Sources: AoRCore (Age of Rebellion Core Book) • CaM (Cyphers and Masks) • DA (Desperate Allies) • DC (Dangerous Covenants) • DoH (Disciples of Harmony) • EoECore (Edge of Empire Core Book) • EtU (Enter the Unknown) • EV (Endless Vigil) • FaDCore (Force and Destiny Core Rulebook) • FC (Fly Casual) • FH (Far Horizons) • FiB (Forged in Battle) • FLT (Friends Like These) • FO (Fully Operational) • KtP (Keeping the Peace) • LbE (Lead by Example) • LoNH (Lords of Nal Hutta) • ND (No Disintegrations) • NoP (Nexus of Power) • SaS (Ships and Speeders) • SM (Special Modifications) • SoF (Suns of Fortune) • SoR (Strongholds of Resistance) • SoT (Stay on Target) • SS (Savage Spirits)
Civilian Airspeeder
![Generic-airspeeder.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/Generic-airspeeder.jpg/300px-Generic-airspeeder.jpg) |
10,000 credits • Rarity 3
Maximum Altitude: 300 kilometers • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot • Passengers: 1-6 • Cargo: 10-30 Encumbrance
Weapons: None
The ubiquitous civic airspeeder, found on nearly every halfway civilized planet, in a thousand different configurations.
Source: EoECore248
Incom T-16 Skyhopper
![T16-skyhopper.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/T16-skyhopper.jpg/300px-T16-skyhopper.jpg) |
7500 credits • Rarity 2
Maximum Altitude: 300 kilometers • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot • Passengers: 1 • Cargo: 12 Encumbrance
Weapons: None
A favorite of hot-rodders, daredevils, and law enforcement. A tiny, fragile craft, the Skyhopper is nimble, fast, and demanding of its pilots. Capable of astonishing straight-line speed and aerial agility from low altitude to the limits of the atmosphere.
Source: EoECore248
Incom T-47 Airspeeder
![T47-airspeeder.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/T47-airspeeder.jpg/300px-T47-airspeeder.jpg) |
18,000 credits • Rarity 3
Maximum Altitude: 175 meters • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot/cargo handler • Passengers: None • Cargo: 6 Encumbrance
Weapons: Aft turret-mounted electromagnetic harpoon
A low profile, wedge-shaped airspeeder that seats its crew back-to-back. The T-47 was designed for industrial use, and is extremely customizable to allow buyers to modify them for their specific needs.
Source: EoECore249
SoroSuub SU-42RS "Flashblind" Aerial Reconnaissance Airspeeder
![SU42RSFlashblind-airspeeder.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/SU42RSFlashblind-airspeeder.jpg/300px-SU42RSFlashblind-airspeeder.jpg) |
32,000 credits • Rarity 7R
Maximum Altitude: 130 kilometers • Sensor Range: Long
Crew: One pilot, one sensor/comms officer • Passengers: 0 • Cargo: 5 Encumbrance
Weapons: Forward-mounted auto-blaster
A militarized version of the SU-40, the Flashblind is built for high altitude and aerial recon. This upgraded version has been manufactured for and distributed to the Rebel Alliance exclusively.
Source: LbE49
Tion Industries Hyperfoil 1000-XTC Airspeeder
![Hyperfoil-airspeeder.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/Hyperfoil-airspeeder.jpg/300px-Hyperfoil-airspeeder.jpg) |
12,000 credits • Rarity 4
Maximum Altitude: 50 kilometers • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot • Passengers: 2 • Cargo: 15 Encumbrance
Weapons: None
Equipped with both hovercraft and repulsorlift motivation tech, the Hyperfoil moves in nearly utter silence, and is capable of rising vertically into the air to its full maximum altitude from a stand-still. Lacking armor and weapons, it is ill-suited for combat, but it is useful for the rapid deployment of specific forces wherever they may need to go.
Source: DA60
Ubrikkian Guardian 5e Personal Defense Speeder
![Guardian5e-speeder.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/Guardian5e-speeder.jpg/300px-Guardian5e-speeder.jpg) |
20,000 credits • Rarity 4
Maximum Altitude: 300 kilometers • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot • Passengers: 5 • Cargo: 10 Encumbrance
Weapons: Retractable turret-mounted auto-blaster
A specialized speeder for transporting VIPs and dignitaries during their day-to-day duties, the speeder itself is relatively sedate-seeming. Its defenses are concealed, including substantial armor and retractable weapons. It also includes a built-in, two-person speeder bike that can be used as an emergency escape.
Source: DC62
Ubrikkian Guardian E2 Escape Speeder Bike
![GuardianE2-speederbike.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/GuardianE2-speederbike.jpg/300px-GuardianE2-speederbike.jpg) |
Included with Guardian 5e Speeder credits • Rarity N/A
Maximum Altitude: 350 meters • Sensor Range: Close
Crew: One pilot • Passengers: 1 • Cargo: None
Weapons: None
The small, two-person escape bike can only be deployed if the airspeeder is within the bike's maximum altitude.
Source: DC62
Cloud Cars
Bespin Motors "Storm IV" Cloud Car
![StormIV-airspeeder.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/StormIV-airspeeder.jpg/300px-StormIV-airspeeder.jpg) |
30,000 credits • Rarity 5
Maximum Altitude: 100 kilometers • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one gunner • Passengers: None • Cargo: 8 Encumbrance
Weapons: Forward-mounted light blaster cannons
First built for the Cloud City's Bespin Wing Guard, this sturdy, reliable airspeeder is made up of two single-occupant pods connected by a central spar. The port side pod holds the pilot's cockpit and is equipped with a number of sophisticated sensors and an advanced navigation system. The starboard pod holds the gunner's cockpit along with the targeting and fire-control computers. Each pod is pressurized and provides oxygen for high-altitude flights, though it can't actually leave the atmosphere. These are typically used in patrol and interdiction roles.
Source: EoECore248
Ubrikkian "Talon I" Cloud Car
![TalonI-cloudcar.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/TalonI-cloudcar.jpg/300px-TalonI-cloudcar.jpg) |
36,000 credits • Rarity 5
Maximum Altitude: 100 kilometers • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot • Passengers: None • Cargo: 10 Encumbrance
Weapons: Forward-mounted twin heavy blaster cannon
Sturdy, nimble, and high-atmo, the Talon I was designed for combat and patrol duty. Frequently used by planetary security, filling the gap between starfighter and airspeeder. In busy spaceports, it sees a great deal of use as customs enforcement.
Source: FaD254
Patrol Gunships
Santhe/Rothana LAAT/le Patrol Gunship
![LAATLE-patrolgunship.jpg](/wiki/images/thumb/LAATLE-patrolgunship.jpg/300px-LAATLE-patrolgunship.jpg) |
62,000 credits • Rarity 5
Maximum Altitude: 30 kilometers • Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot, one gunner • Passengers: 12 • Cargo: 40 Encumbrance
Weapons: Ball turret-mounted light laser cannons, forward-mounted missile launchers
The law enforcement model of the powerful LAAT series of military gunships, the /le is a slimmed down demilitarized model used in dense urban areas. Capable of quickly deploying up to twelve officers in full riot gear and then pulling back to serve as air support, the /le is agile for a speeder of its size.
Source: SaS14