Independent Magi
These are the independent magi who make their Sanctums in the Bronx.
These are the independent magi who make their Sanctums in Brooklyn.
These are the independent magi who make their Sanctums in Manhattan.
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Mastigos Silver Ladder; Hope/Pride
Herald, Consilium of the Phoenix; Adept, 3º
A Mastigos of the Clavicularius, Valdus arrived in New York shortly after the Feast of Wisdom, seeking the whereabouts of his master, the Solomonist named Regulus. Valdus has cleaned up Regulus' Sanctum and turned it to his own use. He believes that his master's goetic practices are somehow tied into the disappearance of the magi. Valdus holds some measure of status among the Silver Ladder, but it has been a while since he has taken an active interest in it. Valdus also has a practice as a psychologist, under the name of Valder Gotterdam. Valdus and Boudicca can often be found in one another's company.
Sanctum: Valdus' Townhouse is on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and once belonged to his now-missing master, Regulus. (Sanctum 7 [Space 3, Security 4], Library 3 [goetia, demonology, financial magic])
- The Hex-Blade: A large artifact sword of Atlantean origin, aligned with Pandemonium. (••••• ••••; +4L, Dur 5, Siz 3, Str 8; Contingent: Evil Eye, Portal [instant cast and advanced duration]; Mana: 12)
Magic: Gnosis 5; Forces 3, Mind 4, Prime 3, Space 4, Spirit 4
- Active Spells (8 max; 3/4 personal): Mental Shield/Misperception (Pot 2/2, Conceal 2/2, 1 month, 4 hour ritual); Supreme Augmentation of the Mind (Pot 2, Conceal 2, Duration 8 days, including Runes tattooed at base of spine, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wits, +2 Resolve); Supreme Augmentation of the Spirit (Pot 2, Conceal 2, Duration 8 days, including Runes tattooed at base of spine, +2 Presence, +2 Manipulation, +2 Composure); Pocket Realm (Pot 1, 1 month; holds Hex-Blade)
- Demon Servitor: “Autonomous Servant,” Forces ••• + Mind •, Manipulation + Persuasion + Forces; None
- Warlock’s Sense: “Sense Consciousness,” Mind •, Wits + Empathy + Mind; Small piece of quartz +1
- Soulfire: “Emotional Urging,” Mind ••, Presence + Intimidation + Mind; Invocation in Latin to Duke Aim +1; Tradition Rote: Must use the Seal of Aim
- Regal Aura: “First Impressions,” Mind ••, Manipulation + Expression + Mind; None
- Solomonic Authority: “Goetic Struggle,” Mind •••, Presence + Intimidation + Mind; Use of the Seal of Solomon as a mark of authority +1, Use of the Seal of the Goetic Squire’s master +1; Tradition Rote: Performed within a proper goetic circle and triangle
- Egregore of Sin: “Goetic Evocation,” Mind •••• + Spirit ••••, Intelligence + Occult + Mind; Cord or Chain +1, Lamen with Goetic Sigil +1; Tradition Rote: Performed within a proper goetic circle and triangle
- Warlock the Mind: “Psychic Sword,” Mind ••••, Presence + Intimidation + Mind; Using scourge +1, Shouting imprecations of target’s guilt and sins +1
- Hellfire: “Celestial Fire,” Prime •••, Presence + Intimidation + Prime; Invocation in Latin to Duke Aim +1; Tradition Rote: Must use the Seal of Aim.
- Goetic Circle & Triangle: “Ward,” Space ••, Wits + Occult + Space; Purifying area to be warded with incense +1, Outlining area to be warded with goetic circle and sigils +2; Tradition Rote: Must actually draw the circle and triangle on the ground, and must be performed as an Extended ritual spellcasting.
- Seven-League Stride: “Teleport,” Space ••••, Presence + Occult + Space; Footwear marked with runes +1; Tradition Rote: Must be performed on a Monday
- Functionary of the Spirit Courts: “Spirit Binding,” Spirit ••••, Presence + Politics + Spirit; Scepter of appropriate planetary metal for governing spirit, or brass for dealing with demons +2; Tradition Rote: Must be performed within a proper magical circle
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Moros Mysterium; Temperance/Greed
Curator, Consilium of the Phoenix; Master, 1º (Currently Missing)
An older, elegant German Moros of the Mysterium, Theophrastus is an initiate into the legacy of the Uncrowned King, the master alchemists of the Awakened world. He took the name of Theophrastus Paracelsus, for that worthy's famous quote: "The dose makes the poison." He believes that too much of anything can be fatal, and this applies to magic and the world of spirit as well, not simply poisons and medicines. He is a skilled healer, herbalist and medical doctor. He maintains a medical consulting practice under the name Philip Hohen.
Sanctum: Theophrastus owns and lives at the Ironrose Hall, which serves as the Athenaeum for New York's Consilium. (Sanctum 10 [Space 5, Security 5], Library 5 [alchemy, herbalism, healing, anatomy & modern medicine, German witchcraft])
Magic: Gnosis 6; Death 3, Forces 3, Matter 5, Mind 4, Prime 2; Legacy Attainments: Nigredo, Albedo (Intelligence)
These are the solitary magi who make their Sanctums in Queens.
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Thyrsus Adamantine Arrow; Faith/Wrath
Liegeman, Consilium of the Phoenix; Adept, 2º
A Thyrsus witch of the Sodality of the Tor, Boudicca has recently arrived from Britain, seeking information about the disappearance of the Five Lands Coven, a trio of Sodality in the area. She is concerned because she cannot find any signs of the covens they kept. Boudicca is a warrior-witch of the Adamantine Arrow, and a skilled sword fighter. She uses her Shadow Name in her dealings with the local neo-pagan community, where she is known as an elder and lecturer on warrior-goddesses.
Sanctum: Boudicca has taken over the Five Lands Covenstead. (Sanctum 6 [Space 4, Security 2], Hallow 4 [Resonance: Joy], Library 3 [British witchcraft, Etruscan magic, Native American traditions], Demesne [Thyrsus])
Magic: Gnosis 5; Fate 4, Forces 2, Life 4, Prime 3, Spirit 3
- Active Spells (9 max; 2/4 personal): Body Control/Organic Resilience/Supreme Honing (Pot 4/4/4, Conceal 4/4/4, 1 month, 7 hr ritual, +4 Initiative, heal bashing in half time, use half oxygen, need 1/4 food, +4 to Strength, Dexterity and Stamina), Spirit Tongue/Spiritual Bulwark (Pot 8/2, Conceal 4/4, 1 month, 5 hour ritual)
- Sense of Strangers: “Interconnections,” Fate •, Wits + Empathy + Fate; Speaking to the target for one minute +1, for ten minutes +2; Tradition Rote: The witch must provide some kind of nurturing for the person in question, whether splitting a dessert, sharing tea or helping them perform some task.
- Figa & Spittle: “The Evil Eye,” Fate ••, Presence + Occult + Fate; Makes the figa at target one turn before +1, Spits on target one turn before +1; Tradition Rote: The curse must be laid on the new or waning moons to be considered a Tradition Rote.
- Warrior’s Preparations: “Lucky Coin,” Fate •••, Dexterity + Weaponry; Item is a weapon +1, Caster has sharpened blade within one hour of casting +1
- Cat’s Eye: “Nightsight,” Forces •, Wits + Animal Ken + Forces; Cat whisker or fur +1, Looking into a cat’s eyes +2; Tradition Rote: Cat must either be a Familiar (if using Factor Bonuses) or spell performed ritually
- Kiss of the Horned Lord: “Sense Life,” Life •, Wits + Survival + Life; Idol of the Horned One +1, piece of deer antler +1; Tradition Rote: This must be performed in a wilderness setting, or during the night of the full moon to be considered a Tradition Rote.
- Immediate Benefits: “Body Control,” Life ••, Stamina + Athletics + Life; Performed some kind of strenuous exercise for one minute before +1, for one hour before casting +2
- Witch-Flesh: “Organic Resilience,” Life ••, Wits + Occult + Life; Bloodstone +1; Tradition Rote: Cast during the summer or during a full moon
- Song of Healing: “Healing Heart,” Life •••, Presence + Expression + Life; Singing healing chant for one turn +1, For one minute +2; Tradition Rote: Cast as an extended Ritual spellcasting.
- Terrify: “Palsy,” Life •••, Presence + Intimidation + Life; Shout a threat at target +1
- Adrenal Invocation: “Supreme Honing,” Life ••••, Resolve + Athletics + Life; Performed some kind of strenuous exercise for one minute before +1, for one hour before casting +2
Staten Island
These are the independent magi who make their Sanctums in Staten Island.