Korhash Non Player Characters

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The Cloister

Arch Magi and Magu-Pati
Discovered while wondering the desserts of Gorgotha as a boy, Krazar-Shkul was a genius of epic porportions. By sheer talent alone, he was able to master the forces of the air and survive on his own without aid for 7 years prior to his being discovered and trained by the previous Magu-Pati, a famous Sha'ir named Shkul-Tarhatya. Krazar-Shkul learned to shape the world around him by his will, and to peer into the unknown places of the realms. His teacher and father-figure, Shkul-Tarhatya was murdered during the conquering of Korhash. In response to this, Krazar-Shkul set about to prove himself worthy of leading The Cloister by demonstrating to the elders a great miracle of magic. To this day, the details of what he did to show his prowess are sealed in the minds of those Masters that were around at the time of his ascension to power. However, it is undeniable that he is the leading force behind what The Cloister has become today.
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Master Avis Grooth
Master of the Cloister
He specializes in Mind Magics and is a Master of Abjuration. He is a working contact for Seferdah Halam.
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Kriger Mineris
Elementalist. Was defeated and spared by Seferdah in the Royal Contest. Contact for Seferdah Halam.

The Royal Family

King of Korhash
An Efreeti warlord of terrible power, came to power 50 years ago.
Sunarah-Kurah~Queen of Thorns
Queen of Korhash
a sorceress, the last survivor of the previous dynasty. Can often be found in her Garden of Black Roses.
Vitros-Kurah~The Destroyer
Prince of Korhash • Heir to the throne. A bloodthirsty fire genasi warrior and General to the Armies of Korhash
Princess of Korhash
Trained in magic by her mother. Recently empowered as a fire genasi by the red dragon Rego and Krayfax. Patron of Serpent's Bane.
Adopted Prince of Korhash
Adopted brother of the King. Mysterious figure, magical powers, gifted Princess Shiara with a magical Dagger.
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Eris Crayburn
Crimson Warrior
Tasked with guarding the Princess. Very honorable. Contact for Aaron.

Eve: Prince Varinae's consort. Threatened to harm the Halam family.

Other NPCs

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Gregor The Blade
Leader of the Prime adventuring company
Half moon-elf, former student of the Cloister, DILFtastic. Working contact for Aaron.
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Electra Greystone
Scary bitch
Human-looking (perhaps a vampire), comes from Dorrin, extremely well-traveled, almost killed a child with Atlas.
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Toltus Hexe
Founder of Rajahroun
Dwarven warrior, former Crimson Warrior and Kingsguard of the former King. Probable anti-royal family leanings. Working contact for Seferdah Halam.
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Georgi Goldteeth
Leader of Trade Guild
Smarmy. Aasha failed to conceal her disgust of him.
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Ethureus Black
High Priest of the Temple of Ethraeus
Working Contact for Aasha.