Blackstaff Tower Faction
Blackstaff Tower
Common Descriptors: Arcane, inquisitive, meddlesome |
Primary Classes: Wizards (primarily), any other (arcane spellcasting preferred) |
Alignments: LN (primary), LG, NG, N, CG |
Blackstaff Tower, Castle Ward, Waterdeep |
• Ally or Apprentice: Rank 1. You have a close alliance with Khelben, and are welcome at Blackstaff Tower. He may be watching you to see if you would be a good apprentice, or you may simply find your aims in alignment with his own. Alternately, you may be an apprentice that has withdrawn from active participation in Blackstaff Tower's goings-on, or is being tested to see if Khelben will teach you long-term. • Apprentice: Rank 3. You are an active apprentice to Khelben. You have access to the Tower as a resident, including permission to attune to the Tower as a whole. |
“A spell uncast that might have been put to good benefit is as useless as a spell wastefully cast.”
Those previous Blackstaves have maintained networks of apprentices and allies, the current Blackstaff Vajra Safahr, has not set up such a network. As such, this faction functionally does not exist currently. See Previous Eras, below, for more details about this faction, which may yet one day reform.