Human Rondilar

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Rondilar are native to the Dragon Sun system. Rondilar have skin that ranges in swarthy hues, and extremely curly hair of varying chromatic hues, including dark reds, dark greens, blues, browns, and blacks. They range in height from very short folk (around five feet and a few inches) to very, very tall specimens closer to seven feet in height than six. They all tend towards lean strength with very little body fat.

Rondilar in the Ravimarga


  • Baharis: x
  • The Golden Sun: x
  • The Blood Sun: x
  • The Frost Sun: x
  • The Dragon Sun: x

Rondilar Traits

Rondilar Racial Benefit
2d6 Roll Benefit
2 Dragonsbane
3 Focus: Communication (Deception)
4 +1 Dexterity
5 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative)
6 Focus: Perception (Hearing)
7 +1 Accuracy
8 Focus: Constitution (Running)
9 Focus: Strength (Climbing)
10 +1 Willpower
11 Focus: Intelligence (Healing)
12 Wild Gift

If you choose to play a Rondilar human, modify your character as follows:

  • Add 1 to your Perception Ability.
  • Pick one of the following Ability Focuses: Dexterity (Stealth) or Willpower (Courage).
  • Your Speed is equal to 12 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable).
  • Roll twice on the Rondilar Racial Benefits chart. These reflect inborn traits and natural tendencies in your folk, rather than anything you were trained or raised to.

Rondilar Benefits

Roll twice on the Rondilar Racial Benefits table for additional benefits. Re-roll if you end up with the same result.

  • +1 Ability: Increase the indicated Ability by +1.
  • Focus: Gain the indicated Ability Focus.
  • Dragonsbane: Your sweat smells ever so slightly of sulfur. You have a natural AR 2 against fire damage. This increases by +1 every three levels (so at 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc)..
  • Wild Gifted: You have a natural Wild Gift. Choose either Gifts of the Flame or Gifts of Fortune, and they are associated with Willpower for you. They follow all the normal rules of a Wild Gift.