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Astrographical Information
Region Outer Rim
Sector Tion Hegemony
System Desev
Suns 2 (Desev, Maugina)
Orbital Position 6th
Moons 1
Coordinates S=6
Rotation Period 27 standard hours
Orbital Period 522 local days
Planetary Information
Class Moderate
Climate Subarctic
Atmosphere Type I (breathable)
Gravity Standard
Primary Terrain Decaying urban sprawl, mountains, tundra, swamps
Societal Information
Native Species None
Immigrated Species Humans, Saheelindeeli
Primary Language Galactic Basic Standard (former Tionese)
Government Oligarchy
Population 3 Billion
• Human 74%, Saheelindeeli 14%, Other 12%
Major Cities Maslovar (captial)
Major Imports Foodstuffs, Processed goods
Major Exports Consumer goods
Affiliation Tion Hegemony
Mechanical Information
Astrogation Permelian Trade Route: Located on the Permelian Trade Route, astrogation checks to plan a course to or from Desevro gain a +Boost-die.png.
Knowledges {{{Knowledges}}}
Rarity Modifier {{{RarityModifier}}}
Other Mechanics None
  • Located along the Desevran Trace and the Perlemian Trade Route
  • Heavily urbanized, ancient planet in Tion Hegemony
  • Human population is heavily species-ist; refer to non-humans as "Hutts" (due to an early but impression-making encounter with the Hutts in their history).