House Ruldegost

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House Ruldegost
Matriarch: Kara Ruldegost
Consort: None
Heir: Bly Ruldegost (lady's brother)
Membership (Nobles): 19
Predominant Faith: {{{faith}}}
Faction Details
Common Descriptors: {{{descriptors}}}
Primary Classes: {{{classes}}}
Alignments: {{{alignments}}}
Faction Ranks
Trade & Interests: banking, mercenary fighting, bounty-hunting, caravan-mastering
Holdings: Waterdeeep
Ethnicity: Illuskan
Founded: 1151 DR

Members of the Family

  • Kara Ruldegost: The lady of the House, who has only recently inherited the title of Matriarch from her own mother.
  • Bly Ruldegost: Lady Kara's younger brother by a year.

Reso Ruldegost Reso is the third of the Ruldegost Siblings. Athletic, Charismatic, and quick of wit. He is 25 years old and a member of a local adventuring company. His family expects that he will eventually settle down to the family business, after a few years of being sowing his wild oats.

  • Carina Ruldegost Lady Kara's Youngest sister. Carina is a beautiful woman, with deep raven hair, and an exquisite taste in fashion. Carina is well known as one of the young rising luminaries of the social circuit. She has a sarcastic wit that she freely uses on her rivals in the Waterdeep social scene.

Rumors About House Ruldegost
