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The Twins, as Pups


Though the shroud of night, I see you. Raise your eyes to meet Mine Own, child of the Icewalkers, and rejoice! For I bring you glad tidings of glory and of wonder and of Exaltation! Yet covered in the gore of a thing from beyond Creation's ken do I find you, and am well pleased. You have stalked food for your tribe, the enemies of your people and the dangers to all of you. Now, you will hunt for Me!




Caste: Night; Concept: Hunter-barbarian; Age: X
Motivation: X; Intimacies: Familiars (affection) 2, Tribe (loyalty) 7, Caribou Father (reverence) 2, Wyld mutation (intolerance) 2, Red Hand (camaraderie) 3, Venerable Silk (respect) 2, Circle mates (fellowship) 2, Cult of the Illuminated (responsibility) 2
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 3, Cha 2, Man 3, App 2, Per 4, Int 1, Wits 4
Abilities: Archery x, Athletics 2, Awareness 4, Bureaucracy x, Craft (X) x, Dodge 1, Integrity 1, Investigation 2, Larceny x, Linguistics 3 (Riverspeak; Skytongue), Lore 1, Martial Arts 3, Medicine x, Melee 4, Occult 5, Performance 1, Presence 4, Resistance 2, Ride 2, Sail x, Socialize 1, Stealth 3, Survival 5, Thrown 1, War x
Backgrounds: Allies X, Artifact 3, Backing X, Contacts X, Cult X, Familiar 5, Followers X, Illumination 2, Influence X, Manse X, Mentor X, Resources X


Excellencies: Essence Overwhelming: Melee, Awareness, Stealth, Survival; Essence Triumphant: X; Essence Resurgent: X
X Charms

  • Ox Body Technique
  • Crimson Leaping Cat Technique
  • Hungry Tiger Technique
  • Fire and Stones Strike
  • One Weapon, Two Blows
  • Peony Blossom Attack
  • Call the Blade
  • Dipping Swallow Defense
  • Solar Counterattack
  • Bestial Traits
  • Striking Fury Claws
  • Spirit Detecting Glance
  • Spirit-Cutting Attack


  • X: xm, xwp; X


Essence: 3; Personal: 14; Peripheral: 35; Anima Power: X
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3; Willpower: 5
Athletics Measurements: Vertical Jump: X yds; Horizontal Jump: X yds; Move: X yds; Dash: X yds.; Lift: X lbs.
Possessions: X

  • Artifacts: X
  • Hearthstones: X


Combat: Join Battle: X; Dodge DV: X; Soak: XB/XL (armor: +XB/+XL, Mob X, Fat X, Hard X)

  • Punch: Spd 5, Rate 3; Acc X (+2), Dam XBL (+0B), PDV X (+2)
  • Kick: Spd 5, Rate 2; Acc X (+0), Dam XBL (+3B), PDV X (–2)
  • Clinch: Spd 6, Rate 1; Acc X (+0), Dam XBL (+0B), PDV —
  • Atk: Spd X, Rate X; Acc X (+X), Dam XBL (+XBL), PDV X (+X), Range X

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Inc.

Social Combat

Social Combat: Join Debate: X; Mental Dodge DV: X; Hide Motivation: X

  • Presence: Spd 4, Rate 2; Acc X/X, PDV X/X
  • Performance: Spd 6, Rate 1; Acc X/X, PDV X/X
  • Investigation: Spd 5, Rate 2; Acc X/X, PDV X/X

War of Ages

War of Ages: Magnitude: X, Drill: X, Might: X; Armor XB/XL, Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Inc; Morale: X; Move: X (Unordered), X (Skirmish), X (Relaxed)

  • Spd X, Rate X; Acc X (+X), Dam XBL (+XBL), WDV X (+X), Range X


The Twins
  • Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2; Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
  • Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 1, Integrity 1, Investigation 1, Martial Arts 1, Presence 2, Resistance 3, Stealth 1, Survival 3 (Tracking +3)
  • Willpower: 3; Essence: 1
  • DVs: Evade 2, Parry -, Mental 3; Soak: 3B/0L/0A; Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-4/Inc.
  • Attacks
    • Bite: Speed 5, Rate 1, Accuracy +1 (5), Damage 4L
  • Athletic Measurements
    • Horizontal Jump: 10 ft
    • Vertical Jump: 5 ft
    • Move: 5 yds
    • Dash: 11 yds


Earned: 0 (0)
    • 8.4.11 Session: x

Spent: 0 (0); Unspent: 0 (0)

  • Purchased: x (x)
  • Slow Buy: Raising x from x to x (cost: x; PAID TO DATE: x) - COMPLETED xx.xx.xx