Dusken Glade Enemies

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The Old Church of Bane (in Waterdeep)


The Harpers have discovered the existence of a sect of Banites in Waterdeep. From all indications, they appear to be part of the Old Church of Bane, a ruling faith in Mintarn, on the Lake of Steam in the South.

  • Current Leadership: Though the leader of the Old Church of Bane in Mintarn is suspected to be a Banelich several centuries old, the leader of the faith in Waterdeep is said to be named Dreadmaster Maeskyr Zelmaskos.
  • Current Activities: Unknown. The exact nature of what it is the Old Church of Bane is up to in Waterdeep is still unknown. There are two tasks they have been reportedly engaged in:
    • Retrieve the Tyrantstone: Old Church agents were sent to recover the Tyrantstone, a magical gem with a history of use by Banite faithful. The Dusken Glade cell managed to keep it out of their hands.
    • Corrupt City Clerks & Bureaucrats: Old Church agents have reportedly been identifying city clerks and bureaucrats susceptible to bribery or blackmail.

Information Discovered

  • Tried to get the Tyrantstone from the Harper Fendus Bern, killing him in the effort.
  • The name "Dreadmaster Maeskyr Zelmaskos" was plucked from the thoughts of Ert Tilleth.
  • A place called "Highsteed House" was plucked from the thoughts of Ert Tilleth.
  • The Dreadmaster's right hand assassin, the Sickle, was sent to assassinate the Harper spy Vaeser Osznar, who was investigating who it was that has been cozying up to various city clerks and bureaucrats, when that spy met with someone who was giving him information. The assassin was stopped and the spy retrieved the information, bringing it to the Harpers.
  • According to the Rook, the Devoted stole an artifact called the Scepter of the Chosen Tyrant from the Zhentarim keep Darkhold in the Western Heartlands.

Known Members

Rilman Orshoon (Deceased)
Cleric of Bane
The leader of the task to recover the Tyrantstone, the cleric led six bandits and a hellhound on the effort, but was ultimately defeated by the Dusken Glade Cell, and killed.
Ert Tilleth
Banite Illusionist
A sinister illusionist with a gazer (mini-beholder) familiar, Ert Tilleth led the attack on the Milmyvyn Orchard in the Undercliffs, holding goodwife Milmyvyn hostage. He was defeated by the Dusken Glade Cell and turned over to the Waterdhavian Guard.

The Sickle (Deceased)
An assassin who is said to be the right-hand operative of Dreadmaster Maeskyr Zelmaskos. The cell stopped him from assassinating a Harper spy, and slew him and his griffin (which was infused with Bane's power).

The Rook



The Rook, and her shadow raven, Silhouette

Zhantarim An agent of the Pereghost (the leader of the Zhentarim in Darkhold), the Rook is in Waterdeep looking for the Devoted of Bane.

  • She indicates that they are the ones who stole the Scepter of the Chosen Tyrant, a Zhentarim artifact, from Darkhold. She is here to recover it.
  • She has offered an alliance with the Dusken Glade cell, but in exchange insists that they not inform any other Harpers that she is present or working with them.

Unknown Group

The Dusken Glade also discovered the existence of a group who is likely responsible for the deaths of various alchemists in the city.

  • Current Leadership: Unknown.
  • Current Activities: Unknown.

Information Discovered

  • The group was witnessed by the apprentice wizard Fiirna, of Undercliff. Her information about them consists of:
    • They arrived as guests of her master Martuin; they clearly had an established working relationship, although Martuin didn't seem to trust them.
    • They arrived in a group of six: four men-at-arms all wearing a dark blue uniform of some kind, plus two others (described below).
    • She knows they attacked him because he cast message to tell her to flee into a safe space, and he sounded badly injured when he did so.
  • Though it hasn't been proven reliably, it is suspected that this same group is responsible for the murders of other alchemists in and around Waterdeep.

Known Members

Only two members are known of, by description from Fiirna of Undercliffs.

  • A human man, dressed richly like a noble, with a sword at his side. The sword had a black hilt, and a dark red garnet in the pommel. He did all the talking.
  • The other was one of the small folk (she couldn't tell precisely). He had a shock of white hair in the front of his hair, and was silent the entire time.