Concept: Aging Warrior Politician; Motivation: To defend the Marukani lands; Intimacies: X
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 3, Sta 3, Cha 2, Man 2, App 2, Per 4, Int 2, Wits 3 Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Bureaucracy 1, Craft (Fire) 1, Dodge 1, Integrity 1, Investigation 3, Lore 2, Martial Arts 3, Medicine 2, Melee 5 (Hammers +3), Occult 1, Performance 1 (Guitar +1), Presence 3 (Intimidation +2), Resistance 3, Ride 3, Socialize 1, Survival 2, Thrown 2 (Hammers +1), War 3
Backgrounds: Allies X, Backing X, Contacts X, Influence X, Resources X;
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3; Willpower: 5 Athletics Measurements: Vertical Jump: X yds; Horizontal Jump: X yds; Move: X yds; Dash: X yds.; Lift: X lbs. Possessions: X
Join Battle: X; Dodge DV: X; Soak: XB/XL (armor: +XB/+XL, Mob X, Fat X, Hard X)
- Punch: Spd 5, Rate 3; Acc X (+2), Dam XBL (+0B), PDV X (+2)
- Kick: Spd 5, Rate 2; Acc X (+0), Dam XBL (+3B), PDV X (–2)
- Clinch: Spd 6, Rate 1; Acc X (+0), Dam XBL (+0B), PDV —
- Atk: Spd X, Rate X; Acc X (+X), Dam XBL (+XBL), PDV X (+X), Range X
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Inc. Tactics: X prefers to approach combat in the following way:
- Pre-Combat: X
- Join Battle: X
- First Action: X
- Second Action: X
- Third Action: X
- [Contingency]: X
Join Debate: X; Mental Dodge DV: X; Hide Motivation: X
- Presence: Spd 4, Rate 2; Acc X/X, PDV X/X
- Performance: Spd 6, Rate 1; Acc X/X, PDV X/X
- Investigation: Spd 5, Rate 2; Acc X/X, PDV X/X