Sources: AoRCore (Age of Rebellion Core Book) • CaM (Cyphers and Masks) • DA (Desperate Allies) • DC (Dangerous Covenants) • DoH (Disciples of Harmony) • EoECore (Edge of Empire Core Book) • EtU (Enter the Unknown) • EV (Endless Vigil) • FaDCore (Force and Destiny Core Rulebook) • FC (Fly Casual) • FH (Far Horizons) • FiB (Forged in Battle) • FLT (Friends Like These) • FO (Fully Operational) • KtP (Keeping the Peace) • LbE (Lead by Example) • LoNH (Lords of Nal Hutta) • ND (No Disintegrations) • NoP (Nexus of Power) • SaS (Ships and Speeders) • SM (Special Modifications) • SoF (Suns of Fortune) • SoR (Strongholds of Resistance) • SoT (Stay on Target) • SS (Savage Spirits)
Cynus Alpha-class XG-1 "Star Wing" Assault Gunboat
135,000 credits • Rarity 7R
Hyperdrive: Class 3 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Forward-mounted medium laser cannons, forward-mounted ion cannons, forward-mounted concussion missile launchers
A multipurpose starfighter that excels at space and planetary attack, interdiction, patrol, and long-range recon. The ship bears a similarity to Cygnus' well-known Lambda-class shuttle chassis, as well as the heavy armor and shields of those vessels. This does make the XG-1 a bit slower and less maneuverable, which can cost it during dogfights. Despite this, the vessel is excellent for nearly every other task put to it, and it is well-favored by Imperial Customs and planetary defense forces.
Source: SaS41
Incom/Subpro Z-95-AF4 "Headhunter" Starfighter
55,000 (almost impossible to find new) credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: None • Navicomputer: None • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Wingtip mounted light laser cannons (forward), concussion missile launchers (forward)
Designed and rolled out during the early days of the Clone Wars, the Z-95 was hailed as one of the most capable starfighters of its day. Small, lightly armored, and shielded, the Headhunter acted as a one-man, short range fighter. Its successes survive to this day in the more-modern X-Wing, which shares design principles (the main difference being the X-Wing's attack foils).
Source: EoECore258
Incom T-65B "X-Wing" Multi-Role Starfighter
120,000 credits • Rarity 5
Hyperdrive: Class 1 • Navicomputer: None (Astromech socket) • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: S-foil-mounted medium laser cannons, forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers
The main starfighter of the Rebel Alliance, the X-Wing combines speed and hitting power. Brought in to replace the aging Y-Wings, X-Wings can be easily used in missions ranging from reconnaissance to installation or capital ship attack runs to dogfighting with other starfighters. X-Wings are frequently deployed as escort vessels, as they are capable of hyperspace flight themselves, allowing them to remain behind to pull an enemy's focus while other vessels escape, and then making good their own exits. Though it can be found outside of the Rebel Fleet occasionally, it is very much a symbol of the Rebellion's presence.
Source: FaD261
Koensayr BTL-A4 "Y-Wing" Attack Starfighter
80,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup None) • Navicomputer: Astromech Socket • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Twin light ion cannon (forward), medium laser cannon (forward), proton torpedo launcher (forward)
Designed as a ship-killer, the Y-Wing boasts a slim cross-section, thick armor, and heavy shields, allowing them to get close to targets. Though they are slightly high maintenance due to the difficulty of getting at internal systems through armor plating, they are still certainly a favorite.
Source: EoECore257
Koensayr BTL-S3 "Y-Wing" Attack Starfighter
80,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup None) • Navicomputer: Astromech Socket • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Twin light ion cannon (turret), medium laser cannon (forward), proton torpedo launcher (forward)
The BTL-SE Y-Wing is similar to the BTL-A4, save for one vital difference: it has room for a gunner, who can operate the turret mounted light ion cannon with a full range of swivel fire.
Source: EoECore257
Koensayr IE-440 "Nighthawk" Multi-Role Starfighter
124,800 credits • Rarity 7
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 12) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Proton torpedo launcher (forward), twin light laser cannon (forward)
A sleek, capable design that resulted in a nimble, well-built ship with great adaptability, originally designed to replace the Y-wing in the Grand Army of the Republic. Koensayr attempted to sell the design to the Empire, but were locked out, and ended up selling them to various backwaters world defense systems and other small outfits.
Source: CaM61
Kuat "Cloakshape" Fighter
38,000 credits credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: None • Navicomputer: None • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Light laser cannon (forward mounted), concussion missile launcher (forward mounted)
An old pre-Clone Wars design with respectable speed but marginal agility. No hyperdrive and no shields, though they do have reinforced, heavily armored hulls. They have a reputation as being extremely easy to modify. Many come already mounted with a Curich Engineering Stabilizer Conversion Kit, a rear-mounted mod designed to improve the handling of the ship.
Source: EoECore254
Kuat Delta-6 "Sprite"-class System Defense Starfighter
30,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: None • Navicomputer: None • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Forward-mounted twin light laser cannon
Small, fast, and agile, Kuat introduced this vessel in the decades leading up to the Clone Wars. A lightweight, single-seat interceptor with an arrowhead-shaped hull, they were short-range fighters with no hyperdrives, astromech ports, or nav computers. During the Clone Wars, they were the favored starfighters for Jedi.
Source: FaD258
Kuat Delta-7 "Aethersprite"-class Interceptor
78,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: None • Navicomputer: None (Astromech socket) • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Forward-mounted twin medium laser cannons
Designed to replace the Delta-6 in military, paramilitary, and private defense forces, the Aethersprite was longer, with more powerful engines and better maneuvering systems. Though it still did not have a hyperdrive, the Delta-7 did include an astromech socket, who could allow it to pair with a Syliure-31 hyperspace docking ring. It quickly became the iconic starfighter for the Jedi Order at the height of the Clone Wars.
TransGalMeg Syliure-31 Hyperspace Ring: 8000 credits • Rarity 4 A medium-range hyperspace sled made provide hyperspace capabilities to the Delta-7, Delta-7B, and Delta-12 starfighters. The Syliure-31 is a simple affair consisting of two powerful ion engines and a medium-range Class 1 hyperdrive giving the Delta-series fighters respectable range and hyperspace capabilities. Docking with a hyperspace ring takes an Easy ( ) Piloting (Space) check as an action.
Source: FaD258
Kuat Delta-12 "Skysprite" Starfighter
85,000 credits • Rarity 8
Hyperdrive: None • Navicomputer: None (Astromech socket) • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: None
A rarer vessel than the Delta-7, the Skysprite was a two-seat version of the Aethersprite, designed as both a trainer and a long-range recon fighter. Featuring stronger shields, armor, and a more powerful sensor suite, the Delta-12s were stripped of their weapons to increase their sale among civilian populations. They are still in occasional use today as VIP couriers.
TransGalMeg Syliure-31 Hyperspace Ring: 8000 credits • Rarity 4 A medium-range hyperspace sled made provide hyperspace capabilities to the Delta-7, Delta-7B, and Delta-12 starfighters. The Syliure-31 is a simple affair consisting of two powerful ion engines and a medium-range Class 1 hyperdrive giving the Delta-series fighters respectable range and hyperspace capabilities. Docking with a hyperspace ring takes an Easy ( ) Piloting (Space) check as an action.
Source: 259
Kuat RZ-1 A-Wing Light Interceptor
150,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 1 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Medium
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Forward-mounted light laser cannons, forward-mounted concussion missile launchers
A design successor to the Delta-x series of fighters, the A-Wing is blisteringly fast. Though lightweight and lightly armed, they serve excellently as harriers and support in dogfights, engaging fast-moving vessels like TIEs with laser cannons, and heavier, slower targets with concussion missiles. These strengths have made the A-Wings a favorite vessel of the Rebel Alliance, although that is far from the only place they can be found.
Source: SaS43
MandalMotors HH-87 Starhopper Starfighter
50,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: Class 1 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Forward-mounted twin light laser cannons
A long-range, multi-purpose starfighter introduced shortly before the Clone Wars, this vessel is well-favored by the Hutt crime families for its durability and versatility. It is well-armored and equipped with a pair of twin laser cannons, and capable of operating well in atmosphere or space.
Source: LoNH114
MandalMotors M3-A Scyk Interceptor
55,000 credits • Rarity 4
Hyperdrive: Class 2 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Forward-mounted twin light laser cannons or forward-mounted twin light ion cannons or forward-mounted proton torpedo launcher or forward-mounted concussion missile launcher
A small fleet interceptor, the Scyk is fast and maneuverable. It is also fitted with a single modular weapon system, which can be swapped out. It does have limited weaponry and light armor, however, making it a bad choice to go against heavily armored targets, particularly in small numbers.
Source: LoNH113
Slayn & Kopril A/SF-01 B-Wing Heavy Fast Attack Starfighter
150,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Hardpoint-mounted light ion cannons, hardpoint-mounted heavy laser cannon, forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers, cockpit-mounted auto-blasters
A heavy attack fighter only ever seen in Rebel Alliance hands, the vessel's powerful weapons make it a force to be reckoned with. Designed with a long, thin blade-like fuselage with an off-set cockpit that rotates to remain properly oriented as the vessel shifts weaponry counter to the cockpit's movement. It is difficult to fly and expensive to produce, but Imperial forces are learning they have a real fight ahead of them when the Rebels show up with B-Wings.
Source: SaS44
Trilong "Aggressor"-class Assault Starfighter
160,000 credits • Rarity 6
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup 8) • Navicomputer: Yes • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: Forward-mounted twin medium laser cannon, forward-mounted twin medium ion cannon, forward-mounted light tractor beam projector
Blurring the line between a patrol boat and starfighter, the Aggressor is a fast, strong ship optimized for patrol and medium combat abilities. Its speed capabilities are such that it was necessary to add safety features to prevent pilots from blacking out – although those who prefer the Aggressor often also disable those features when they need an edge.
Source: SaS39
300px |
xxx credits • Rarity xx
Hyperdrive: xxx • Navicomputer: xx • Sensor Range: xxx
Crew: {{{Crew}}} • Passengers: {{{Passengers}}} • Consumables: {{{Consumables}}} • Cargo: {{{Cargo}}}
Weapons: xxx
Source: xxx