SW Healing

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  • Characters whose Wounds equal or exceed their Wound Threshold are Incapacitated.
  • Wounds recover at a rate of 1 wound per full night's rest.
  • First Aid: Someone with the Medicine skill may administer First Aid and quickly heal additional Wounds. A character may be the target of only one First Aid attempt during the encounter.
  • Stimpack: Being treated with a stimpack automatically heals 5 wounds. Additional stimpacks heal 1 wound less per application, cumulative. This diminishing returns resets itself 24 hours after the character received their first stimpack application.
  • Bacta Tank: Immersion in a bacta tank recovers wounds at the rate of 1 per two hours, or 1 per six hours if Incapacitated.


  • At the end of an encounter where Strain was spent, a character may recover strain: make a Cool or Discipline check, no Difficulty. Each success recovers 1 Strain.
  • All Strain is recovered after a night's rest.
  • Jedi and other Force traditions often have meditative techniques that can heal Strain as well.

Critical Hits

  • One week after receiving a Critical Injury, a character may make a Resilience check (Difficulty equal to rating of Crit) to heal the injury. Success heals the Crit; failure instead heals 1 Wound; Triumph-result.png heals a second Critical Injury. This check may be made once per week.
  • First Aid: Someone with the Medicine skill may administer First Aid and quickly heal a Critical Injury taken during that encounter. A character may be the target of only one First Aid attempt during the encounter.
  • Bacta Tank: Immersion in a bacta tank allows a Resilience check once per 24 hours to heal a Critical Injury, instead of once per week.


  • Droids recover Wounds and Strain as normal.
  • Droids can receive First Aid from someone with Mechanics.
  • Droids cannot benefit from Stimpacks, but they can benefit from Emergency Repair Patches.
  • Droids cannot benefit from Bacta Tanks, which heal them of 1 wound per hour. They have no effect on Critical Injuries.

First Aid

  • Only one instance of First Aid can be administered to any given character during an encounter.
FIRST AID (Wounds)
A check made during an encounter to heal injuries.
Requires: Medical kit or other tools for managing damage.
Difficulty: Current wounds equal half or less of wound threshold: Difficulty-die.png
Current wounds equal more than half of wound threshold: Difficulty-die.pngDifficulty-die.png
Current wounds exceed wound threshold: Difficulty-die.pngDifficulty-die.pngDifficulty-die.png
Modifiers: Improper Tools: Setback-die.png to Setback-die.pngSetback-die.png • No Tools: Setback-die.pngSetback-die.pngSetback-die.png
Result Option
Stitched Up. Each success heals one Wound.
Pain Relief. Each success heals one Strain.
Spotted a Problem. Each Triumph heals one Critical Injury.
Bite On This. Each threat inflicts one Strain.
Delicate Work. Each threat increases the amount of time treating the injury takes by one round.
Malpractice. The medical procedure inflicts an additional Critical Injury!

FIRST AID (Critical Hits)
A check made during an encounter to heal injuries.
Requires: Medical kit or other tools for managing damage.
Difficulty: Critical Hit Rating
Modifiers: Improper Tools: Setback-die.png to Setback-die.pngSetback-die.png • No Tools: Setback-die.pngSetback-die.pngSetback-die.png
Result Option
Patched Up. Critical Injury is healed.
Pain Relief. Each success heals one Strain.
Quick Recovery. Each Triumph heals two Wounds.
Bite On This. Each threat inflicts one Strain.
Delicate Work. Each threat increases the amount of time treating the injury takes by one round.
Malpractice. The medical procedure inflicts an additional Critical Injury!