LaPine Pack

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LaPine Pack
A small pack that keeps mostly to itself
Cosgrove (Bitten • Alpha)
Ivy (Bitten • Beta)
Will (Born • Beta)
Territory (Rating Unknown)
Den: Unknown
Area: •••• (150 sq miles) • Defensibility: Unknown
Loci: Unknown
Attunement: Unknown
Pack Tactics
Alpha of the LaPine Pack
Cosgrove is young, as far as most alphas go, having gained the alphadom only two years ago. He's known to be fairly easy-going, although cautious of outsiders.
Common Locations: LaPine, OR
Ivy Morse
Beta in LaPine Pack
Ivy is a beta in the LaPine Pack. She seems to enjoy harassing her packmates.
Common Locations: LaPine, OR
Will Galdwin
Beta in LaPine Pack
Will is the youngest member of the LaPine Pack.
Common Locations: LaPine, OR