 Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn • Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower • Starting Experience: 11 xp Subspecies: Each Niktos subspecies has its own special abilities: • Kajain'sa'Niktos (Red): Evolved for living in wastelands, including surviving without water for up to a week, Kajain'sa'Niktos begin the game with begin the game with one rank in Resilience. They still may not train Resilience above rank 2 during character creation. Red Niktos may remove imposed due to arid or hot environmental conditions. • Kadasa'sa'Niktos (Green): Originating in forested and coastal areas, including highly sensitive noses and tiny climbing claws, Kadasa'sa'Niktos begin the game with one rank in Coordination. They still may not train Coordination above rank 2 during character creation. They also sport claws, which grant to Athletics checks made to climb trees and other surfaces their claws can grip, and can be used as a weapon, allowing the Green Niktos to deal Dam +1, with a Critical Rating of 3 when making Brawl attacks. • Esral'sa'Niktos (Mountain): Evolved for living in mountainous area, including excellent hearing and heat-regulating facial fins, Esral'sa'Niktos begin the game with one rank in Survival. They still may not train Survival above rank 2 during character creation. They also gain the Natural Outdoorsman talent.
Homeworld: Kintan, Si'Klaata Cluster, Hutt Space, Outer Rim • Language: Nikto (3), Huttese, Galactic Basic Standard