for knowledge and driven by a desire to know the secrets of others, the Aeriemaster sends their people out into the world to recover knowledge and send it home on the wings of ravens and hawks. Cruel and unrelenting, the Aeriemaster has never hesitated to use such secrets against others – or even to sell those secrets to the highest bidder.

Usual Location

If the Aeriemaster ever leaves the Last Aerie, no one has actually heard of it happening.

Adventurers & the Aeriemaster

  • Allied Relationships (1-3): An allied relationship means that the character has found favor with one of the Aeriemaster's agents, and likely (through them) with the Aeriemaster themselves. An alliance of at least 2 points means that the character is welcome at the Last Aerie and knows of the secret paths through the mountains to reach it (though they are no less dangerous for knowing them); at 3 points, the individual is considered a citizen. You are a hero to the folk of the Last Aerie, and to many of the entities that also haunt the mountains (including the servitors of the Slumbering Inferno and the Queen of Frost), but others may look on you with suspicion.
  • Conflicted Relationships (1-3): You are, above all, useful to the Aeriemaster, although there is something about you that they just don't trust – or about them that you don't trust. Still, the relationship continues to be a useful one...for now. At 3 points, you may gain access to the Last Aerie as a (closely watched) guest.
  • Antagonistic Relationships (1-2): You not only refuse to go along with the Aeriemaster's plots, but you may even work against them! If you are from the Last Aerie, it is enough that you fled and refuse to obey. Otherwise, you have clearly done something to earn either the irritation of the Aeriemaster's network or you oppose the Aeriemaster without them being entirely aware of you (1 point). If the Aeriemaster is aware of you and dislikes you directly, however, that is worth 2 points; you may even have to deal with the occasional kenku assassin coming after you.


  • The Aeriemasters of the Last Aerie have a long-standing tradition of working closely if hesitantly with the servitors of the Slumbering Inferno, providing what help they can without committing themselves to the Inferno's monstrous cause.
  • In contrast, the Queen of Frost has been known to make sudden appearances in the Last Aerie, welcomed with all pomp and blessings by the Aeriemaster.


When the apex predator called only the Berserker comes hunting, it is every avian for themselves in the Last Aerie. As a result, the Aeriemaster bears ill will against the terror and the followers he spawns in his wake. The secrets game has also won the Aeriemaster an enemy in the Sea Lords who are quite fond of their hidden plots. The agents of the Sea Lord often stymie Aeriefolk when they can, and the avian peoples of the Last Aerie return the favor when they might.