Tehlvin Ohmidarr

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  • Born to parents Jaediq and Landia Ohmidarr, both archaeologists with the Great University Quarter of Coruscant.
    • They specialized in the study of lost civilizations, with an emphasis on the Rakata and the Kwa of Dathomir.
  • Spent most of his childhood in their family home in the luxurious collegiate district where they lived, or aboard the Erudite, his parent's home-away-from-home which served as their base of operations for various explorations and archaeological digs.
    • His childhood memories of the ship involve lots of time playing with the excavator and archeological droids the family maintained.
  • When he was six years old, his parents were exploring a set of Rakatan ruins on Dathomir when they ran afoul of a pack of rancors.
    • Unfortunately, his father did not make it back to the ship.
    • His mother did, and tried to lift off, but before she could get the engines running, the big pack-mother of the rancors tore into a side of the ship, damaging its lift capabilities.
    • The ship took off, only to crash again nearby, the pack of rancors hot on its tail. They began to tear into the damaged ship.
    • Tehlvin's mother was either killed or rendered unconscious by the crash.
    • Tehlvin was saved by a canny archaeology droid who loaded the boy into an escape pod and fired it away from the ship. It landed in the Rakatan ruins, where Tehlvin hid from the rancors (who seemed loathe to enter the ancient ruins).
  • Tehlvin spent the next four years of his life in the ruins.
    • He eventually salvaged enough technology from both his parents' ship and the ruins to put one of his family's archaeology droids - a Class Two droid with four delicate spider-legs that allowed it to move lightly over ruins without disturbing anything and wielding an array of basic excavation tools and examination sensors to archive findings - named AR-4L3.
    • "Arf" became his constant companion, and Tehlvin treated him as the dog his parents would never get him.
    • Tehlvin continued to tinker with the tech he found in the ruins, sometimes able to get things to work, but not always.
  • During this time, Tehlvin was forced to occasionally leave the ruins to find fruit and set mechanical traps for small birds and edible beasts.
    • The sheer number of dangers of doing so, however - from rancors to ssurians to whuffa worms to night-hunting gaping spiders - forced Tehlvin to be quick on his feet.
    • He unconsciously drew on the Force in this way, channeling it through his body to perform feats of strength and speed beyond what a small child ought to normally be capable of.
  • Four years later, a Jedi master named Kudorr Ran came to Dathomir to examine the planet's odd Force emanations and found the boy.
    • When the boy's size, Force-enchanced speed and knowledge of the ruins proved a combination too effective to catch the boy, Kudorr Ran eventually lured him out with the promise of sweets and conversation.
    • For his part, Tehlvin remembered viewing the exotic Jedi with a boy's wonder, so he agreed to go back with Master Kudorr to Coruscant.