Hjolman Stonecaller

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Hjolman Eightstone
Race: Mountain Dwarf, Class: Wizard (Diviner) 18th
Background: Clan Crafter, Alignment: Lawful Good
Patron Deity: Moradin, Thautam, Ulaa
Factions: Runehold, Clan Eightstone
Sanctum: Eightstone Tower, Eightstone Village, Lost and Found Guildhall
Ability Scores
Strength 13 (+1), Dexterity 8 (-1), Constitution 19 (+4);
Intelligence 22 (+6), Wisdom 12 (+1), Charisma 10 (+0)
Bonus: +6
Saving Throws: Intelligence & Wisdom (+1 to saves)
Skills: Arcana, History (x2*), Insight, Investigation
Tools: Jeweler's Tools (Arcana, Investigation, Identify Gems; modify a gem's appearance DC 15, determine a gem's history DC 20); Smith's Tools*
Languages: Goltiri; Celestial, Darshinian, Gorva, Huldra, Threxantran, Tianne, Terran
Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, warhammer • daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaff, light crossbow
Racial: Darkvision • Dwarven Resilience • Dwarven Combat Training • Stonecunning • Dwarven Armor Training
Background: Respect of the Stout Folk
Class: Arcane Recovery • Ritual Casting • Spellcasting Focus • Divination Savant • Portent
Initial: Int +2 • 4th lvl: Con +1, Int +1 • 8th lvl: Int +2 • 12th lvl: Con +1, Int +1 • 16th lvl: Eightstone Initiate
Attacks:Quarterstaff: +4, 1d6+1 bludgeoning, Versatile (1d8)
Armor Class: 16 (half plate. stealth disadvantage + ring of protection +1), Initiative: +1, Speed: 25 ft
Hit Points: 142, Hit Dice: 18d6
Personality Traits:
• Shiny or glittering things will always draw my attention.
• Fine craftsmen are basically celebrities in Nakaltia; I'm extremely well regarded at home for my craftsmanship, and am always a little put out when someone hasn't heard of me.
• I prefer to describe magic using gem metaphors: color, preciousness, and types of craft are my most often used metaphors.
• I am very uncomfortable with horses and large animals of various types, having grown up around none of them, and never needed them for transportation.
• Trust the crafter, trust the gear. I don't like buying or using items whose makers I don't know.
Generosity. My talents were given to me so that I can use them to benefit the world. (Background)
Desire for Knowledge. I seek to know and chronicle the magical lore of the world in which I live, no matter the dangers. (Class)
Ambition. Dwarvenfolk create wonders wherever we go, whether finecrafts, great edifices, or civilization. I wish to make a lasting mark in that tradition. (Race)
My Family. My family nurtured and loved me, giving me a safe place to foster my skills. I love them all dearly, even if my sister Eudmil is an impossible matchmaker who won't rest until I have a boyfriend.
• Fine Craftsmanship. I owe it to my masters and their masters before them to always work diligently and well. Half-efforts are worse than no effort at all when I am working to create something. (Background)
The Lost Runes. I seek and hope to find the Lost Runes of the Morndinsamman to return these magics to my people. (Class)
Rumora Golemwright. Another Valaar wizard, Rumora has long been my rival at the Prism. She also seeks the Lost Runes (Race)
Uslukh. My wee familiar who considers himself the very foremost of dragons because he considers all of my possessions – especially my gems – to be his very own hoard. (Just dinna' call him "cute" – he thinks he's most ferocious.)
• Hidebound. I have a very specific morning ritual, and do not deviate from it at the beginning of a day. (Background)
Naíve. Though I do know that there are dangers to be hand in magic, I can't help but see the wonder in it first. (Class)
Vanity. My beard is always well-maintained and cared for properly. I won't face others without it looking proper and decent. (Race)

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. –Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Nobility, without virtue, is a fine setting without a gem. –Jane Porter

Character Notes


Prepared Spells

Spells Prepared (Lvl + Int): 24


  • Spells per Day: Cantrips: 5 • 1st: 4 • 2nd: 3 • 3rd 3 • 4th: 3 • 5th: 3 • 6th: 1 • 7th: 1 • 8th: 1
  • Spell Power: Saving Throw DC: 20 (22) • Spell Attack Mod: +12 (+14)
  • Magic Ability: Intelligence


66 links


Spellchains are interlocking jewelled plates. Each plate is rune-scribed and set with a gem, the whole of which serves as the formula for a spell. These are linked together to form spellchains, which operate identically to spellbooks, though reading them does require a jeweler's loupe.
Those spells marked in italics are Divination spells. Those marked with a cross (+) are rituals.

  • Cantrips: adept skill, frostbite, green flame blade, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation
  • First Level: absorb elements (XGE), alarm+, catapult, chromatic orb, comprehend languages+, create air, critical strike (EGM), detect magic+, disguise self, elemental burst (EGM), embrace destiny (EGD), feather fall, find familiar+, grease, identify+, mage armor, magic missile, nerveskitter (EGM), protection from evil and good, serpent missile, shield, sleep, speed of thought, Tasha's hideous laughter, Tenser's floating disk+, thunderwave, unseen servant+, wieldskill (EGD)
  • Second Level: analyze portal+ (EGD), affinity gate (SW), arcane lock, augury+, continual flame, decastave (EGM), detect thoughts, earthbind, ebony hand, enlarge/reduce, hail of stone (EGM), hold person (up to 3 targets), invisibility, knock, levitate, locate object, magic weapon, Maximilian's earthen grasp (XGE), mind spike (XGE), mirror image, misty step, moon rune+ (EGM), Nystul's magic aura, sanguine interrogation, see invisibility
  • Third Level: aegis of shielding, catnap (XGE), clairvoyance, counterspell, dispel magic, fireball, fly, glyph of warding, haste, hover, Leomund's tiny hut+, lightning bolt (bounce), magic circle, protection from energy, redirect spell, remove curse, sending, sign of sealing, sleet storm, speak with dead, stinking cloud, thunder step, tongues, water breathing+
  • Fourth Level: arcane eye, banishment, bind affinity (SW), dimension door, divination+, dominate beast, dominate person, elemental bane, evacuate (SW), fabricate, Leomund's secure chest, Mordenkainen's faithful hound, Mordenkainen's private sanctum, summon construct
  • Fifth Level: conjure elemental, contact other plane+, creation, legend lore, planar binding, Rary's telepathic bond, scrying, steel wind strike, teleportation circle
  • Sixth Level: arcane gate, contingency, create homonculus, guards and wards, ruby ember, scatter, Tasha's otherworldly guise, true seeing
  • Seventh Level: crown of stars, Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion, plane shift, simulacrum, teleport
  • Eighth Level: blackstaff, clone, dominate monster, feeblemind, mighty fortress, Prismal's wormhole
  • Ninth Level: foresight, instant refuge, wish

Teleportation Circle Addresses

  • Malixia Palace (Public)
  • Prism tower in Kal Darga
  • Four teleportation circles in Gol Draga
  • Eightstone Tower cellars; formerly abandoned cellar in ruins south of Malixia (town where Katrina and Jenesta got their start)
  • Malnova
  • Solari, Daltes
  • Port Reynald, Victoria
  • Court of the Callobraxan (College of Glamour), Miña Selba
  • Tower of the Lost Ones, Hillas
  • Arilir Square, subterranean village remains of 20 Kingdoms
  • Moonsinger Enclave, Rika (oathed to keep secret)

Standing Spells

  • Tower Office Glyph of Warding: Triggers a 6th level dispel magic and a 3rd level cure wounds when entered. Also sounds an auditory alarm that senior apprentices can hear.
  • Contingency: If a spell is cast upon Hjolman by someone else and he does not speak the dwarven word for permitted, the contingency activates and casts a 5th level dispel magic on the magic.
  • Simulacrum: Hjolman, left behind to teach apprentices
  • Instant Refuge: Destination: Glyph of Warding in office in Eightstone Tower. Triggers:
    • sent to another plane against my will
    • an effect that locks me in stasis
    • trapped in a space where I can't move for more than 3 rounds
    • fail first death save
    • if I become petrified for more than 3 rounds
    • if I become polymorphed against my will for more than 3 rounds
  • Prismal's Wormhole: Kailon • Xenophon • Lach • Tsabar • Granny • Rumora • Keromar • Eudmil • Dorgan • King Byzar • Aruman


Racial Traits

  • Darkvision: Can see 60' as though normal lighting, and another 60' as dim lighting.
  • Dwarven Resilience: Advantage on saves vs poison, and resistance against poison damage.
  • Dwarven Combat Training: Proficiency with battleaxe, handaxe, throwing hammer, warhammer.
  • Stonecunning: When making an Intelligence (History) check relating to stonework, considered proficient in History and add double proficiency bonus to check.
  • Dwarven Armor Training: Proficiency with light and medium armor.

Wizard Traits

  • Arcane Recovery: During a short rest, recover half level in spell slots. Must take a long rest before doing it again.
  • Ritual Casting: May cast a wizard spell as a ritual if it has the ritual tag and is in my spellbook.
  • Spellcasting Focus: May use arcane focus.
  • Spell Mastery: Choose a 1st-level wizard spell and a 2nd-level wizard spell that are in your spellbook. You can cast those spells at their lowest level without expending a spell slot when you have them prepared. If you want to cast either spell at a higher level, you must expend a spell slot as normal. By spending 8 hours in study, you can exchange one or both of the spells you chose for different spells of the same levels.

Diviner (Arcane Tradition)

  • Divination Savant: Half cost and half time for scribing divination spells.
  • Greater Portent: After a long rest, roll and record the results of 3d20 roll. May choose to replace any given d20 roll by myself or someone I can see with one of those results, using it up. Lose any unused portents when taking a long rest. Must choose to do so before the roll.
  • Expert Divination: When cast a divination spell of 2nd level or higher using a spell slot, regain one expended spell slot of a level lower than the spell I cast, and can't be higher than 5th level.
  • The Third Eye: You can use your action to increase your powers of perception. When you do so, choose one of the following benefits, which lasts until you are incapacitated or you take a short or long rest. You can't use the feature again until you finish a rest.
    • Darkvision. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 ft.
    • Ethereal Sight. You can see into the Ethereal Plane within 60 ft of you.
    • Greater Comprehension. You can read any language.
    • See Invisibility. You can see invisible creatures and objects within 10 ft of you that are within line of sight.

Background Traits

  • Respect of the Stout Folk: Given assistance and lodging by dwarven peoples.


  • Starting: Int +2
  • 4th Lvl: Con +1 • Int +1
  • 8th Lvl: Int +2
  • Boon (Fox Tattoo): Krell grants a +1 to Intelligence, and its max rating equals 22 now.
  • 12th Lvl: Con +1 • Int +1
  • 16th Lvl: Eightstone Initiate


  • Coins: 290 cp • 1613 sp • 106,934 gp • 0 pp • Other coins: 0


  • 10gp: 1 banded agate (abj, div, ill, tran) • 1 eye agate (abj, conj, div, nec, tran) • 1 tiger's eye agate (evo, tran)
  • 20gp: 1 crysoprase (conj)
  • 50gp: 1 bloodstone (ill, nec) • 3 chrysoprase (con) • 3 citrine (ench, trans) • 1 moonstone (div) • 3 onyx (div, nec) • 3 zircon (abj, conj) • 3 jasper (abj, nec, trans) • 1 smoky quartz (nec) • 1 bloodstone (conj) • 1 sardonyx (ill) • 3 chalcedony (div) • 3 carnelian (ench or ill)
  • 80gp: 1 white jade (div)
  • 100gp:
  • 110gp: 1 white pearl (div)
  • 120gp: 1 amethyst (trans)
  • 400gp: 1 black pearl (nec)
  • 500gp: 2 alexandrites (conj) • 1 aquamarine (abj, conj) • 1 black pearl (nec) • 1 blue spinel (abj) • 2 peridot (conj) • 1 topaz (evo, tran) • 1 alexandrite (conj)
  • 600gp: 2 alexandrite (conj)
  • 900gp: 1 fiery yellow corondum (evo)
  • 1000gp: 1 star sapphire (abj), 1 star ruby (ill)
  • 1100gp: 1 blue sapphire (abj)

Art Objects

Silver Company Signet Ring, 10gp
Blue Sapphire Brooch, 5000 gp
Yellow Corundum Silver Ring, 2000 gp
Alexandrite Black Gold Ring, xxxgp
Black Pearl Gold Ring, 1200 gp


Carried Equipment

  • In Hand: guardian staff
  • Worn: traveler's clothes, amulet holy symbol of Thautam, dwarven signet ring of House Stonecaller, magical rings
  • Belt: 2 pouches, component pouch, scrollcase with spellscrolls, scroll spell focus, wand-sheathe
    • Pouch 1: bag of caltrops, small chalk case (10 pieces, various colors), spellgems
    • Pouch 2: 2 pewter flasks of holy water, 3 pewter potion flasks, 3 uses of legend lore incense

Within Esteban

  • Backpack: bag of caltrops, 2 spare outfits of traveler's clothes, pewter tankard, set with alestones (2gp), healer's kit (10 ch), mess kit, rations (10 days), tinderbox, The Weave within the Pattern (book by Archmage Imul of the Rift), jeweler's tools
    • Attached: bedroll & blanket (rolled together, hung beneath), 2 skins of ale (4 pints per skin, tied to sides)

Tower Equipment

  • Various bars of iron, copper, silver, gold, platinum, various alloys, smaller amounts of mithril, arjale, starmetal, and a shard of what appears to be a sliver of Primordial Ice. Metals approx 3000gp value.
  • Iron Sphere Corpse

Magic Items


Attunements: 6/7 (wand of lightning, Taliesin's robes, helm of teleportation, staff of battle, Hjolman's gemmantle, ring of spell storing)


In pewter flasks, on belt

  • Potion of Greater Invisibility: x1. x
  • Potion of Greater Healing: x1. x
  • Potion of Healing: x1. Potion heals 2d4+2 hit points.


In pouch, on belt

  • 1st level: disguise self, elemental burst, grease, mage armor, protection from evil and good (x3), sleep, Tasha's hideous laughter
  • 2nd level: arcane lock, decastave (x2), earthbind, enlarge/reduce, invisibility (x2), knock (x2), magic weapon (x2), sanguine interrogation
  • 3rd level: catnap (x2), fireball, fly, haste, magic circle (x2), protection from energy (x2), redirect spell, remove curse, stinking cloud, tongues


In scrollcase, on belt

  • mirror image (2nd) (x2)
  • evacuate (4th)


  • Adamantine Half Plate Armor: A suit of half plate armor reinforced by adamantine. Critical hits against the wearer become normal hits.
  • Boots of Striding and Springing: Attuned. Walking speed becomes 30 feet, not reduced if encumbered or wearing heavy armor. Can jump three times normal distance (39 ft running long, 20 ft standing long; 12 ft running high, 6 ft standing high)
  • Helm of Teleportation: Attuned. Spend 1 charge to cast teleportation. Regain 1d3 charges per dawn.
  • Hjolman's Gemmantle: Attuned. Holds up to 20 gemstones; bonus action to "arm" them so they orbit, part of movement to "draw" one for use. Contains spellgems.
  • Ring of Spell Storing: Attuned. Hold up to five spell levels worth of spells. Spells: revivify, cure wounds (2nd)
  • Taliesin's Robes: Attuned. AC 13, immunity to non-magical missiles, resistance to necrotic damage, can convert elemental type damage from spells cast to necrotic
  • Ring of Feather Falling: Ring that causes me to fall 60' per round instead of normal falling damage.
  • Spell Focus (Scroll): Double range of abjuration spells.
  • Badge of the Spire Wardens: Provides wearer with a list of spells that are treated as though they are prepared. Spells: Gate (2nd), Bind Location (4th), Translocate (4th), Evacuate to [Specific Spire] (5th), Teleport to Spire (5th), Spire Portal (7th)


  • Staff of Battle: Attuned. +2 quarterstaff, +2 to spell attack rolls. 10 charges, regaining 1d6+4 charges per dawn (1/20 chance of losing properties). Spells: mage armor (1), magic missile (1+), protection from evil and good (1), absorb elements (1), feather fall (1), counterspell (3+), shield (1)


In wand-sheathe, at belt

  • Wand of Lightning: Attuned • 7 charges. 1 charge to cast lightning bolt at 3rd level. Increase level by 1 per charge. Regenerate 1d6+1 charges at dawn. When using last charge, 1/20 chance the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
  • Wand of Magic Missiles: 7 charges. Action to use charges to cast magic missile. Level of spell equals charges expended. Regains 1d6+1 charges at dawn; if last charge is used, roll d20: on a 1, wand crumbles to ash and is destroyed.


  • Fox Rune Tattoo: +1 Intelligence, change limit to 22.
  • Living Spellbook: This small spell folio contains a number of cantrips scribed upon its pages. Anyone attuned to the spellbook gains access to the cantrips within. The spellbook can hover and will bob and twirl in the air when used and casts the spells for the user per their command. The spellbook also affects a permanent unseen servant spell within 60’ of its location. The book has the intelligence and mannerisms akin to that of a loyal dog. For spell casting purposes, it has a casting bonus of +6 and a spell DC of 14.
    • Cantrips: dancing lights, light, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, amanuensis, create item
  • Master Rune of Zorune Atar:
    • Gain benefit of the Delver minor magical ability
    • Gain proficiency in History & Weaponsmithing. If already proficient; double the proficiency bonus
    • Spend one action tracing Zorun Atar upon a weapon grants the following bonus' for eight hours:
      • One weapon can be marked at a time (two at 5th level, three at 11th level and four at 17th level)
      • +1 bonus to hit and weapon is considered magical (stacks w/ existing magical bonus')
      • Range on thrown weapons is quadrupled
      • Weapon does 1d4 additional radiant damage (stacks w/ existing magical bonus')
    • As a bonus action - use the rune to create the mark of Zorun Atar upon the face of a wiling creature grants them the benefits of a barbarian's Rage class feature as though they were a barbarian of the rune-bearer's level. The marked creature must activate the ability per the usual Rage rules. Rage lasts for one minute. Can create 2 runes at a time, each lasts 8 hours or until it is expended.
    • When traced upon the nails and flesh of a corpse, the rune acts as a speak with dead spell. Tracing the runes takes one minute and the effects last while you concentrate, for up to 10 minutes.
    • Ritual to learn to summon Gol spirits (as a bronze horn of Valhalla) to aid and advise.
  • Master Rune of Roth Uri Abbon: 3 charges, replenished at dawn
    • Etched upon an object or space up to a 10' cube, this object cannot be broken or changed through magical or non-magical means (it can still MOVE, so door can still open, but it cannot be broken or transformed via magic) - invests (but does not USE) 1 charge & lasts until that invested charge is used
    • Etched upon a creature, they are immune to transformation magic (an unwilling target (such as a lycanthrope, polymorphed creature or druid) gets a Charisma saving throw vs. your INT based DC) and becomes trapped in their current form - invests (but does not use) 1 charge & lasts until that invested charge is used
    • You may use the rune to cast Stoneskin without the need to concentrate - uses 1 charge
    • You may use the rune to cast Hold Monster or Flesh to Stone without the need to concentrate - uses 1 charge
    • Time Stop (per the spell) for one turn only (time resumes at the end of your following turn) - this uses 3 charges
    • Quirks:
      • When you are not actively being mobile, your "idle" state is as still as a statue
      • You occasionally suffer from lost time, where you were in your statue like idle state for much longer periods of time than you were aware of, with only a vague idea of the world moving very rapidly around you
      • You can hear the Foundation Pillar of (the Primordial General Roth Uri Abbon) "breathing".
  • Raullis's Runestone: Fist-sized faceted gem focus with complicated interlacing Goltiri runes that change orientation, shape, and alignment depending on how the gem is viewed. The gem hovers about the user and acts as a spell focus. When a spell is cast, the gem’s type changes to reflect the most recent school of magic that has been used.
    • The focus EITHER increases spell duration or spell range by 25% (chosen at time of casting).
    • As long as you have one unspent spell slot of your highest spell level, you can maintain TWO concentration spells.
    • The iris of your eyes changes to the color of your wizard specialty and the pupils become associated runes. You can see magical auras with your new funky eyes (detection only, you will still need detect magic to ID auras or further scrutinize)
    • Functions as a ring of spell storing (can hold up to 5 levels worth spells) and a ring of mind shielding (protecting from mind reading, lie detection, and creature type detection).
    • +1 to spell attack rolls and spell save DCs
    • Craft tools out of runic energy, allowing use of Intelligence in place of other traits for crafting; may create weapons and objects from energy.
    • Drawback: Slowly turning to stone. Divide hit points between flesh body and stone body. Damage is subtracted from stone body first. When physical body damage is taken for the first time, permanently subtract one point from flesh and add one to body. Flesh body hit points are healed with standard curative magics; stone body hit points are healed with mending cantrip cast with higher level spell slots.


  • Brush of Appearance & Untangling: From Lach
  • Censer of Summoning Smoke Elementals: Summons a smoke elemental
  • Crystal memory rod: Spells and Schema are copied into the mind of the user, erasing them from the rod. The spells can then be transcribed to a scroll or spellbook, or just cast outright. The schema can be transcribed into usable schema.
    • Rod 1: faerie fire, fireball • necklace of fireballs
    • Rod 2: sleep, ray of sickness • wand of sleep
  • Magical Wardrobe: Wardrobe allows owner to switch out with any "outfit" within it as an action. This includes the ability to immediately don armor.
  • Guardian Staff: A dwarf-proportioned quarter staff and arcane staff focus that whispers warnings to the bearer, granting a +2 to initiative if the bearer isn't incapacitated.
  • Boots of Striding and Springing

Vault (KBS)

  • Timestar Amulet - "You have no power over me" (command phrase)
  • Staff of Conflagrations: x
  • Trump of Tirista Moonsinger


  • Common (CR 1 - 3)
    • hat of vermin (x)
  • Uncommon (CR 4 - 8)
    • amulet of proof against detection (heart of a fae fetch; blood of a cowled hiklos; claw of a rakshasa)
    • bag of holding (ethereal matter from an ethereal creature or undead)
    • hat of vermin (x)
    • headband of intellect (central cortex of an intellect devourer brood mother; brain stem from any wizard capable of casting 3rd level spells; brain stem from a mind flayer; gem from a green slaad's brain)
    • immovable rod (x)
    • pearl of power (dark idol of a cloaker cult; a hag slain while actively invading a victim's dream; core from an Antarian artifact)
    • ring of mind shielding (x)
  • Rare (CR 9 - 12)
    • cube of force (x)
    • figurine of wondrous power (onyx dog) (internal crystalling structure of a defensive arcane pillor; sacrifice a dog you love)
    • gem of seeing (left eye of a sphinx or lamassu; right eye of a valkyrie; one eye from each head of a two-headed eagle, found on the west coast of Manix; voidling core - often drawn to Guild mages, haunting the Dark Infinity around them, making their magic problematic and unstable; they sometimes squeeze into the material plane when their magic goes awry and the Cubes malfunction)
    • ioun stone (reserve) (arcanaloth's spell focus; blood from a wizard)
    • necklace of fireballs (x)
    • portable hole (x)
    • ring of feather falling (primary feather from a celestial or infernal flying creature + primary feather from a prime material flying creature + three scales from a flying dragon)
    • ring of spell storing (chip from a shissar spire; heart of a powerful sorcerer or spellcasting dragon/kin)
  • Very Rare (CR 13 - 18)
    • x
  • Legendary (CR 19+)
    • cubic gate (x)
    • isolated Hagen-coil mana inversion bomb (incomplete)
    • D'ni linking books (x)


  • Function as scrolls, except they are runes engraved onto gems with Jeweller's Tools.


Level Cost & Time (Normal) Cost & Time (Enchantment Room)
Cantrip 1 day, 15gp 1 day, 12gp
1st Level 1 day, 25 gp 1 day, 19 gp
2nd Level 3 days, 250 gp 2 days, 188 gp
3rd Level 1 week, 500g 8 days, 375gp
4th Level 2 weeks, 2500gp 15 days, 1875gp
5th Level 4 weeks, 5000gp 3 weeks, 3750gp
6th Level 8 weeks, 15,000gp 6 weeks, 11,250gp
7th Level 16 weeks, 25,000gp 12 weeks, 18,750gp
8th Level 32 weeks, 50,000gp 24 weeks, 37,500gp
9th Level 48 weeks, 250,000gp 36 weeks, 187,500gp

Colors by School

School (Color) 10gp 50 gp 100gp 500gp 1000gp 5000pg
Abjuration (blue) azurite, banded agate, blue quartz, eye agate, lapis lazuli, turquoise jasper, zircon tourmaline aquamarine, blue spinel blue sapphire, opal, star sapphire diamond
Conjuration (green) eye agate, malachite, turquoise crysoprase, zircon chrysoberyl, garnet, jade, spinel, tourmaline alexandrite, aquamarine, peridot black opal, emerald, opal x
Divination (white or clear) banded agate, eye agate chalcedony, moonstone, onyx, quartz, sardonyx, star rose quartz jade, pearl x star ruby, star sapphire diamond
Enchantment (orange) moss agate carnelian, citrine amber x x x
Evocation (yellow or golden) moss agate, tiger eye quartz amber, chrysoberyl, pearl topaz black opal, opal, hellow sapphire diamond
Illusion (red or pink) banded agate, moss agate, rhodochrosite bloodstone, carnelian, sardonyx, star rose quartz coral, garnet, pearl, spinel, tourmaline x fire opal, star ruby diamond, jacinth, ruby
Necromancy (black or grey) eye agate, hematite, obsidian bloodstone, jasper, onyx, quartz jet black pearl black opal black sapphire
Transmutation (brown or purple) banded agate, eye agate, tiger eye carnelian, citrine, jasper amber, amethyst, garnet, spinel, tourmaline topaz x diamond


  • Modest: (1 gp/day). Hjolman lives in his own room in the small Nakaltian Scriptorum, a small house granted to the Nakaltian delegation, a space rapidly becoming a library, scriptorum, and workshop.

Lapidary Projects

Invest in raw ores to craft gems, costing half final gem cost in raw materials. Perform 10gp of personal work per day towards completing task.

  • x: Materials: xxx • Time: x days • Final Value: x gp
  • x: Materials: xxx • Time: x days • Final Value: x
  • x: Materials: xxx • Time: x days • Final Value: x

Jewelry Projects

Invest in materials (which can include gem values of gems used), costing half final art object cost.

  • Blue Sapphire Brooch: Materials: Sapphire (1100gp) + 1950gp materials • Work: 28 days • Final Value: 5000gp
  • Yellow Conundrum Silver Ring: Materials: Yellow condundrum (900gp) + 550gp materials • Work: 8 days • Final Value: 2000gp
  • Alexandrite Black Gold Ring: Materials: Alexandrite (600gp) + 700gp materials • Work: 10 days • Final Value: 2000gp
  • Alexandrite Black Gold Ring: Materials: Alexandrite (600gp) + 700gp materials • Work: 10 days • Final Value: 2000gp
  • Black Pearl Gold Ring: Materials: Black pearl (400gp) + 400gp materials • Work: 6 days • Final Value: 1200gp


  • xxx: x/x lores.

Magic Item Crafting Projects

  • Cube of Force: Materials: 750 gp + Katrinium • Time: 4/37 days
  • x: Materials: xxx • Time: x days

Important Individuals

  • Family: Hjolman is the son of a hraung tria tsrogin (a "three ring working," or marriage wherein three are joined rather than two).
    • His Mama Gamella was always rather distant, emotionally, but showed her love by sharing her craft, and taking an interest in his when he was old enough.
    • His Papa Barkur was the warm, affectionate one, who made their home comfortable and safe; he was also the best cook in the house. He is also a deft hand with the dagger and axe, from his adventuring days.
    • His Papa Morgath was the disciplinarian but also the educator, teaching him an appreciation for history and the written word, and finding him a good place once his magical aptitude came to the fore.
    • His younger sister Eudmil is an acolyte in the Great Temple in Gol Dragga, in service to Moradin as our Granny Rodena's apprentice. Since becoming an adult, she's obsessed with finding Hjolman a boyfriend.
  • Rumora Golemwright: Ugh. The literal worst.

Uslukh (Familiar)

One of the frulnur (literally, "gembeast" or "gem drakes" in Goltiri) that seem to find their way into gem mines the way rats find their way into food stores, Ulsukh answered when Hjolman cast find familiar.



  • Personality Traits: Shiny or glittering things will always draw my attention. • Coins are no good for a proper hoard, but piles of them or pouches full of them do make good napping places.
  • Bonds: "Hjolman is a beloved companion for whom I would gladly give my life...or even a part of my hoard!" • "Naps are extremely important; everyone knows proper dragons sleep all the time."
  • Ideals: Ambition. I wish to have the greatest hoard the world has ever seen! Big dragons have big hoards, you know, so the bigger the hoard, the bigger of a dragon you get to be!
  • Flaws: Hoarding Instinct. This is part of my hoard! So is this! This thing is, too – well, the shiny thing, not that ugly thing, you can have that.

Familiar Traits

  • Actions: Takes actions on wizard's initiative.
  • Proficiency Bonus: Uses wizard's Proficiency bonus.
    •  Add Proficiency bonus to AC, damage
    •  Gain proficiency in two Skills
    •  Gain proficiency in all Saves.
  • Leveling: Each level after 3rd, gains an additional hit die, increasing hit points accordingly.
    • When wizard gains Ability Score Improvement, companion gains it as well.
  • Personality: Familiar shares wizard's alignment, plus has a personality trait and flaw specific to it.
    •  Familiar shares wizard's ideals.
    •  Familiar has the bond: "The wizard who travels with me is a beloved companion for whom I would gladly give my life."

Familiar + Wizard Abilities

  • Communicate telepathically with wizard within 100'.
  • As an action, master can see through familiar eyes and hear through its ears (during which time the wizard is deaf and blind).
  • As an action, master can cause familiar to disappear into a pocket dimension, and resummon it as an action to an area within 30'.
  • Familiar can deliver a touch spell cast by the wizard, if familiar is within 100', and it can use its reaction to make an attack roll to deliver it.
  • Delver: While underground, the bearer always knows the item's depth beneath the surface and direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leading upward.
  • Detect Earth: Can detect earth elemental gateways and other "soft" places.
  • Earth Glide: Ability to earth glide like an earth elemental

Rogue Traits

4th level rogue (arcane trickster)

  • Proficiencies: Light armor, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, thieves' tools
  • Skills: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Investigation
  • Expertise: Stealth, Sleight of Hand
  • Sneak Attack: 2d6
  • Cunning Action: Perform these actions as a bonus action: Control mage hand, Dash, Disengage, Hide
  • Spellcasting: DC 12 • +6 to attack
    • Cantrips: mage hand, minor illusion, mold earth
    • 1st level: illusory script, silent image, sleep, Tasha's hideous laughter
  • Spell Slots: 1st 3
  • Mage Hand Legerdemain: When casting mage hand, hand is invisible, and can perform the following tasks. May perform one task without being noticed by using Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) vs Wisdom (Perception) check.
    • May stow one object the hand is holding in a container worn or carried by another creature.
    • May retreive an object in a container worn or carried by another creature.
    • Can use thieves tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range.

- Increase Ability scores


Untagged spells are from the PHB; untagged magic items are from the DMG.
Other Tags: Elminster's Guide to Divination (EGD) • Elminster's Guide to Magic (EGM) • Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGE)


  • Cantrips: create item (EGM), dancing lights, far hearing (EGD), mending, mold earth (XGE), prestidigitation, project object (EGM)
  • 1st Level: catapult (XGE), fist of stone (EGM), vigilant slumber (Other)
  • 2nd Level: blur, compose mind (Other), earthbind (XGE), gentle repose, Melf's acid arrow, rope trick, sanguine interrogation (Other)
  • 3rd Level: enduring scrutiny (Other), erupting earth (XGE), fireball, hailstones (EGM), Melf's minute meteors (XGE), remove curse, stony grasp (EGM)
  • 4th Level: banishment, elemental bane (XGE), Otiluke's suppressing field (Other)
  • 5th Level: animate objects, Bigby's hand, cone of cold, earth reaver (EGM), echo skull (EGD), far step (XGE), hornet shot (EGM), lesser ironguard (EGM), planar binding, pocket cave (EGM), prismatic ray (EGM), Rary's telepathic bond, servant army (EGM), shadow form (EGM), stone body (EGM), wall of force, wall of light (XGE), wall of stone, xorn movement (EGM)

Magic Items

  • Common: x
  • Uncommon: elemental gem (earth), gem of brightness, periapt of wound closure, ring of mind shielding, stone of good luck, wand of magic detection
  • Rare: gem of seeing, ioun stone (awareness), stone of controlling earth elementals, wand of enemy detection


135 years old

  • Born to Morgath Stonecaller and Barkur Redforge and Gamella Threehammer.
    • Morgath Stonecaller (taad ald hrud, or "first father"). A scion of the noble House Stonecaller, and a wizard of some modest ability, Papa Morgath sits on the Nobles' Council for Gol Dragga. His great aunt (and thus my great-great-aunt) is Lady Stonecaller.
    • Barkur Redforge (taad ald tva, or "second father"). The son of Rodena Redforge, the High Priestess of Moradin and Slayer of Wraith. Grew up in Gol Dragga.
    • Gamella Threehammer (maamr, or "mother"). An incredible finesmith (worker in precious metals), Gamella is a bit of a workaholic, preferring to focus on her arts. She is loving but not particularly domestic, considering the bearing of Hjolman and his sister Eudmil to be her contribution to the familial unit, largely leaving their rearing to Morgath and Barkur.
    • Morgath and Barkur grew up together in Gol Dragga, exploring the tunnels around it as young men as part of an adventuring company called the Sons of Gol Dragga. They were friends first and then lovers, eventually being joined in marriage by Barkur's mother, Rodena.
    • After Morgath lost a leg to an umber hulk attack, Morgath and Barkur retired from the Sons. Morgath took his father's seat on the Council of the Blooded, the nobles' council in Gol Dragga, while Barkur was apprenticed to Master Lhundar Threehammer, the finest gemwright in the city.
    • While apprenticed to Master Threehammer, he met Gamella, and the two of them found their styles very complementary (although she found his work ethic somewhat lacking). They fell in love while working together on their journeyman pieces.
    • Barkur introduced Gamella and Morgath, and while they did not fall in love, they are fast friends, with Gamella sharing Morgath's love of find hard liquors, which Barkur cannot stomach. She joined into their marriage (a hraung tria, or "three ring" union among the dwarves) after she and Barkur were both masters in their respective crafts.
  • Grew up in Gol Dragga.
  • 65 years old: Ended up an apprentice to his Granpa Lhundar, who taught him gemworking.
  • 98 years old: Became a journeyman lapidary.
  • 109 years old: Accidentally crafted a spellgem while he was cutting a peridot. Though the rune within the gem was flawed, it was brought to the attention of the Prism. In short order, he was convinced to come and study magic at the Prism. Met and was friends with Rumora for a short time, until she decided that he wasn't noble enough for her taste (possibly with some peer pressure from other nobles she knew).
  • 112 years old: Took a break from his magical studies to return to Gol Dragga and finish his masterwork piece (his spellchain) and become an acknowledged master lapidary.
  • 120 years old: Summoned his familiar, Uslukh, and became a journeyman wizard. He was then allowed to leave the Prism and go home to Gol Dragga to be apprenticed to his Papa Morgath in further magical studies.
  • 126 years old: Joined the (still existant) Sons of Gol Dragga adventuring company, getting some skill at using his magic in dangerous situations. Rumora Golemwright, part of a rival adventuring company (Force Deepingcrown, made up entirely of nobles) reappears in his life as a rival who proves herself to basically be the very worst person he's ever had the displeasure of meeting.
  • 128 years old: In an old set of lore storehouses near Gol Dragga, discovers some references to powerful runic artifacts, speaking of the letters of the Goltiri alphabet as though they were actual individual items. Begins to research these further.
  • 130 years old: Continues his research, eventually discovering that the Goltiri people – before they split into multiple dwarven peoples – may have been guardians of powerful artifacts: runestones, in the shape of each of the dwarven runes that make up the Goltiri alphabet. They've been lost to the world for a great while, though.
  • 133 years old: Finally runs out of research resources in the Prism and throughout Nakaltia, but correspondence with hill dwarves reveals that they may very well have some lore relating to the runestones.
    • Seeks to possibly uncover that, continues correspondence, learning that there may be more clues in the ancient hill dwarven sites within the Tholgrin Mountains, but they are inaccessible at the time.
  • 134 years old: Discovers that the hill dwarves have agreed to aid in the reclamation of Malixia City, and in return New Malixia will offer the hill dwarves their aid in exploring the old Tholgrin ruins.
    • Hjolman petitions the Prism to support an expedition from Nakaltia to aid in this. He is turned down at the hearing.
    • However, the next day, he is informed that the expedition is going ahead, and to report to the expedition's leader, Rumora Golemwright. His rage is UNENDING, but his desire to see this through is greater.
    • Arriving in the Malixian docks a few months after they were taken, the delegation is given a sizeable dwelling among the recaptured buildings (although Rumora, being too good to live among the commoners, takes one of the most expensive suites at the newly established inn).
    • While there, meets Lavinia Pennywash, who suggests that the runestones he's interested in are incredibly powerful artifacts that should be sequestered away from the world. He pretends to agree, and she recruits him into the Independant Society of Antiquaries. Despite his horror at the egregious misspelling in the group's name, he joins, intending on keeping the runestones out of the ISA's hands and returning them to the dwarves.
  • Start of Campaign: Hjolman has been in Malixia, aiding with the efforts and working with the ISA for half a year at this point.

Sold Jewelry

Rose Quartz & Gold Ring, 300gp
Silver & Pearl Ring, 300gp
Gold & Star Rose Quartz Ring, 300gp
Gold & Sardonyx Ring, 300gp
Banded Agate Pendant, 100gp
Amethyst & Gold Pendant, 1000gp
Black Pearl Necklace, 1500gp
Citrine & Silver Ring, 400gp
Eye Agate & Gold Ring, 250gp
Garnet & Silver Ring, 500gp
Moonstone & Platinum Pendant, 500gp
Moonstone & Silver Pendant, 200gp

Character Creation

  • Starting Stats: 15, 15, 12, 11, 10, 8 (9 + 9 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 0)
  • Starting Coin: 520gp (400gp + 120gp)
    • Gear (172gp, 9sp): jeweler's tools (25gp), backpack (2gp), bedroll (1gp), blanket (5sp), caltrops (40 total, 2gp), chalk (10 total, 1sp), traveler's clothes (3 outfits, 6gp), component pouch (25gp), fine pewter tankard, set with alestones (2gp), healer's kit (5gp), holy symbol of Thautam (5gp, amulet), 2 flasks holy water (50gp), mess kit (2sp), 2 pouches (1gp), 10 days rations (5gp), signet ring of House Stonecaller (5gp), spellchain, tinderbox (5sp), waterskin (2sp), ale (gallon, 2sp), raw lapidary materials (50gp)
    • Spells (275gp): critical strike (25gp, 1st level divination, EGM), elemental burst (50gp, 1st level evocation, EGM), decastave (100gp, 2nd level conjuration, EGM), hail of stone (100gp, 2nd level conjuration, EGM)