ASfH Treasure

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How to Use This Page

  • At the end of game sessions, Joe will go here and divide up the treasure taken from that session's adventures.
  • Each person will have a listing. Copy your portion of the goods onto your page, and then delete them from this page.
  • There is also an entry for the Group. This is treasure that hasn't been/can't be divided evenly among everyone yet. As more treasure is gained, it will be divided.
  • If there are specific art items or gems you want, either let me know at the end of the game session, or talk about a trade with the person who ended up with them.
  • We will divide major magic items at the table.
  • Coin Weight: Every 50 coins of any type is one pound of weight.

Group (Undivided)

These goods are all kept by Gwald in a separate pouch in his backpack (except for large items, of course).

Star Rose Quartz
  • CP: 3
  • SP: 2
  • EP: 0
  • GP: 4
  • PP: 0
  • Alabaster statue of Hanali Celanil (40gp)
  • Vase with knotwork design (10gp)
  • 1 topazes (50 gp ea)
  • 1 star rose quartz, strung on silver wire (50 gp)


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • Gimme more