Krewe of Pan
Originally from New Orleans, the Krewe of Pan has taken up territory in East Harlem, protecting the Hallow found in the Blue River Apartments. They are no strangers to violence and have quickly tamed the local gangs and infiltrated some of the city's more organized crime syndicates.
Timeline of the Krewe of Pan
- Arc Two: X
- Arc Three: X
Sigil Banner: The skull of a goat-horned man, twisted with ivy. Beneath the skull is a syrinx, with one reed in the flute for each of the cabal-mates, tied together by an ivy vine. Above the skull is the sigil of the Adamantine Arrow, and beneath it is the sigil of the Free Council. The background is a deep green hue, and beneath the Free Council sigil is a scroll with depictions of the crossroads, the chalice, and the shield. Above the sigil of the Adamantine Arrow is a second scroll, showing a skull, a set of scales and a set of crossed staves.
- Farseeker: Abieta
- Doorwarden: Ogun
- Hearthmaster: Shava
- Lorekeeper: Nexus
- Edgetender: John Henry
Declared Holdings
- Blue River Apartments: A run-down tenement apartment complex in East Harlem. (Sanctum 7 [Size 5, Security 2]; Hallow 2 [Desperation])
Cabal Protocols
- Contact: In addition to the Herald and Councilor representing the Krewe being given the phone number, gang graffiti with Atlantean runes can be found every few blocks within a ten-block radius of the Blue River apartments. Written on the graffiti’d surface in Supernal Script visible to Prime sight is a phone number.
- Creed: “We watch, and protect. The source of fear, of passion, of everything, has gone from the world, and we’ll watch and wait until it returns, protecting the heirs to his legacy.”
- Great Rights: The Krewe of Pan does not observe the Rights of Emeritus or Nemesis. Considered rebellious and potentially volatile, the Krewe of Pan refuse to honor others for simple achievements and age, and they make no promise to honor the conflicts of others.
- Celebration: The Krewe of Pan is very fond of parties, and make a point of celebrating them often. Mardi Gras is a major celebration for the Krewe.
- External Disputes: The Krewe of Pan makes its position on external conflicts clear – they are willing to negotiate, but they’re not about to let anyone screw them over, and they’ll resort to violence if necessary.
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Thyrsus Adamantine Arrow; Faith/Wrath
Provost, Consilium of the Phoenix; Adept, 2º
Generally assumed to be the leader for the Krewe of Pan, Shava is an urban shaman and notorious entheogenist. She runs a group called the Silent Meditation Study Group, a small gathering of experimenters with the mystic properties of LSD. Interaction with her has shown Shava to be fairly serene most of the time, though she does have a terrible temper and is known to be somewhat paranoid about the activities of the government and law enforcement.
Magic: Gnosis 5; Life 3, Mind 4, Prime 2, Spirit 4, Time 2
- Active Spells (8 max; 4/4 personal): Ephemeral Shield/Spiritual Bulwark (Pot 12/12, Dur 5/5 Indef, 8 Targ 3/3, ConPot 12/12, 6 hr ritual, with Atlantean Runes in tattoo); Augment the Mind (+4 Composure, Pot 6, Dur 5 Indef, ConPot 12, 4.5 hr ritual, with Atlantean Runes in tattoo, set up for +5 Composure) ; Mental Shield (Pot 12, Dur 5 Indef, ConPot 12, 5 hr ritual, with Atlantean Runes in tattoo) ; Spirit Tongue (Pot 12, Dur 5 Indef, ConPot 12, 5 hr ritual, with Atlantean Runes in tattoo)
- Synapse-Strengthening Diet: “Mental Shield,” Mind ••, Intelligence + Medicine + Mind; Must have eaten specific diet for at least a week +2
- Shamanic Communion: “Playback Vision,” Mind ••, Stamina + Expression + Mind; Using a wand of sacred wood or bone to bless the targets +1; Tradition Rote: The caster must have an entheogens in his bloodstream, and urinate into a vessel, which the targets of the spell drink.
- Blind from Fear: “Denial of Senses,” Mind •••, Presence + Intimidation + Mind; Caster issues a threat one turn before +1
- Speaking Through the Trip: “Inspire,” Mind •••, Manipulation + Persuasion + Mind; Whispering in target’s ear +1; Tradition Rote: Target must be in the middle of an entheogen trip while music plays
- Surfing the Sacred Convergence: “Gleaning the Crowd,” Mind ••••, Presence + Occult + Mind; Caster is on entheogens +1; Tradition Rote: Must crowdsurf at a gathering of entheogens-users, in the middle of a festival at which music is playing.
- Commune with Zeitgeist: “Chronicle Resonance,” Prime • + Time ••, Wits + Survival + Prime; Must have been on the street or in neighborhood for at least one hour +1, for one week +2; Tradition Rote: Magician must not only be in the middle of a trip, but must actually scavenge food or beg for change in the neighborhood.
- Feeling the Pull: “Locate Node,” Prime ••, Wits + Occult + Prime; Small stone suspended from chain or thong +1; Tradition Rote: Caster must be in the middle of an entheogen trip.
- Shaman’s Chant: “Spirit Tongue,” Spirit •, Presence + Expression + Spirit; Chant for one turn +1, for one minute +2; Tradition Rote: Caster must be in entheogen trip
- Warding Poem of Stones: “Ephemeral Shield,” Spirit ••, Composure + Expression + Spirit; Speaking poem aloud for one turn +1
- Warding Poem of Mists: “Spiritual Bulwark,” Spirit ••, Composure + Expression + Spirit; Speaking poem aloud for one turn +1
- Dreaming City Dreams: “Postcognition,” Time ••, Composure + Expression + Time; Utilizing some form of artistic medium, such as painting or sculpture +1; Tradition Rote: Caster must be in the middle of an entheogen trip.
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Obrimos Adamantine Arrow; V/V
Modern conjure-man, devotee of Ogun
Magic: Gnosis X; Death X, Fate X, Forces X, Life X, Matter X, Mind X, Prime X, Space X, Spirit X, Time X; Rotes: X
- Active (X/X): X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
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- X
John Henry
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Obrimos Adamantine Arrow; V/V
strong, silent, but quick to rise to a physical challenge
Magic: Gnosis X; Death X, Fate X, Forces X, Life X, Matter X, Mind X, Prime X, Space X, Spirit X, Time X; Rotes: X
- Active (X/X): X
- X
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- X
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Thyrsus Adamantine Arrow; V/V
Magic: Gnosis X; Death X, Fate X, Forces X, Life X, Matter X, Mind X, Prime X, Space X, Spirit X, Time X; Rotes: X
- Active (X/X): X
- X
- X
- X
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Mastigos Adamantine Arrow; V/V
named for De Sade's protagonist, Justin believes in liberation through sex
Magic: Gnosis X; Death X, Fate X, Forces X, Life X, Matter X, Mind X, Prime X, Space X, Spirit X, Time X; Rotes: X
- Active (X/X): X
- X
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Acanthus Free Council; V/V
Sacred prostitute, the Lady of the Red Lantern
Magic: Gnosis X; Death X, Fate X, Forces X, Life X, Matter X, Mind X, Prime X, Space X, Spirit X, Time X; Rotes: X
- Active (X/X): X
- X
- X
- X
- X
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Obrimos Free Council; V/V
DJ Nexus
Magic: Gnosis X; Death X, Fate X, Forces X, Life X, Matter X, Mind X, Prime X, Space X, Spirit X, Time X; Rotes: X
- Active (X/X): X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
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- X
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Moros Adamantine Arrow; V/V
Tall, beautiful, silent and deadly
Magic: Gnosis X; Death X, Fate X, Forces X, Life X, Matter X, Mind X, Prime X, Space X, Spirit X, Time X; Rotes: X
- Active (X/X): X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X