Pattern Restoration and Scouring
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Pattern Restoration
Pattern Restoration involves the expenditure of Mana in order to restore Health.
- Costs 3 Mana per point of Health (lethal or bashing), starting with the right-most box; this takes an instant action (may require multiple actions for those unable to spend all 3 Mana at once)
- May heal 1 Health per day; increases to 2/day (Gnosis 5), 3/day (Gnosis 7), 4/day (Gnosis 10)
Pattern Scouring
Pattern Scouring involves sacrificing Health or Physical Attributes to gain Mana.
- May take 1 lethal (resistant) Health to gain 3 Mana; no limit to times per day
- May lose 1 dot in a Physical Attribute to gain 3 Mana; may do this 1/day, 2/day (Gnosis 5), 3/day (Gnosis 7) or 4/day (Gnosis 10). Heals at a rate of 1 per day.