The 12 Houses
Under the guidance of their House Chair and Chair-in-Waiting, the great houses of Dorrin are what remains of the original founders and their influence throughout city. While employment in any field is open to all who wish to pursue, there are commonalities amongst the members of a given house. Also, as mentioned in "The Great Council," upon coming of age (20 years old) the people of Dorrin have an opportunity to attend one of the 12 city academies for free. Upon graduation each graduate is granted full adult citizenship of Dorrin with all the appropriate privileges; including but not limited to: membership in one of the 12 houses of their choice, a yearly share of the cities trading profits, and the potential of becoming a House-Chair, House-Chair-in-Waiting, or Viceroy.
House Astaria
- Astronomers
- Doctors
- Medicine and Healing of all sorts
House Balinor
- Historians
- Enchanters
- Diplomats
- Bards and Performing Artists
House Pelagus
- Sailors
- Dock Workers
- Navel Engineers
- Explorers
House Silvanus
- Botanists
- Herbalists
- Potion Crafters
- Abjuration
House Scorpius
- Morticians
- Courtesans (Male, Female, Trans)
- Necromancy
- Defense Against Baneful Magics
House Vathor
- Bankers
- Lawyers
- Traders
- Infrastructure